Curing, is it a must to break up the colas?

Dank Hands

Active Member
I have always cut all of the nugs off the main stem because that is the way I have always done it. I was wondering if I could just cut the big buds to make them fit into my jars. I have always worried about mold a lot so i never even tried it with one big bud. Does anyone do it this way?


Scientia Cannabis
I usually cut up my weed depending on the sizes of my curing jars and how I'm going to make it all fit.
Some of the jars are used exclusively for large main colas, other jars are used for more cut up smaller nugs.
Remember to not fill your jars more than 80%, this allows for a more control in the cure and is much easier to handle.

If you don't overfill you jars and you have hygrometers (or other ways) to keep RH under control, you should not have any problems with mold.
People who don't dry their weed enough and forget to burp jars and/or forget to let the jarred buds dry out if too high in RH (after first jarring), get mold issues.


New Member
yeh br0 i haz also really big k0la and iz too big to fit in ma jarz so i think i iz guna cut itin half itz almost dat big |___________________________________|