Curing w/ Flavors????


Well-Known Member
lemon or orange skin sounds like a really good plan. that will dry right up with the weed and then the weed will be just chillin in that flavored air.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of ppl using tin foil, wrapping over the open top of the jar and pressing it down to create a surface underneath the lid to place your orange peels or w/e on and poking holes in it. That way the fruit skins don't touch the bud (possibly causing mold). Just close the lid and cure. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you could even do the foil thing with straight up vanilla extract. that stuff has alot of alcohol so it will evaporate off into the jar.


Active Member
well i have experiomented in this area b4, i found it best to but your flavoring in the jar a few days before you start your cure. then just remove them when you put the weed in. Works great with fresh rosemary. Or you could try tasty puff drops, same deal put it in the jar days b4 the weed seal it up and then right before you add the weed, take the lid off and let the drops evaporate. then add the buds. this way is mild and not harsh, but you still taste the green too. Good luck
thanks that helps :joint:


Active Member
I've heard of ppl using tin foil, wrapping over the open top of the jar and pressing it down to create a surface underneath the lid to place your orange peels or w/e on and poking holes in it. That way the fruit skins don't touch the bud (possibly causing mold). Just close the lid and cure. :blsmoke:
i couldnt figure out how to do it before, but this sounds promising

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
my sister told me about soething like this. she said to put a bunch of orange peels(anything citris would work I guess) in a box, put your bud in a smaller box with holes in it, put the small box in the big box, and let it sit for a couple days. instead of using a smaller box, I guess you could use anything that will seperate the buds and orange peels, as long as it has holes in it.


Well-Known Member

you only put a small orange peel / per half oz

YOU DONT leave it in there for a few days....only for a few hours to a day!!!

you invite mold when you do that shit!!!!! becareful....a little goes along way

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
oh shit. glad I didn't try that out, but hey my sister don't really do anything, but smoke weed she orders her BF to get. so thats just what she was told


Well-Known Member
only reason to do that is if you want to put weight back into buds (to sell), you dont want to do that to your head stash


Active Member

you only put a small orange peel / per half oz

YOU DONT leave it in there for a few days....only for a few hours to a day!!!

you invite mold when you do that shit!!!!! becareful....a little goes along way
thanks lol that would've pissed me offffff, but now i know :)



Well-Known Member
im gonna try and put some altoids, or mint leaves or something like that in the bottom of a jar or something or rather. try and get a mint smoke.


Well-Known Member
yeah orange peels will just give the bud moisture, and make them wet again.

Heres something to think about. When I cured my buds last year, I used a pickel jar, ebcuase thats all I had access to. I ate pickles, and rinsed it out. But after my buds came out a couple weeks later, I was smoking a blunt of it with some mates, and everyone starting asking if they smelled pickles. at first I was like yeah, but I dunno why, and then I realized why lol.

So I know how to make weed taste and smell like pickels, It wasnt the best though, not that bad, but wouldnt reccomend.

Best thing I have heard of, and used is celestial tea bags. Just put a couple celestial tea bags, and a silicia packet in your jar, and let it cure. silicia packets are the things that come in beef jerkey and many other products, they basically kill moisture. Anyways they make tons of different kinds of celestial teas so you have much to choose from. I used some berry ones, and they came out pretty good.


Active Member
no no no you crazy if you smoke some thing like that buddy if you want some flavor flavor to the blunt or to the pipe flavor for herb