curious about what happens if you smoke the orange hair's on weed.

do the orange hairs on weed give you more of a head high?

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LOL funny ass posts everybdy. to the OP i jus recently did this i ran out of weed and so i got out all of my curing jars and started emptying them and got a whole bunch of the red hairs left at the bottom of the jars. it was almost a small bowls worth i lit that bitch and got high as fuck. it had keif in it so i cant tell u if the red hairs alone got me high or not
it's called an experiment, for fun. Why would you be a "q" for trying something new? lol get real. i love trying anything to do with cannabis

Did you read what i typed. What the hell is a "q"?
by q i meant I couldn't see myself snipping hairs off a quarter of weed just to roll of joint of hairs when I can bust my weed and smoke it, hairs and all.
Did you read what i typed. What the hell is a "q"?
by q i meant I couldn't see myself snipping hairs off a quarter of weed just to roll of joint of hairs when I can bust my weed and smoke it, hairs and all.

Yeah but did YOU read what I typed a few posts after said post? sayin woops my bad? or have you ever read anything fast before, while being stoned and quickly misinterpreted it? Cause I did.
so in general no one thinks that this is the case... i guess it's just down to the strain, however i do still love to see the lil orange hairs XD

and why are some people going on about smoking pubic hair :/ THINK OF THE SMELL MAN!!! it's just gross...
well im just going to ignore you all and go with my gut on this one... i just think that different cannabloids can be made in different concentrations across the plant. the cannabloids in the red hairs on weed buds make me happy... just like the mormans ... dum dum dum dum dummmmm (south park reference) .....