Curlys new 1 plant 600w led scrog grow


Well-Known Member
Sup guys thanks for stopping in :) , @newworldicon. Ya man I'm thinking of doing a couple indoor batches as well as starting up a large outdoor batch somewhere as well too, haven't found a good location yet can't do it where I live so I'm asking friends if they wouldn't mind a heaping pile of shit in there back yard :) haha hopefully I find somewhere soon if not I may resort to hiding it in a local forest somewhere but lots of things can go wrong like that. You say your officially a led only grower? Congrats on taking the plunge man! It can be a bit scary at first but I think it will go well for ya......what company you end up going with? And when ya say comm. Do ya mean commercial? Care to elaborate? :D @drgreener. Thanks for the tips man! Always looking for info from experienced. Scroggers......kinda weird being a new again :) any reason why ya think I should let her grow up a bit? Thing is I do have a height restriction and my lights are as high as they can go right now so I was just trying to make sure I have enough head room. @canabuilding. Thanks for subbing on man and let me tell ya I feel the same way man cannot fucking wait to she this girl explode! I got a good feeling about this one :D
Without giving too much away, it's all blown into 4 8x4 tents with a AF600 on a light rail in each tent. 27 plants in aero per tent. But all of this waits as I have not recieved the panels I originally purchased, they need to arrive, get sent back then wait for the AF600's. Although I am now wondering about the illumitex lights as wattage wise they will be considerably lower and in correct amounts more than enough. Still I have expectations that need to be met. It's a headache right now..


Well-Known Member
weet man sounds like a sick setup! Cant wait to have a setup like that going... No room right nowthough :(. So the af600's are from lumitex?


Well-Known Member
weet man sounds like a sick setup! Cant wait to have a setup like that going... No room right nowthough :(. So the af600's are from lumitex?
I should be more specific, the lights I bought were same as dawgs, the A51 260W but I have decided I may as well match the lighting to the space properly so as soon as they come they will be sent back and either in that time i will have decided to go with the AF600's or look into the you know the wattage savings already is going to be immense but like said, expectations make me weary to run 180W in the form of 2 poles across a 8x4 space without concerns about expectations...


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh ok ok I get ya now :) sounds good man keep me posted on your decision. Sounds like your gonna have alot of fun in your near future :D.


Well-Known Member
Sick update man! i cant wait to see how the topping turns out, i definitely know im going to keep topping along with super cropping on all my grows!


Well-Known Member
these vipars are very bright I feel I need to start wearing uv protected glasses in there all the time I think it's starting to mess with my vision :S.
Hey curly, do you think it would be benificial for our eyesight to add cfl and so dont have temperory colour blindness for a few moments after looking solely at LED? Could this help with what you are experiencing? Just a (stoned) thought :-)


Well-Known Member
could be bud man i used to have a cfl in there i wouldnt say it really helped but it didnt hurt either i think just keeping a spare pair of sunglasses by the tent is my best bet :D


Well-Known Member
Lookin good as usual curly... i can't wait to be at the stage you're at (or even farther)... i hate having just veg plants and no flowers :)


Well-Known Member
i hear ya sensi although this time around its kinda weird cause i have plants in flower but i seeded them out so much i wont really be smoking any of it .... oh well im gonna have lots and lots of seeds :D maybe another 20 days veg for a total of 40 or so another 45-55 days of flower and ima be a happy man hoping for a good haul this time round
weet man sounds like a sick setup! Cant wait to have a setup like that going... No room right nowthough :(. So the af600's are from lumitex?
I saw your mushroom grow and wanted to inform you to increase your yield dont make those patties, get a 40 gaL tote and fill that shit about 1/3 1/2 way full with the substrate and manure and shit and you will get pounds vs ounces

If you dont know what a monotub is, I suggest researching and making one, they are super easy especially if you're growing bud on the side


Well-Known Member
thanks homegrown , ya i tried my hand at a monotub last round but it got the dreaded green mold :( gonna try it again this round or maybe even an out door batch :D something i have always wanted in my backyard


Well-Known Member
hey does anyone on here use a proxy site to access rollitup? if so can you post pics through it? and lastly could you give me a link to that proxy site lol thanks in advance
thanks homegrown , ya i tried my hand at a monotub last round but it got the dreaded green mold :( gonna try it again this round or maybe even an out door batch :D something i have always wanted in my backyard
A simple solution to reoccurring green mold is Martha closet or greenhouse setup, they are cheap tools and increase your yield substantially.( it is also much easier to contain )
Also if green mold is on one side of the tub I wouldnt worry about swooping on anything on the complete other side , Ive tried it, however don't venture to close as only a trained mycologist could tell the difference


Well-Known Member
well seeing as my computer is still fucked and i cant post pics right now thought i would at least give ya a non visual update to let ya know whats happening :D , well im actually in awe at how big this girl has gotten ..... like wow shes a beast!!! i just did a rough count and there are at least 50 tops all shooting up nicely .....cant imagine how many ill have if i top her again ... which i might just do :) at day 21 veg might go till she just dosent have any room left , still gotta do some trimming and upkeep along the bottom alot of her leaes arnt getting light down there any more. cheers all and happy growing ....hopefully ill e able to post pics again soon :D


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a visual...wait...move the antennae to the left...a bit more...ah there she is, what a beauty! 50 tops, way to go Curly, i'm very excited for you. Hey, speaking of visuals, I was hoping for some trippy shroom stories after your last harvests, where's the report on those?? I sort of miss those shroom days of yore, but it's been so long I would probably freak out now if were to chomp on some.


Well-Known Member
hahaha whats up puff thanks for the kind words , i know man im am overly excited too i cant wait to flip into flower .... its gonna be a massacre :D and yes i have sampled my shroomy harvest and man o man they were some good ones! me and some buddies ate some and sat around drinking beer playing bocchi and tried to fly a kite all just fucked hahahahha it was a great time. man its never too late to pop a little dose of em i ate some a while back with my buddy and his dad were mid 20's and hes in his 50's it was great times his old man had a blast .... come to think of it i think it was christmas or cristmas eve hahahaha we do it right in the holidays round these parts.