Curled leaves on seedling

I have measured the humidity inside of a plastic bottle cover after spray watering and it holds +90% RH for a long time. So for me works great and waaaaay cheaper then buying and running a humidifier
I cover mine until they break surface. After that you’re asking for trouble damping off.
I'm good for 5-7 days, remove it, and all is good. We all do shit differently it's hilarious...each one of us does each step of this process their own way for their own environment, on their own path...this is a fucking plant...there are general guidelines, but after that, it's everyone and their grow for themselves haha...different mediums, nutes, regions, environment, lights, rooms and genetics. Hate on me for soaking my seeds and slamming baggies and hate on the other guy for flushing and foliar spraying. Kiss my ass I'm high and grow my own...just like you, player. bongsmilie
Can you explain me this please?
Yes, tell me why too. Mine are covered right now.
I am also kind of curious. I have used bags over young plants to hold humidity. Never had any issues from it.
Hi guys. So I will do my best to explain my take how I learned in hopes I dont ramble and that we can all learn. Sure, this to others is like DUH. And I consider everyone to have the powers of doing anything, from having a black thumb to just plain more experiments/learning, to having a green so you can provide fruits and veggies + medicine to your family and kids.. Store bought stuff just isnt cutting it anymore and ive shopped in all over and abroad. Maybe you could agree too idk.. I say this bc we all need to grow our own foods and medicine at home. And this is IMO the hardest plant to grow, consistently, stable. The plant of 1000+ molecules. Therefore, plotting a garden would come easy for you then, then so, filling your backyard with foods and other plants AND stack your basements full of the goods. and only if its legal to do so. No bugs. Only nature inside. hahaha I told ya I could ramble.....

ok ok lol Its critical for the seedling to have instant air flow/co2 contact when emerging from the surface of topsoil. That is how nature intended it. And we have forest, trees 300-400ft tall in N.CA. So as we bring plants inside we have to, as we all know, take care of them. Water, air, most get enough Co2 thru ambient air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc and lots more through covalent bonds etc(like, you cant have one w/o the other type deal).. We even breathe Co2. Its good for us. How do our bones grow? well for one, they grow in a total anaerobic environment. Crazy huh? The opposite of what plants grow in or need for their roots to be in and above. They need to breathe. However, co2 is in the air and thats how the plant will just want to eat as to do what its designed to do,(stomata, transpiration, etc) grow and produce whatever the heck you just planted. Basil, tomatoes, apples..etc. And, IMO since plants are constantly using the energy around them, bc their brain is whatever size pot you put it in lol and cannot soak up, but only what you water it/give it, unless you are truly growing in nature; where the roots find water itself, through mycelium and fungi and bond with other organisms to transfer water and other NPK type molecules mined in the soil. Take nature inside, in increments, according to stages of plant. As in good RH%, temps, soil temp, watering temp. Sure some of this doesnt matter(to some) but again IMO will create nice fruits and veggies that were thriving their entire life to your table or joint. lol But stable environment's are key.

Taking the baggie or saran wrap, dome, cup off when it emerges you introduce it to the environment(nature), co2, nitrogen, oxygen.etc. Now is when YOU have to care care of the plant. If humidifiers can be too much sometimes or having trouble with areas that are drier (as I know someone had a concern/desert land), try a small 2w fish pump w/ an air stone with water inside a small bucket/mason jar..etc with your choice of size lid/hole. As the plain water brews creates condensation/ simply/easy, weird way of room RH for the seedling stage and you can double use that brewed water to water your plants roots that have lots of oxygen molecules attached to more and others. As its gets bigger, put a humidifier on for you to be ablle to contain mostly consitent RH in veg 1-5weeks ~65-75% RH. Ok, so now that more oxygen is added to the air, what else more of do you need? CO2, maybe unless you have 1 plant in a small area, like a houseplant. So take a 20x20 greenhouse for example packed with say 75 plants. (lol) If 1200ppm of Co2 is the norm. But thats the room of 20x20.. what about all that energy for what each individual plant needs to grow and be sufficient at its job with more, in making all its energy bioavailable more exchangeable leaves to roots. Take a room full of 75 adult human men, with 1 glazed donut box that contains a dozen donuts. A dozen donuts for 75ppl? lol 1200ppm of co2.. lol Each adult male gets 1 crusty flake of donut until all 12 are gone. Everyone is gonna still be hungry wanting more for energy production that includes so many things, opening and closing of the stomata which leaf tissue can tell the plant what to do in 1 way, to send water and nutrients up thru the xylem and pathed to phloem and much more stuff telling the plant to burn this energy that has been stored, thru soil or whatever providing it with energy for opening and closing of the stomata. So burn that energy. Open and close and emit. open and close and emit. All the molecules to do what in the end for its "purpose" emit OXYGEN in a purer form than our own atmosphere. Like a lot more! and transpire thru the mitochondria and other pathways/cells.etc. So, your taking the plant inside, again, Take all of nature inside. Co2 from wood chips that decompose/provide the top layer of soil with protection/slow release water/mycelium hiding place in a small, say 1 gallon container, idk could supply seedlings thru a sweet, greener, healthier period bc it has to burn energy in all directions. So, when you water your plants, and if you grow in soil then you can apply a small layer of wood chips on the surface and water the plain, sterilized wood chips just like your plants. Water helps activation bc again, molecules and bonds, plant biomechanics if you will... And boom, FREE c02 from a decomposing tree just like nature. More plants bigger pile co2. bigger pile of co2, more everything else or stable levels. Moderation and variety to burn energy. Trees do this over time, and ppl grow the goods in ~4months vs a summer winter, time change telling the plant, I need to swithc my biomechanics so I can pass my seeds over this ground. IDK ask the man in the sky, universe creator whatever or whoever why its like that.. lol they just wanna live and pass on more whether its male or female. Its just what they do. If you keep the baggie/cover on without a mini proper environment in that, air flow in and out and co2..etc. But you cant fit a fan inside a cup. To push "air" around the plants to also tell it to transpire thru the leaves to use energy to grow. Lights are key too. Everything is. Even lets say you are some baller grower with a 50x50greenhouse. What I would do?, if put a compost pile/woodchips pile, sectioned off outside for sterile purposes with ducting's right/ screens and filters to pull "cleaner" co2 above it, pulling in natural free co2 from the compost pile into the room from the top. Co2 sinks more in ambient air than oxygen. Artificial what? lol The power of wood chips is amazing and usually free if you think on how you can source. ;) Point is, and im sorry to ramble. I just see it as instead of telling you, yes do this and vaguely explain, But not teach or educate anyone as to why, what happens, then when food stores run out of food, or our environment is unstable bc of more people, more smog, less sunshine, less rain. Inside you are gonna have to go your own food and medicine at home, indoors providing for family and friends. You can do so. with a green thumb. ANd whats awesome, we can rely less on the commercial stores pushing us products that are synthesized that cost $$$ and hurt our environment. Visit farms, lumber yards. Woods and widdle a log down inside a small container. As for nutrients that a whole different KNF approach that WORKS Grow for pennies, and create the bomb chron that is medicinal.

Anyway, no clue what I just wrote. Its all jibber jabber in my head vs typing it all out. Its just natural thru research and lots more research over time and thankfully a lifetime of true fruit and veggie gardening, herbs, and bringing back dead plants. Thats cool to see!. I just hope you or some got impacted and motivated bc our bodies deserve it, nature deserves it and we all need it and love it lol Have fun most important with growing anything and use an open mind as to do it differently than what someone is telling you or doing.. Do your homework and make sure its right, try shit out and overtime youll only get better and wise/ more consistent and full of NPK as the body needs too thru nutrition/homeostasis thru homeopathy. The longer you keep the cover on ( A stagnant greenhouse) the longer you are stunting growth, confusing the plant to want more, therefore becomes weak and leggy.
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I'm good for 5-7 days, remove it, and all is good. We all do shit differently it's hilarious...each one of us does each step of this process their own way for their own environment, on their own path...this is a fucking plant...there are general guidelines, but after that, it's everyone and their grow for themselves haha...different mediums, nutes, regions, environment, lights, rooms and genetics. Hate on me for soaking my seeds and slamming baggies and hate on the other guy for flushing and foliar spraying. Kiss my ass I'm high and grow my own...just like you, player. bongsmilie
Absolutely. I’ve been reamed by people for the same thing. It’s tough sometimes and I fully agree humidity is good for young seedlings. I have great luck like you most of the time to 5 days, but personally have been seeing benefits to removing the cover earlier. Cheers bro, no criticism meant
Hi guys. So I will do my best to explain my take how I learned in hopes I dont ramble and that we can all learn. Sure, this to others is like DUH. And I consider everyone to have the powers of doing anything, from having a black thumb to just plain more experiments/learning, to having a green so you can provide fruits and veggies + medicine to your family and kids.. Store bought stuff just isnt cutting it anymore and ive shopped in all over and abroad. Maybe you could agree too idk.. I say this bc we all need to grow our own foods and medicine at home. And this is IMO the hardest plant to grow, consistently, stable. The plant of 1000+ molecules. Therefore, plotting a garden would come easy for you then, then so, filling your backyard with foods and other plants AND stack your basements full of the goods. and only if its legal to do so. No bugs. Only nature inside. hahaha I told ya I could ramble.....

ok ok lol Its critical for the seedling to have instant air flow/co2 contact when emerging from the surface of topsoil. That is how nature intended it. And we have forest, trees 300-400ft tall in N.CA. So as we bring plants inside we have to, as we all know, take care of them. Water, air, most get enough Co2 thru ambient air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc and lots more through covalent bonds etc(like, you cant have one w/o the other type deal).. We even breathe Co2. Its good for us. How do our bones grow? well for one, they grow in a total anaerobic environment. Crazy huh? The opposite of what plants grow in or need for their roots to be in and above. They need to breathe. However, co2 is in the air and thats how the plant will just want to eat as to do what its designed to do,(stomata, transpiration, etc) grow and produce whatever the heck you just planted. Basil, tomatoes, apples..etc. And, IMO since plants are constantly using the energy around them, bc their brain is whatever size pot you put it in lol and cannot soak up, but only what you water it/give it, unless you are truly growing in nature; where the roots find water itself, through mycelium and fungi and bond with other organisms to transfer water and other NPK type molecules mined in the soil. Take nature inside, in increments, according to stages of plant. As in good RH%, temps, soil temp, watering temp. Sure some of this doesnt matter(to some) but again IMO will create nice fruits and veggies that were thriving their entire life to your table or joint. lol But stable environment's are key.

Taking the baggie or saran wrap, dome, cup off when it emerges you introduce it to the environment(nature), co2, nitrogen, oxygen.etc. Now is when YOU have to care care of the plant. If humidifiers can be too much sometimes or having trouble with areas that are drier (as I know someone had a concern/desert land), try a small 2w fish pump w/ an air stone with water inside a small bucket/mason jar..etc with your choice of size lid/hole. As the plain water brews creates condensation/ simply/easy, weird way of room RH for the seedling stage and you can double use that brewed water to water your plants roots that have lots of oxygen molecules attached to more and others. As its gets bigger, put a humidifier on for you to be ablle to contain mostly consitent RH in veg 1-5weeks ~65-75% RH. Ok, so now that more oxygen is added to the air, what else more of do you need? CO2, maybe unless you have 1 plant in a small area, like a houseplant. So take a 20x20 greenhouse for example packed with say 75 plants. (lol) If 1200ppm of Co2 is the norm. But thats the room of 20x20.. what about all that energy for what each individual plant needs to grow and be sufficient at its job with more, in making all its energy bioavailable more exchangeable leaves to roots. Take a room full of 75 adult human men, with 1 glazed donut box that contains a dozen donuts. A dozen donuts for 75ppl? lol 1200ppm of co2.. lol Each adult male gets 1 crusty flake of donut until all 12 are gone. Everyone is gonna still be hungry wanting more for energy production that includes so many things, opening and closing of the stomata which leaf tissue can tell the plant what to do in 1 way, to send water and nutrients up thru the xylem and pathed to phloem and much more stuff telling the plant to burn this energy that has been stored, thru soil or whatever providing it with energy for opening and closing of the stomata. So burn that energy. Open and close and emit. open and close and emit. All the molecules to do what in the end for its "purpose" emit OXYGEN in a purer form than our own atmosphere. Like a lot more! and transpire thru the mitochondria and other pathways/cells.etc. So, your taking the plant inside, again, Take all of nature inside. Co2 from wood chips that decompose/provide the top layer of soil with protection/slow release water/mycelium hiding place in a small, say 1 gallon container, idk could supply seedlings thru a sweet, greener, healthier period bc it has to burn energy in all directions. So, when you water your plants, and if you grow in soil then you can apply a small layer of wood chips on the surface and water the plain, sterilized wood chips just like your plants. Water helps activation bc again, molecules and bonds, plant biomechanics if you will... And boom, FREE c02 from a decomposing tree just like nature. More plants bigger pile co2. bigger pile of co2, more everything else or stable levels. Moderation and variety to burn energy. Trees do this over time, and ppl grow the goods in ~4months vs a summer winter, time change telling the plant, I need to swithc my biomechanics so I can pass my seeds over this ground. IDK ask the man in the sky, universe creator whatever or whoever why its like that.. lol they just wanna live and pass on more whether its male or female. Its just what they do. If you keep the baggie/cover on without a mini proper environment in that, air flow in and out and co2..etc. But you cant fit a fan inside a cup. To push "air" around the plants to also tell it to transpire thru the leaves to use energy to grow. Lights are key too. Everything is. Even lets say you are some baller grower with a 50x50greenhouse. What I would do?, if put a compost pile/woodchips pile, sectioned off outside for sterile purposes with ducting's right/ screens and filters to pull "cleaner" co2 above it, pulling in natural free co2 from the compost pile into the room from the top. Co2 sinks more in ambient air than oxygen. Artificial what? lol The power of wood chips is amazing and usually free if you think on how you can source. ;) Point is, and im sorry to ramble. I just see it as instead of telling you, yes do this and vaguely explain, But not teach or educate anyone as to why, what happens, then when food stores run out of food, or our environment is unstable bc of more people, more smog, less sunshine, less rain. Inside you are gonna have to go your own food and medicine at home, indoors providing for family and friends. You can do so. with a green thumb. ANd whats awesome, we can rely less on the commercial stores pushing us products that are synthesized that cost $$$ and hurt our environment. Visit farms, lumber yards. Woods and widdle a log down inside a small container. As for nutrients that a whole different KNF approach that WORKS Grow for pennies, and create the bomb chron that is medicinal.

Anyway, no clue what I just wrote. Its all jibber jabber in my head vs typing it all out. Its just natural thru research and lots more research over time and thankfully a lifetime of true fruit and veggie gardening, herbs, and bringing back dead plants. Thats cool to see!. I just hope you or some got impacted and motivated bc our bodies deserve it, nature deserves it and we all need it and love it lol Have fun most important with growing anything and use an open mind as to do it differently than what someone is telling you or doing.. Do your homework and make sure its right, try shit out and overtime youll only get better and wise/ more consistent and full of NPK as the body needs too thru nutrition/homeostasis thru homeopathy. The longer you keep the cover on ( A stagnant greenhouse) the longer you are stunting growth, confusing the plant to want more, therefore becomes weak and leggy.
Did u try and read this urself? I truly gave it my best!
Felt like when listening to a song that builds and builds but never hit. Like idk wtf is going on. Happy growing
Did u try and read this urself? I truly gave it my best!
Felt like when listening to a song that builds and builds but never hit. Like idk wtf is going on. Happy growing
Yes I did. It all good. Thanks for giving it a try. Bc unless you know me, words on paper vs when speaking in person in front of the plant is way different.. Im sorry. I gave my best attempt for lamens terms for new ppl asking about germination tips vs laying out a bunch of H2o2co2h4p1n4, molecule language. VS explaining in english as best I could. Take from it what you can and again. We all gotta do our own homework. It hits. Just maybe not hits for you in a way that you grasp bc my head to keyboard. Sorry I couldnt do that for you. They asked questions,, and I tried to educate without being vague or scientific. Besides, this is nature. Not music lol Happy growing my dude:)
Hi guys. So I will do my best to explain my take how I learned in hopes I dont ramble and that we can all learn. Sure, this to others is like DUH. And I consider everyone to have the powers of doing anything, from having a black thumb to just plain more experiments/learning, to having a green so you can provide fruits and veggies + medicine to your family and kids.. Store bought stuff just isnt cutting it anymore and ive shopped in all over and abroad. Maybe you could agree too idk.. I say this bc we all need to grow our own foods and medicine at home. And this is IMO the hardest plant to grow, consistently, stable. The plant of 1000+ molecules. Therefore, plotting a garden would come easy for you then, then so, filling your backyard with foods and other plants AND stack your basements full of the goods. and only if its legal to do so. No bugs. Only nature inside. hahaha I told ya I could ramble.....

ok ok lol Its critical for the seedling to have instant air flow/co2 contact when emerging from the surface of topsoil. That is how nature intended it. And we have forest, trees 300-400ft tall in N.CA. So as we bring plants inside we have to, as we all know, take care of them. Water, air, most get enough Co2 thru ambient air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc and lots more through covalent bonds etc(like, you cant have one w/o the other type deal).. We even breathe Co2. Its good for us. How do our bones grow? well for one, they grow in a total anaerobic environment. Crazy huh? The opposite of what plants grow in or need for their roots to be in and above. They need to breathe. However, co2 is in the air and thats how the plant will just want to eat as to do what its designed to do,(stomata, transpiration, etc) grow and produce whatever the heck you just planted. Basil, tomatoes, apples..etc. And, IMO since plants are constantly using the energy around them, bc their brain is whatever size pot you put it in lol and cannot soak up, but only what you water it/give it, unless you are truly growing in nature; where the roots find water itself, through mycelium and fungi and bond with other organisms to transfer water and other NPK type molecules mined in the soil. Take nature inside, in increments, according to stages of plant. As in good RH%, temps, soil temp, watering temp. Sure some of this doesnt matter(to some) but again IMO will create nice fruits and veggies that were thriving their entire life to your table or joint. lol But stable environment's are key.

Taking the baggie or saran wrap, dome, cup off when it emerges you introduce it to the environment(nature), co2, nitrogen, oxygen.etc. Now is when YOU have to care care of the plant. If humidifiers can be too much sometimes or having trouble with areas that are drier (as I know someone had a concern/desert land), try a small 2w fish pump w/ an air stone with water inside a small bucket/mason jar..etc with your choice of size lid/hole. As the plain water brews creates condensation/ simply/easy, weird way of room RH for the seedling stage and you can double use that brewed water to water your plants roots that have lots of oxygen molecules attached to more and others. As its gets bigger, put a humidifier on for you to be ablle to contain mostly consitent RH in veg 1-5weeks ~65-75% RH. Ok, so now that more oxygen is added to the air, what else more of do you need? CO2, maybe unless you have 1 plant in a small area, like a houseplant. So take a 20x20 greenhouse for example packed with say 75 plants. (lol) If 1200ppm of Co2 is the norm. But thats the room of 20x20.. what about all that energy for what each individual plant needs to grow and be sufficient at its job with more, in making all its energy bioavailable more exchangeable leaves to roots. Take a room full of 75 adult human men, with 1 glazed donut box that contains a dozen donuts. A dozen donuts for 75ppl? lol 1200ppm of co2.. lol Each adult male gets 1 crusty flake of donut until all 12 are gone. Everyone is gonna still be hungry wanting more for energy production that includes so many things, opening and closing of the stomata which leaf tissue can tell the plant what to do in 1 way, to send water and nutrients up thru the xylem and pathed to phloem and much more stuff telling the plant to burn this energy that has been stored, thru soil or whatever providing it with energy for opening and closing of the stomata. So burn that energy. Open and close and emit. open and close and emit. All the molecules to do what in the end for its "purpose" emit OXYGEN in a purer form than our own atmosphere. Like a lot more! and transpire thru the mitochondria and other pathways/cells.etc. So, your taking the plant inside, again, Take all of nature inside. Co2 from wood chips that decompose/provide the top layer of soil with protection/slow release water/mycelium hiding place in a small, say 1 gallon container, idk could supply seedlings thru a sweet, greener, healthier period bc it has to burn energy in all directions. So, when you water your plants, and if you grow in soil then you can apply a small layer of wood chips on the surface and water the plain, sterilized wood chips just like your plants. Water helps activation bc again, molecules and bonds, plant biomechanics if you will... And boom, FREE c02 from a decomposing tree just like nature. More plants bigger pile co2. bigger pile of co2, more everything else or stable levels. Moderation and variety to burn energy. Trees do this over time, and ppl grow the goods in ~4months vs a summer winter, time change telling the plant, I need to swithc my biomechanics so I can pass my seeds over this ground. IDK ask the man in the sky, universe creator whatever or whoever why its like that.. lol they just wanna live and pass on more whether its male or female. Its just what they do. If you keep the baggie/cover on without a mini proper environment in that, air flow in and out and co2..etc. But you cant fit a fan inside a cup. To push "air" around the plants to also tell it to transpire thru the leaves to use energy to grow. Lights are key too. Everything is. Even lets say you are some baller grower with a 50x50greenhouse. What I would do?, if put a compost pile/woodchips pile, sectioned off outside for sterile purposes with ducting's right/ screens and filters to pull "cleaner" co2 above it, pulling in natural free co2 from the compost pile into the room from the top. Co2 sinks more in ambient air than oxygen. Artificial what? lol The power of wood chips is amazing and usually free if you think on how you can source. ;) Point is, and im sorry to ramble. I just see it as instead of telling you, yes do this and vaguely explain, But not teach or educate anyone as to why, what happens, then when food stores run out of food, or our environment is unstable bc of more people, more smog, less sunshine, less rain. Inside you are gonna have to go your own food and medicine at home, indoors providing for family and friends. You can do so. with a green thumb. ANd whats awesome, we can rely less on the commercial stores pushing us products that are synthesized that cost $$$ and hurt our environment. Visit farms, lumber yards. Woods and widdle a log down inside a small container. As for nutrients that a whole different KNF approach that WORKS Grow for pennies, and create the bomb chron that is medicinal.

Anyway, no clue what I just wrote. Its all jibber jabber in my head vs typing it all out. Its just natural thru research and lots more research over time and thankfully a lifetime of true fruit and veggie gardening, herbs, and bringing back dead plants. Thats cool to see!. I just hope you or some got impacted and motivated bc our bodies deserve it, nature deserves it and we all need it and love it lol Have fun most important with growing anything and use an open mind as to do it differently than what someone is telling you or doing.. Do your homework and make sure its right, try shit out and overtime youll only get better and wise/ more consistent and full of NPK as the body needs too thru nutrition/homeostasis thru homeopathy. The longer you keep the cover on ( A stagnant greenhouse) the longer you are stunting growth, confusing the plant to want more, therefore becomes weak and leggy.
Writing books must come easy to you. I feel like I learnt a lot and nothing at the same time lol
Writing books must come easy to you. I feel like I learnt a lot and nothing at the same time lol
hahahaha thats truly funny my dude. I like that. I dunno how to work emojis on here but, hahaha Well- I will say. If you have any questions regarding anything, theres no dumb question ive learned. And the time, the money, the electricity involved. Dont we all just want an end product to get us hella ripped, taste great, smooth and actually provides your body with relief and with serious illnesses; who, they need the highest quality of bud and over time fight cancer/health issues proven to releive us of pain and sicknesses. And makes people happier. We have all types of receptors that are directly linked. CB1/2. With so many more. Thats why it provides a good effect for everyone. Our body has those compounds in our body right now. Even if you dont even smoke. Those compound receptors are ready to link up with the real thing inside the plant you. Practice. Its important to grow quality medicine.
hahahaha thats truly funny my dude. I like that. I dunno how to work emojis on here but, hahaha Well- I will say. If you have any questions regarding anything, theres no dumb question ive learned. And the time, the money, the electricity involved. Dont we all just want an end product to get us hella ripped, taste great, smooth and actually provides your body with relief and with serious illnesses; who, they need the highest quality of bud and over time fight cancer/health issues proven to releive us of pain and sicknesses. And makes people happier. We have all types of receptors that are directly linked. CB1/2. With so many more. Thats why it provides a good effect for everyone. Our body has those compounds in our body right now. Even if you dont even smoke. Those compound receptors are ready to link up with the real thing inside the plant you. Practice. Its important to grow quality medicine.
Hahaha well in that case I will not hesitate to ask you for advice when I will have problems with my plants. You sure seem to have a good knowledge of how things work.
Hi guys. So I will do my best to explain my take how I learned in hopes I dont ramble and that we can all learn. Sure, this to others is like DUH. And I consider everyone to have the powers of doing anything, from having a black thumb to just plain more experiments/learning, to having a green so you can provide fruits and veggies + medicine to your family and kids.. Store bought stuff just isnt cutting it anymore and ive shopped in all over and abroad. Maybe you could agree too idk.. I say this bc we all need to grow our own foods and medicine at home. And this is IMO the hardest plant to grow, consistently, stable. The plant of 1000+ molecules. Therefore, plotting a garden would come easy for you then, then so, filling your backyard with foods and other plants AND stack your basements full of the goods. and only if its legal to do so. No bugs. Only nature inside. hahaha I told ya I could ramble.....

ok ok lol Its critical for the seedling to have instant air flow/co2 contact when emerging from the surface of topsoil. That is how nature intended it. And we have forest, trees 300-400ft tall in N.CA. So as we bring plants inside we have to, as we all know, take care of them. Water, air, most get enough Co2 thru ambient air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc and lots more through covalent bonds etc(like, you cant have one w/o the other type deal).. We even breathe Co2. Its good for us. How do our bones grow? well for one, they grow in a total anaerobic environment. Crazy huh? The opposite of what plants grow in or need for their roots to be in and above. They need to breathe. However, co2 is in the air and thats how the plant will just want to eat as to do what its designed to do,(stomata, transpiration, etc) grow and produce whatever the heck you just planted. Basil, tomatoes, apples..etc. And, IMO since plants are constantly using the energy around them, bc their brain is whatever size pot you put it in lol and cannot soak up, but only what you water it/give it, unless you are truly growing in nature; where the roots find water itself, through mycelium and fungi and bond with other organisms to transfer water and other NPK type molecules mined in the soil. Take nature inside, in increments, according to stages of plant. As in good RH%, temps, soil temp, watering temp. Sure some of this doesnt matter(to some) but again IMO will create nice fruits and veggies that were thriving their entire life to your table or joint. lol But stable environment's are key.

Taking the baggie or saran wrap, dome, cup off when it emerges you introduce it to the environment(nature), co2, nitrogen, oxygen.etc. Now is when YOU have to care care of the plant. If humidifiers can be too much sometimes or having trouble with areas that are drier (as I know someone had a concern/desert land), try a small 2w fish pump w/ an air stone with water inside a small bucket/mason jar..etc with your choice of size lid/hole. As the plain water brews creates condensation/ simply/easy, weird way of room RH for the seedling stage and you can double use that brewed water to water your plants roots that have lots of oxygen molecules attached to more and others. As its gets bigger, put a humidifier on for you to be ablle to contain mostly consitent RH in veg 1-5weeks ~65-75% RH. Ok, so now that more oxygen is added to the air, what else more of do you need? CO2, maybe unless you have 1 plant in a small area, like a houseplant. So take a 20x20 greenhouse for example packed with say 75 plants. (lol) If 1200ppm of Co2 is the norm. But thats the room of 20x20.. what about all that energy for what each individual plant needs to grow and be sufficient at its job with more, in making all its energy bioavailable more exchangeable leaves to roots. Take a room full of 75 adult human men, with 1 glazed donut box that contains a dozen donuts. A dozen donuts for 75ppl? lol 1200ppm of co2.. lol Each adult male gets 1 crusty flake of donut until all 12 are gone. Everyone is gonna still be hungry wanting more for energy production that includes so many things, opening and closing of the stomata which leaf tissue can tell the plant what to do in 1 way, to send water and nutrients up thru the xylem and pathed to phloem and much more stuff telling the plant to burn this energy that has been stored, thru soil or whatever providing it with energy for opening and closing of the stomata. So burn that energy. Open and close and emit. open and close and emit. All the molecules to do what in the end for its "purpose" emit OXYGEN in a purer form than our own atmosphere. Like a lot more! and transpire thru the mitochondria and other pathways/cells.etc. So, your taking the plant inside, again, Take all of nature inside. Co2 from wood chips that decompose/provide the top layer of soil with protection/slow release water/mycelium hiding place in a small, say 1 gallon container, idk could supply seedlings thru a sweet, greener, healthier period bc it has to burn energy in all directions. So, when you water your plants, and if you grow in soil then you can apply a small layer of wood chips on the surface and water the plain, sterilized wood chips just like your plants. Water helps activation bc again, molecules and bonds, plant biomechanics if you will... And boom, FREE c02 from a decomposing tree just like nature. More plants bigger pile co2. bigger pile of co2, more everything else or stable levels. Moderation and variety to burn energy. Trees do this over time, and ppl grow the goods in ~4months vs a summer winter, time change telling the plant, I need to swithc my biomechanics so I can pass my seeds over this ground. IDK ask the man in the sky, universe creator whatever or whoever why its like that.. lol they just wanna live and pass on more whether its male or female. Its just what they do. If you keep the baggie/cover on without a mini proper environment in that, air flow in and out and co2..etc. But you cant fit a fan inside a cup. To push "air" around the plants to also tell it to transpire thru the leaves to use energy to grow. Lights are key too. Everything is. Even lets say you are some baller grower with a 50x50greenhouse. What I would do?, if put a compost pile/woodchips pile, sectioned off outside for sterile purposes with ducting's right/ screens and filters to pull "cleaner" co2 above it, pulling in natural free co2 from the compost pile into the room from the top. Co2 sinks more in ambient air than oxygen. Artificial what? lol The power of wood chips is amazing and usually free if you think on how you can source. ;) Point is, and im sorry to ramble. I just see it as instead of telling you, yes do this and vaguely explain, But not teach or educate anyone as to why, what happens, then when food stores run out of food, or our environment is unstable bc of more people, more smog, less sunshine, less rain. Inside you are gonna have to go your own food and medicine at home, indoors providing for family and friends. You can do so. with a green thumb. ANd whats awesome, we can rely less on the commercial stores pushing us products that are synthesized that cost $$$ and hurt our environment. Visit farms, lumber yards. Woods and widdle a log down inside a small container. As for nutrients that a whole different KNF approach that WORKS Grow for pennies, and create the bomb chron that is medicinal.

Anyway, no clue what I just wrote. Its all jibber jabber in my head vs typing it all out. Its just natural thru research and lots more research over time and thankfully a lifetime of true fruit and veggie gardening, herbs, and bringing back dead plants. Thats cool to see!. I just hope you or some got impacted and motivated bc our bodies deserve it, nature deserves it and we all need it and love it lol Have fun most important with growing anything and use an open mind as to do it differently than what someone is telling you or doing.. Do your homework and make sure its right, try shit out and overtime youll only get better and wise/ more consistent and full of NPK as the body needs too thru nutrition/homeostasis thru homeopathy. The longer you keep the cover on ( A stagnant greenhouse) the longer you are stunting growth, confusing the plant to want more, therefore becomes weak and leggy.
Well I was kind of curious but not enough to read a six volume tome.

I think I’d just better keep using plastic bags when I think it’s necessary.
Hi guys. So I will do my best to explain my take how I learned in hopes I dont ramble and that we can all learn. Sure, this to others is like DUH. And I consider everyone to have the powers of doing anything, from having a black thumb to just plain more experiments/learning, to having a green so you can provide fruits and veggies + medicine to your family and kids.. Store bought stuff just isnt cutting it anymore and ive shopped in all over and abroad. Maybe you could agree too idk.. I say this bc we all need to grow our own foods and medicine at home. And this is IMO the hardest plant to grow, consistently, stable. The plant of 1000+ molecules. Therefore, plotting a garden would come easy for you then, then so, filling your backyard with foods and other plants AND stack your basements full of the goods. and only if its legal to do so. No bugs. Only nature inside. hahaha I told ya I could ramble.....

ok ok lol Its critical for the seedling to have instant air flow/co2 contact when emerging from the surface of topsoil. That is how nature intended it. And we have forest, trees 300-400ft tall in N.CA. So as we bring plants inside we have to, as we all know, take care of them. Water, air, most get enough Co2 thru ambient air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc and lots more through covalent bonds etc(like, you cant have one w/o the other type deal).. We even breathe Co2. Its good for us. How do our bones grow? well for one, they grow in a total anaerobic environment. Crazy huh? The opposite of what plants grow in or need for their roots to be in and above. They need to breathe. However, co2 is in the air and thats how the plant will just want to eat as to do what its designed to do,(stomata, transpiration, etc) grow and produce whatever the heck you just planted. Basil, tomatoes, apples..etc. And, IMO since plants are constantly using the energy around them, bc their brain is whatever size pot you put it in lol and cannot soak up, but only what you water it/give it, unless you are truly growing in nature; where the roots find water itself, through mycelium and fungi and bond with other organisms to transfer water and other NPK type molecules mined in the soil. Take nature inside, in increments, according to stages of plant. As in good RH%, temps, soil temp, watering temp. Sure some of this doesnt matter(to some) but again IMO will create nice fruits and veggies that were thriving their entire life to your table or joint. lol But stable environment's are key.

Taking the baggie or saran wrap, dome, cup off when it emerges you introduce it to the environment(nature), co2, nitrogen, oxygen.etc. Now is when YOU have to care care of the plant. If humidifiers can be too much sometimes or having trouble with areas that are drier (as I know someone had a concern/desert land), try a small 2w fish pump w/ an air stone with water inside a small bucket/mason jar..etc with your choice of size lid/hole. As the plain water brews creates condensation/ simply/easy, weird way of room RH for the seedling stage and you can double use that brewed water to water your plants roots that have lots of oxygen molecules attached to more and others. As its gets bigger, put a humidifier on for you to be ablle to contain mostly consitent RH in veg 1-5weeks ~65-75% RH. Ok, so now that more oxygen is added to the air, what else more of do you need? CO2, maybe unless you have 1 plant in a small area, like a houseplant. So take a 20x20 greenhouse for example packed with say 75 plants. (lol) If 1200ppm of Co2 is the norm. But thats the room of 20x20.. what about all that energy for what each individual plant needs to grow and be sufficient at its job with more, in making all its energy bioavailable more exchangeable leaves to roots. Take a room full of 75 adult human men, with 1 glazed donut box that contains a dozen donuts. A dozen donuts for 75ppl? lol 1200ppm of co2.. lol Each adult male gets 1 crusty flake of donut until all 12 are gone. Everyone is gonna still be hungry wanting more for energy production that includes so many things, opening and closing of the stomata which leaf tissue can tell the plant what to do in 1 way, to send water and nutrients up thru the xylem and pathed to phloem and much more stuff telling the plant to burn this energy that has been stored, thru soil or whatever providing it with energy for opening and closing of the stomata. So burn that energy. Open and close and emit. open and close and emit. All the molecules to do what in the end for its "purpose" emit OXYGEN in a purer form than our own atmosphere. Like a lot more! and transpire thru the mitochondria and other pathways/cells.etc. So, your taking the plant inside, again, Take all of nature inside. Co2 from wood chips that decompose/provide the top layer of soil with protection/slow release water/mycelium hiding place in a small, say 1 gallon container, idk could supply seedlings thru a sweet, greener, healthier period bc it has to burn energy in all directions. So, when you water your plants, and if you grow in soil then you can apply a small layer of wood chips on the surface and water the plain, sterilized wood chips just like your plants. Water helps activation bc again, molecules and bonds, plant biomechanics if you will... And boom, FREE c02 from a decomposing tree just like nature. More plants bigger pile co2. bigger pile of co2, more everything else or stable levels. Moderation and variety to burn energy. Trees do this over time, and ppl grow the goods in ~4months vs a summer winter, time change telling the plant, I need to swithc my biomechanics so I can pass my seeds over this ground. IDK ask the man in the sky, universe creator whatever or whoever why its like that.. lol they just wanna live and pass on more whether its male or female. Its just what they do. If you keep the baggie/cover on without a mini proper environment in that, air flow in and out and co2..etc. But you cant fit a fan inside a cup. To push "air" around the plants to also tell it to transpire thru the leaves to use energy to grow. Lights are key too. Everything is. Even lets say you are some baller grower with a 50x50greenhouse. What I would do?, if put a compost pile/woodchips pile, sectioned off outside for sterile purposes with ducting's right/ screens and filters to pull "cleaner" co2 above it, pulling in natural free co2 from the compost pile into the room from the top. Co2 sinks more in ambient air than oxygen. Artificial what? lol The power of wood chips is amazing and usually free if you think on how you can source. ;) Point is, and im sorry to ramble. I just see it as instead of telling you, yes do this and vaguely explain, But not teach or educate anyone as to why, what happens, then when food stores run out of food, or our environment is unstable bc of more people, more smog, less sunshine, less rain. Inside you are gonna have to go your own food and medicine at home, indoors providing for family and friends. You can do so. with a green thumb. ANd whats awesome, we can rely less on the commercial stores pushing us products that are synthesized that cost $$$ and hurt our environment. Visit farms, lumber yards. Woods and widdle a log down inside a small container. As for nutrients that a whole different KNF approach that WORKS Grow for pennies, and create the bomb chron that is medicinal.

Anyway, no clue what I just wrote. Its all jibber jabber in my head vs typing it all out. Its just natural thru research and lots more research over time and thankfully a lifetime of true fruit and veggie gardening, herbs, and bringing back dead plants. Thats cool to see!. I just hope you or some got impacted and motivated bc our bodies deserve it, nature deserves it and we all need it and love it lol Have fun most important with growing anything and use an open mind as to do it differently than what someone is telling you or doing.. Do your homework and make sure its right, try shit out and overtime youll only get better and wise/ more consistent and full of NPK as the body needs too thru nutrition/homeostasis thru homeopathy. The longer you keep the cover on ( A stagnant greenhouse) the longer you are stunting growth, confusing the plant to want more, therefore becomes weak and leggy.
Don't be sorry brother just a pointless smart
Arse response "too long to read"
o oh haha I feel dumb to not know what that meant after the lingo I use. My bad. It is. I know. So how could I get you to read and interpret it better? Thats if you wanted to know a different take on it.? Something shorter to read or listed better. I know, i suck at doing step by step process. I explain it weird idk lol Not saying you are interested at all btw. lol If youre happy, who cares which way you do it.