Curious about growing


Active Member
I've wanted to start growing for a while as I'm to cheap to pay outrageous prices for the shit and figured effecient methods could be done at home for a higher yield. Been lookin around the site a bit trying to peice togetehr various methods to start a little indoor growing of my own but so far it has seemed to complicated as I dont get whats needed.

So if someone feels so inclined could you breakdown the growing process step by step with the basic items needed? I will be growing in a closet that has a window so a few hours of natural light will be possible and I'm in a pretty temperate area of 80-105 degrees in the summer. Need a box that will be capable of fitting a carbon filter. Since I know it isnt as simple as throwing a few seeds ina pot of dirt and comming back a week or two later really could use a hand before I make a disaster out of the spread out advice here.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say what might be best when I don't know how much you want to spend to start up. Lights will probably be the most costly thing you'll need, and depend on your space and temps. Your temperatures are too high, if it gets as hot inside as it does outside they will suffer.


Well-Known Member
you have not given enough information for an reasonable response.

please indicate your budget, preference for soil or hydro, and whatever other factors that you feel are necessary for us to make a response.

Specificity is the Key to effective communication.


Well-Known Member
if you wanna do a small cheap grow, i promote cfls, as they are workin well for me atm. you have to keep em moved and all but its not that much work.
that temp is too high, i try not to go much over 80, i may hit 83 at most. get your humidity high for veg, get 6500k blue spectrum cfls, at least 4k lumens per square foot of your grow box. try to wrap the lights around your plants.

hope it helps
