Curled Leaf

Hey all, I have a small issue. Bag seed, 30 days old from seed, t5 lamp (waiting for my 400w mh to arrive), pretty ghetto set up for now but just tinkering around.
I dont know if I'm being over protective but a few leaves are starting to curl ? I lowered her a Lil from the lamp for now. not sure what the issue is ? Any help appreciated.



Well-Known Member
do you give them lots of water ? if so reduce. do you give them enough water? if not, then let them drink... find the happy medium, the floros shouldnt burn your stuff since you can almost touch the bastards with them..... when the gals are small for me it is usually when i see funk going on in the plant, then once it gets established usually my problems cease to exist... kinda like the plant is testin the waters before it dives in
I just moved it into a bigger pot the other day, and might have overwatered. I'll cut it back a lil and wait and see.
Thanks for the speedy reply


Well-Known Member
Dont they get droopy when you are over watering that plant just looks to me like it's reaching up and grabbing some light look's healthy


Well-Known Member
ur plants look good to me i dont c any droopy leaves,dont let em stretch for light if u are,not saying u r or not, but keep em 2-3inches u should see my seedlings they are fucked up ahahaha
Just about to start nutes this week, all they have had was premium blood & bone when replanting. Exited to see some more growth ! Thanks for the input !
Outdoor isn't an option atm, pretty strict in Aus. Moving in a few months so maybe next grow.
Looking good today, can't wait to get the 400w goin ! I have a 150w mh flood but iv heard the light it produces isn't really helpful to the cause ? and its heavy as a bitch !
Can't wait till sexin time, have to learn to clone asap lol


Active Member
PH Problem are you using Miracle grow? Have you been testing PH? Using tap water? Tap water is naturally basic because of chlorine. You must test PH and sometimes lower or raise, get a ph tester its a must.


Active Member
I can gurantee you its a ph problem when your getting that PH tester get some dolomite lime. Lowes 40lbs for 10 bucks


New Member
your plants look great if its ph issues your plants will tell you with signs if its over watering your leafs will yellow as well droop looks to me none of that leafs curling up tells me one thing natures way of saying i am fckin thirsty as fck please rain soon please
Ok don't really know if anyone's interested, but just upgraded to 400w hps. Rippa of a bargain off a mate, globe, ref, ballast $70 all up. Only been used twice.
Still got slight curl but healthy non the less, fimmed 2 days ago and looking great.
I'll put a pic up if anyone wants a geez


Active Member
This doesnt look like a ph problem. Looks more like its either too hot, or most likely caused by low humidity. Im going with low humidity (VPD). Whats the humidity in the room?
I havnt got a gauge yet, I'm still in the stage of getting everything I need.
Temps in there are a lil high now with the hps, iv got the door open with a decent fan, need to look at exhaust fan now. Still curled !