curled leaves? *pic*


Well-Known Member
Lol, brotha, ur plant looks fine. That doesnt look like overwatering to me, When you overwater they will get droopy and what not. But that looks really healthy to me. Not every leaf is always gonna be perfect


Well-Known Member
Exactley, when you worry about every little thing, thats when people start fuckin shit up, You'll definatley know when u really have a problem


Well-Known Member
looks pretty healthy to me...maybe a insect or 2 chewin on leaf spray with tobasco water lemon juice vegetable oil and garlic keeps bugs off good luck


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with it keep doin what your doin....ive had leaves grow like that before, every leaf wont look perfect unno but it still is just fine....


Active Member
Thats crazy I had a plant that shot out curled circling leaves exactly like that when it reverted back to veg from flower, but that guys way too young for that, probably just the leaf unfolding itself or something.