Curling Leaves on Seedling


Well-Known Member
Did you add any nutes? What is your lighting like? Too close maybe? How is your air movement? Got fans and extractors and such?


New Member
The plant is 12h outdoor and 6 hours 26W CFL at 4 inches. I`m watering every 2 days. Any nutes. There is another plant in the same conditions that looks fine.


New Member
The soil look good when i water it, but 2 days later it stays very dry. So, just about 8 hours it is a dry soil.


New Member
Thank to all, i'll pay attention to overwater and light distance, and see if it looks better.
This problem is serious? If it dont get better, can kill the plant?


Well-Known Member
I disagree , looks like nitrogen toxicity to me. See how the curl on the leaves almost goes 360 degrees. Under watered plants don't do that. In the under-watered or wilting condition leaves become limp The tips of the leaves will follow gravity to the ground and point straight down. Since your seedling is defying gravity , no limp leaves at all i would say nitrogen toxicity is the problem. The fix is usually to flush the medium to get rid of some of the nitrogen But you have a seedling and soil so a flush that early might not be a good thing. I think would leave it alone and see if she can power threw it.


Well-Known Member
It's a common soil from my garden, a good 'dark soil'.
That's a big no no and I have mentioned it many times. Crap quality, bad ph, salty, spidermites, gnats among other problems you introduce to an uncontaminated grow room with dirt from the yard. Dope plants hate it and so does yours.
The main issue atm is overwatering probably from the rubbish soil holding on too long.


Active Member
What buds said. Soil is key and that looks like overwatering. A good rule of thumb is to take your finger and stick it nice and deep into your soil to see how dry it is. Get dirty my man!


Well-Known Member
Even better rule of thumb is to lift the pot and if it feels light you need water. Seedlings should be given small amounts of water by the ml.


New Member
Ok, now I'm a little confused. I've got two really logic answers. One says that because the tip of the leaves are curling upwards, that means it's toxity;
The other says that is overwatering, because the soil is not appropriate.
So, what should I do now?