Curing for a year!


Well-Known Member
Well, I just had an idea. Since the general rule is the longer you cure the better the weed is right?

Well, I was thinking I should cure some bud for a whole school year, and when the year ends a few of my buddies and I will smoke it as a celebration.

Should I do water curing or traditional drying?

And after its dry, and start to cure it should I open the jar everyday to check on it?

Thanks alot guys/gals


Well-Known Member
open the jar everyday until the moisture content is right. then seal it and don't open it again for a few months. check it occasionally to make sure it doesn't mold. every time you open it you will release moisture. if you open it too often it will get very dry. it turns gold after about 3 - 4 months. becomes very smooth. you will love it.


Well-Known Member
i saw on a video of arjans he says that curing till about 6-7month is the best time to smoke the bud. So i dont think a whole yr is necessary maybe it will degrade if u dont have it tightly and vacuum sealed.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Yeah I have some WW and NL curing now for a lil over 2 months and it is fucking supreme bro.....unless you have a lot of herb then you might have a hard time waiting that long....but Yes it does turn a golden color after a while, looks nothing like it did when you put it in the jar.


Well-Known Member
Of course I'll have more bud during that time. But if 6 months is the best then I might just do this with my next grow.

Know what? I'm just gonna go for it. See you guys in a year!
I really hope it doesnt degrade. Gonna keep it in an electrical taped up baby food jar in a box within another box. Is that overkill?


Well-Known Member
Yea man 6 months is like max... after that it starts losing its smell and taste... and thats like my favorite part...
I read in a book by some pothead. that if you burry your weed in a bag of course for a few months itl be crazy when it comes out... I dont know about that... never tried it... dont know if I would


Well-Known Member
Last harvest i tryed to cure it for as long as i could, but i had smoked all of it within 2 weeks. You guys are very patient people.


seriously. i want to see some "golden bud." come on posters, post some pics of some super-cured bud.


Well-Known Member
I never saw anyone burried in a bag at a funeral lol but yea man... I'd be woried I would forget where I burried it... or something would chew a hole in their and have a party... with buds 2 times the size of them... pretty kick ass party... think I might show up...


Well-Known Member
I think its the indian cast system right? you used to be a bug invisted to that party many lifes ago or some crazy shit like that


Well-Known Member
anyone have pics of buds cured a couple months? I think i may try this with an ounce or so from my crop


Well-Known Member
this is some outdoor from last year. it looks a little beat up because i had it in a plastic baggie and i've been carrying it around in my truck for a month now. still hella stony. i lost a 1/4lb jar in my bedroom closet. it was curing and i buried it in the back of the closet back in Dec. can't find it. the closet is a mess and will take a week to clean. i haven't needed it yet but someday i will and i will dig it out. gonna be interesting.



Well-Known Member
Wow theres some dude on T.V. who really dosent like cops... he drives around with a camra and video tapes them doing illegal shit... Think its somthing I might do... pretty good idea... aw mann... they said you cant do what he does because he curses them and yells and gets spit on... and hes a D.A.... still gonna do it...