Curling/Twisting/Folding leaves-PLEASE HELP!!

I am having issues with my babies,

I use a rainforest 66 with the pump on 1min, off 4min, GH Flora nutes at ~1500ppm, RO water @ 77 degrees with PH between 5.5-6.8. The leaves on my plants have been curling down, twisting and folding. Are the aeroponic systems supposed to be faster? I have not noticed allot of movement in 3 weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated:confused:


Ok, I will empty the res and refill it, should I flush the plants or just redo the nutes? They are approx 3wks old, my other babies are in a tray system with same nutes and same ppm but they are twice the size of these and are 1 week younger. Is here anything else I might be doing wrong with the system?