Custom led distances from canopy ?


Hi, I'm relatively new to growing and recently I built my own led, bridgelux eb2 build. 15 strips (10 x 3000 +5x 3500), Running on. 320 1 amp constant current driver.
I don't really have enough grows in yet with LED and none of my friend use them, they are all CMH and HPS growers. I see so many pictures with huge thick pistels in grow stage and I'm trying to figure out what factors contribute to that. My few grows under led the pistils Are a bit scraggly and don't fill out so nice, my tent does run a bit hot and I'm wondering if they dry out prematurely due to my tent conditions. Or do I run my lights too low. I run my lights about a 10-12 inches from the tops. This being my first grow with this new light, I'm at day 11 in flower and already starting to get bud formation so the light is already kicking the hell out of the burgle light I used. The starting bud pistils don't have much for pistils however I see more in the undergrowth that gets less light. Should I be running the light a lot higher? Is this normal or is there other factors I need or look at to get a biggger burst of pistils? What are you thoughts on where I should get best results for a bridgelux build in a 3x3 tent. Any recommendations? Would love to hear all the strip builders thoughts .
My current grow pic is attached. Light is turned down to minimal strips for pics. I also supplimended some UBV with lizard UBV bulbs.


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Chip Green

Well-Known Member
I have multiple EB series panels running at 1050ma. Though mine are a bit smaller, the strip spacing is relatively close to what you are running. That should produce similar output.
To get my target flowering level of LUX (40-50K LUX)at canopy, I'm generally right around that same 12" zone...but I'm not in tents... I use the "Dr. Meter" brand , el cheapo, lux meter to set the footprint.
If you are willing to invest, like $30 USD for this tool, you'll never have to guess at where to position the rack....

All that being said, I don't think you are TOO close, but I've seen some pretty impressive results at lower LUX levels than I expected, using the very same emitters, at the very same amperages....


Well-Known Member
Im not knowledgeable enough to answer your questions, just wanted to pop in and praise your work up until now.

Your garden looks great man, those plants are very healthy and happy looking , nice job.

Best of luck the rest of the way.


Thanks everyone, I'll have to check out that meter, it would be good to have for sure. As for distance, I was afraid that I might be scorching tops if I went to close, but looks like I'm in the right zone. KonopCh, that plant looks awesome! I have no idea what my expectation should concerned I let the canopy grow to thick and it will prevent nice tall colas as well. I don't want to stress the plant by cutting anything. I'll be due for a defoliation in about 10 days, when most of the stretch should be done. The no more plans other then feedings right thru till almost finish