Curling Leaves! Determining Sex! Stunted Growth! Oh my!


Hey all! New grower looking for the know how. I've got a few plants under 5 fluorescent bulbs that I started for kicks and now I'm looking at some legit plants. It's been 4 weeks and I need some questions answered.

1- One of my heroes has come down with Curly Leaf Syndrome. It's getting plenty of water but each leaf set is curling downward. Thoughts?
(pics 1 and 2 - sickly plant and comparison to healthy plant)
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2 - Can I start differentiating sex yet? I know I need to remove the males ASAP but my amateur eye cant distinguish between the two yet.
(pics 3 and 4 - close ups)
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3 - I think I'm growing a retarded plant. It's just as old as its brethren but it's stout with leaves popping out every which way. I suspect genetic abnormalities. Anyone seen this before and if so, will it flower?
(pics 5 and 6 - bizarro plant)
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View attachment 569375
info will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping out a newjack!



Active Member
1 i had a couple of my plants do that and it turned out they were over watered how often do u water them?

2 have u put them into flower yet? can't tell till then

3 quite a runt u have looks like the leaves are all leaning to 1 side is it directly under light? i had a plant that was growing just with 3 finger leaves that turned out ok after a while

am a newb myself just trying to help with some suggestions good luck with it


Well-Known Member
Hey all! New grower looking for the know how. I've got a few plants under 5 fluorescent bulbs that I started for kicks and now I'm looking at some legit plants. It's been 4 weeks and I need some questions answered.

1- One of my heroes has come down with Curly Leaf Syndrome. It's getting plenty of water but each leaf set is curling downward. Thoughts?
(pics 1 and 2 - sickly plant and comparison to healthy plant)
View attachment 569369
View attachment 569368

Do a search. This is a common problem

2 - Can I start differentiating sex yet? I know I need to remove the males ASAP but my amateur eye cant distinguish between the two yet.
(pics 3 and 4 - close ups)
View attachment 569374
View attachment 569370

Do you have them on a 12/12 yet? And if yes,for how long?

3 - I think I'm growing a retarded plant. It's just as old as its brethren but it's stout with leaves popping out every which way. I suspect genetic abnormalities. Anyone seen this before and if so, will it flower?
(pics 5 and 6 - bizarro plant)
View attachment 569367
View attachment 569375
info will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping out a newjack!

Kill it with fire. I would not waste my time with that one


I suspected over water could be the culprit, but this guy is the only one with that problem and he gets the same amount of water as the others.
They're still in the vegetation stage. How long in should I switch them?
I figure I'm gonna keep the little guy to see where it goes. Who knows, maybe the little guy will bud.


Active Member
1) looks overwatered
2)Is normal growth, nothing to do with sex. Will do this a lot and is what makes the side branching and buds.
3)I have a plant doing this right now, I think it was from slow growth at start and I pulled some of the small curling leaves off and it seemed to like that and new stuff is coming out now. My current plant in 12/12 had this also at bottom and I didn't pull the deformed leaves off and they really never did much, so I pulled them off and looks a lot better now and I can see new growth. Root issues caused mine to do this I suspect, is all worked out now though.


Active Member
I suspected over water could be the culprit, but this guy is the only one with that problem and he gets the same amount of water as the others.
They're still in the vegetation stage. How long in should I switch them?
I figure I'm gonna keep the little guy to see where it goes. Who knows, maybe the little guy will bud.
its really up to you when u switch them to 12/12 and how big u want the plant


Well-Known Member
I suspected over water could be the culprit, but this guy is the only one with that problem and he gets the same amount of water as the others.
They're still in the vegetation stage. How long in should I switch them?
I figure I'm gonna keep the little guy to see where it goes. Who knows, maybe the little guy will bud.

LOL, I can assure you that that lil guy wont bud


dude iv had them like this before trust me it will bud and it just wont be as big as the rest some times. tell me is your room or area where it is staying cool or does it get hot? also try not to water it for 24 hours see if that helps a bit


Well-Known Member
Wo they look a little done and dusted - i wont bother wasting time with them - i start a new grow right away - (just my opinion)