Curling Up Leaves?


Active Member
My 5 days old plants. One of them is curling up, don't know why and one of them is yellowish/light-greenish.

Light: 600W MH

Thanks everyone.IMG_20131129_234104.jpgIMG_20131129_234133.jpgIMG_20131129_234154.jpgIMG_20131129_234204.jpg


Active Member
Right, since I raised the light there was no growth whatsoever! I know it's only one day, but you see progress even in such short time period. So, I have lowered the light by nearly a half. I have placed an oscillating fan pointing right between the plants and the light, and besides, I don't feel any heat on my hand from that distance, so it can't really be burning them.


New Member
Do not fertilize at this stage and let you soil dry a little before watering. If using a tap water, you need to oxidize it for few hours with aquarium air pump to vaporize chlorine!
How ever problem is occurred and some actions have to be taken.
Flush your plants with oxidized water, until the runoff of your soil will be at PPM 100-300, and around 6.6 Ph. Than leave it for a week or until your pot become very light on lift.
Make sure the temp is 20C-30C (25C is perfect), and humidity is 40%-60%. Also very important to make a good air with carbon filter and fans.
Never use nutrients at the recommended dose, always start with 1/4 and slowly raise to 3/4.
mop your grow area with light bleach solution once or twice a week to control infestation.
Hope that will help