Curing with Peels and Vanilla Beans and Coffee Beans


Active Member
I just want to try out flavoring some of my harvest. Just a couple grams. I wanted to put Vanilla Beans and Coffee beans in the curing jars. Would this have a significant affect on taste and smell? Also is there anything I should watch out for like increased chances of mold or something? And do any of you have any suggestions on what to use that would work good? Like peels of specific fruits or anything else? Maybe candies?


Active Member
hope you enjoy that bruda, but would not reccomend. I tried it when i was young with chai and it seemed to work, made me happy at least. as for now Nature is the best taste in my opinion


I've heard from personal references that vanilla bean is mostly a smell thing, and won't do much for taste. I've also heard that coffee may effect taste slightly, but you have to use a lot of it.

Peels on the other hand I don't think would be a good idea. I've heard that orange peels make the taste worse/bad. I'm sure peels would make it smell great, but if it ruins the taste then it would be a no-go.

Cinnamon = useless

As mentioned above, I think chai would be awesome for certain strains. Chai kind of has a spice, cinnamon-like taste. Chai has a stronger smell than cinnamon too.