Curing Your Buds

THC level to plant material, that is your potency ratio. So, if either the THC level goes up, or the plant material goes down, potency increases.

Example. If you and your friend had the same tolerance to weed, and had 2 of the exact same bowls, and you fill yours with water cured grass, and they fill theirs with air cured grass, and you both smoke it til it's completely cashed, then you would be higher than your friend.

I hope this will get rid of all the confusion over that.
I read through some of this thread. It really has some intersting info. I may have to give this method a try.
Good thread.

Although, I'm not sure about a few details.

For example, chlorophyll is quite a big molecule. I've been having trouble getting information on it, but it seems to melt at around 100C+, which would suggest it has a boiling point higher than water (it also seems to decompose on boiling). That makes me think it's not actually evaporating off.

Also, there are numerous suggestions from chemical data sheets that it is not particularly water soluble. Different forms of it it exist in the plant but, if you boil green vegetables, the water does not turn particularly green.

I would like to suggest a different way in which the water cure is producing lower dry weights. Perhaps the water is washing out salts and sugars?

Remember what happens when you leave a container of salt somewhere damp, it tends to clump up as water from air is absorbed into it.

The same thing could be true for buds. After harvesting, they may contain salts and other osmotic pressure regulators.

Going straight to air drying leaves these behind in the bud and so it's more likely they'll hold onto some more of their water.

By flushing them for a week with clean water each day, you may be leaching all of these out the bud, so when you get round to drying the water leaves more thoroughly.
Hi guys,

I tried the water cure on a very small bud to see what it was like and it was wellllll worth it. We are having a stint of bad, sprayed smoke at the moment and i noticed the water cure cleaned it right up and gave a low grade smoke some real poke!

will be water curing an oz right away

also the weight loss was nothing to complain about, less smoke in my joint for each smoke and it actually evened out but with better results. Thanks for posting the instructions
Ok just say i water cured. So i lost a bit a weight, can i moisten my buds back up after and have the same dank taste and get my weight back? Just a thought im wondering about.
Also, there are numerous suggestions from chemical data sheets that it is not particularly water soluble. Different forms of it it exist in the plant but, if you boil green vegetables, the water does not turn particularly green.

I would like to suggest a different way in which the water cure is producing lower dry weights. Perhaps the water is washing out salts and sugars?

Well, I know if you boil/simmer fan leaves when they're still wet the water turns green for sure...
Good idea about the sugar being washed out...
The video or picture....whatever that is, isn't working on my computer for some reason? any way you could repost it, or post the main link?
dude, you won't get a reply videoman was banned for some reason.
Don't know where you got he was banned, but looking at his profile, it says he was active last on May of 2010. So the post after you, saying it is a cover up, lol, is kind of true, in the fact that he is still lurking from time to time. My best guess is he has just simply abandoned this thread and anyone with "new" questions. That "new" does not pertain to questions you "think" are new. It has been 16 pages spanning 3 years and the same quaked out questions are still asked. So let me answer one that ever loves to ask and was answered a few years ago or a few pages back as some may look at it.

Q: What kind of water do you use?
A: Tap water was used in the initial trial.

on another note, he also stated that he let it dry a day or so longer to eliminate that "homegrown" smell.

In short, READ the damn thread without skipping anything, well with exception for the little disagreement about the potency. That argument shouldn't have lasted that long, IMO.
You start dating a pretty, but rotund woman (harvest.) She weighs about 300 lbs. because she couldn't find a male suitor (sinsemilla), and resorted to eating too much to maker herself feel better (trichome production). She has a great personality (THC content) but she has horrible self-worth, and has a hard time keeping up in the sack (nitrogen and chlorophyll.)

You being the gentleman that you are support her, and help her plan a healthy diet (water), and convince her to cut out all the excess sugar and fat she has been eating. That's only half of it. She needs to start exercising to clear her body of all the toxins she has been stockpiling (change the water everyday.) So every day you work out with her, and her body starts to break down all the stored up fat. Getting all the crap out of her system makes her feel great (smooth smoke) and her skin has a healthy, pink glow to it (lighter, less colorful buds.) After about a year (1 week) she is down to a weight that makes her feel great about herself (practically cured cannabis.)

Unfortunately, this process takes a toll on you. You notice all your friends checking her out. So, you cut her up into pieces and store her in jars in the basement. Overtime, you grind parts of her up and ingest it. You twisted bastard!
If it don't stink and taste good then i don't want it, i don't mind smoking brown weed BUT it's got to stink to high heaven and taste good so water curing is just not for me