Curing Your Buds

Smoke Report
I placed my bud into the water one week ago yesterday. Took it out yesterday, and hung it up to dry, as I am too cheap to get a dehydrator. It was totally dry by today. It looks really "mean" looking, a much deeper green color, deeper red & golds too.

The smell last night was....unpleasant to say the least. It smelled like homegrown, boy was I ever disappointed. My other weed smells GREAT! (same grow) So I decided to wait til today to see if it changes, and it did, the smell got very....faint. I can hardly smell it today. I am sure by tomorrow the smell will be completely gone.

So, as I am writing this, I have filled a bowl and have taken about 4 nice hits off it. I am pretty wasted. It tastes, good, not harsh at all. In fact I find myself taking in really nice hits, and holding them in for a long time. This is a feat for me as i have weak lungs.

It defenitely has a high potency, I would most certainly do this again, only next time, I think I'll want to do about an oz this way, rather than just one large bud.

Well my pipe is calling me now.....gotta go!
Awesome report! Thanks! I am thinking of hydro curing now too, based on your report. 30 days just seems soooooooo long to wait to cure, after you've been growing for 3 or 4 months! 7-10 days sounds appealing....
I hear ya dude! I tried to be as honest and open minded as possible about this. Like I said, the smell yesterday, was like a mild homegrown. I didnt like seeing that at all. But after waiting another day, it was great!
The smell went away, and the weed is really potent.

I can't tell ya how blasted I am off of like 5 hits from my lil pipe now.
(I think I've been typing this paragraph for like an hour now!) Too many typos and I just gotta correct 'em. lol

Awesome report! Thanks! I am thinking of hydro curing now too, based on your report. 30 days just seems soooooooo long to wait to cure, after you've been growing for 3 or 4 months! 7-10 days sounds appealing....
OK i understand your arguement, however if you were to smoke a bowl of water cured bud would it get you any higher then if you smoked the exact same amount of weed that was not water cured?

sure it will since you can inhale the smoke of water curred deeper, so more space to absorb = more thc in your blood stream man;)
Yes, thc content is constant, meaning the level of thc remains the same. However the weight goes down by 20%, so if you were to smoke a measured amount, gram of each, or even a joint of each, the gram/joint of water cured would have alot more thc in it that the air cured bud.

Chronic said it best here:
With 100 grams of weed initially @ 15%THC.. so with 100 grams, you have 15 grams of pure THC.. then you do your water flushing, dehydrater process.. and your left with 70 grams of weed... The THC is NOT water soluable, so the same 15% @ 100g is no longer correct since you only have 70 grams of bud left.. so take that original 15 and divide with 70.. and wal-la, you now have 21.43% of THC in your 70 grams of bud.. it makes since when you work it out..

Now I am no math expert and I am high as hell too, but if you do the math, isn't that like almost a 40% increase in potency, going from 15% thc to 21.43% hmmmmmmmmmmmm
well if you calculated that the weight goes down about 20% the thc ratio would go up from 15 to 18.75%, if the weight really decreases by that 30% you sure will end up around 21.43% thc by weight:) so that wasn't to wrong for a backed one video;)
I was using Chronic's math as a base, and it was flawed. My bad, I was too stoned to notice, he deducted 30%, not 20%. Not a biggie. Either way, it is an impressive increase in potency.
Regardless, I think I'm going to try the water curing. Assuming, of course, I have females out of my remaining 4 plants.
Im actually five days into my water-cure now. I'd say i put 3-4 ounces of fresh cut buds of some killer strain. i've been a little nervous but i feel good about it now. did anyone's water have a little "sheen" on the top? ya know like an oil-sheen?
Davidames, thats awesome! Mine had a slight green tint to it for a few days.
And as I said previously, I needed a full day afterwards to air dry it out, as the smell at 1st was horrible.
I can't wait to hear your results!!!
Thanks the whole point of this is to Expirement. i am getting ready to harvest
for personal use. so I will try both the air type dry i dont thing i have the pacients for. not learning about the water cure. i think it would hold me over
i did try Ice hash the other day. And i got a little hash , but i dried out a couple of leaves from the mush and i got a buzz without the headache and
the leafy taste.
Any particular water that can be used if you dont have a osmosis , or will the Britta brand attached to the sink work?
great post, and interesting tip. I will try this with some of my grow in a few weeks.

you reckon regular tap water is OK? or should you use spring or even distilled water?
Excellent thread video. REP+ I will most definately be trying this on most if not all of my harvest can't wait for the results!
Thanks Vidman, I've just started my first grow and this method of curing sounds promising - so might try it if my baby's make it to bud.
hi vid,

just wanted to thank you for this wonderful post. I'm currently water-curing half my harvest which i've never done before so will let you know how it tastest - sounds great though!

ok i gota ask, is any1 trying this with a chem nute hydro grow? if so did you flush your nutes before you harvested? if not what was the taste like? seems to me that this would be perfectly suited for a hydro grower useing chem nutes for 2 reasons. 1 every1 i know that grows hydro hates the flush time. you spend 2 or 3 months feeding and babying your plants just to let them starve right before you cut them down. if you dont need to flush you can grow right up to harvest. and 2 when you use chem ferts on hydro no matter how much you flush/dry/cure you still have that not quite right taste. IMHO
How potency is increased through the water cure
I should explain this so that the conspiracy theory kooks don't land on me like a ton of bricks.
Here's the "magic" behind the increased potency you get by water curing.
For the sake of making it simple, I'll use an example of 100 grams of bud going into the pot.
Now, you had this bud assayed and know that 15% of it is pure THC.
15% of 100 grams is 15 grams. So in our example the 100 grams of fresh bud has 15 grams of THC in it.
You water cure it and dry it. Now you have only 70 grams of bud left. WTF?
But you are deceived because the 15 grams of THC is part of the remaining 70 grams of bud. 15 divided by 70 equals 21.42%.
The mass didn't change, just some of the things that were there - aren't there anymore, so what is left becomes a bigger proportion of the entirety.
You go assay your water cured bud and find out it has 21.42% THC content - a 50% increase in potency.

My math was not wrong, I worked with what the very first post on this thread gave me, and with that my calculations were correct..
the post said you started with 100 g. and after water curing were left with 70 g. I based my calculations on that and tried to put it in an easy way to understand..