1. You need a digital hygrometer.
2. If you're opening the lids daily you're not curing IMO. Curing means getting the buds to the correct level of dryness first, and then putting them into jars and not opening the jars for a month. You're still drying. It all depends on where you live in terms of how long you dry, but basically if your buds smell like hay you're drying too quickly.
My last grow I hung dry for 3 days, with the leaves on. After the 3 day hang dry I put the buds in tupperware with the lids on for 12 hours. After 12 hours the lids came off. This cycle of lids on/lids off at 12 hour intervals lasted for 2 weeks. This gives a nice slow dry. After the 2 week slow dry the buds were dry enough to put into mason jars. They went into the jars for an uninterrupted month.
I was very happy with the results.
3. Keep in mind you could ask 10 people how to dry and cure and you'll probably get 10 different answers but after trying a few different methods the method I described works best for me.
4. Your mistake was probably in the hang dry time. When I hang dry I don't let the buds get to the point where they are starting to lose their potent smell while hang drying. Once again it depends on where you live, but whether it's 3 days, 4 days or whatever, once you notice they are starting to lose smell when hang drying get them into a slow dry mode where you're burping jars or tupperware. Thus keeping them airtight for 12 hours and then letting them dry some more for 12 hours. Repeat the burping until they are ready for the jars, and then put them into the jars and leave them alone for a month.