Customer Survey for Nirvana


Well-Known Member
In my mind I was going to get the seeds, grow my plants, then once the plants started looking like what I ordered, I would write a write up a short review on this site. I would go nuts with the emoticons and even add some rainbows and unicorns in acsii.

Since looks like the of consumer weed reporting, I figured I'd be a pretty awesome guy if I did this. For one, my ego on the blogosphere (forumosphere?) would increase ten fold, and two, Nirvana would get an easy worship-style testimonial from me:
On Jan. 1st, 2012, Vindicated wrote,

"OMG!Nirvana ftw. Only shop heres guyzA+++ SuPr Shippers all the way. Weeeeed!!!). "

Yeah, no. It isn't happening like that. After few quirks I decided to write this in journal format. You know, keeping it real!! :finger:

However, before I rant it's only fair that I mention that they have a pretty good reputation. They are even recommended by on their nice review (affiliate link) page. I'll sort of not really try to be less biased in my review.

So here is how it went so far ...

DAY ONE: I spent an hour or so dicking around on the products page. They got so much shit to choose from right, it's mind blowing. I eventually gave up and just went to the cheapest shit that had a name I read some where.

I clicked checkout, then my buddy Firefrox freaked out and threw up a page about not trusting them. Whatever, I want my :leaf: right?

So I click past it and I entered my credit card info on some non-PayPal checkout site. Opps, error! Wtf, I dunno. I typed that shit up again anyway (I'm pre-celebrating mind you) and then hit enter. Success. :bigjoint:

After that I checked my gmail account. Right away I received a few e-mails from I decided to reply back to them to see if a human was there (and to beg for some extra seeds), but a funny thing happened. I got a bounce back message. :cuss:

Still, this a no no. That e-mail should be forwarding to another address, at the very least.

I'm sure i can find another email address on their web site, but I think I should hold off for a day or two. I don't want to send them any bitchy "WTF are my seeds at man!" e-mails just yet.

I'll toke, wait a few days, check on the tracking (I registered), and we'll see how this plays out.

They got a tight site and people talk good about this company. I just hope the reviews ain't padded by SEO copywriters and are instead written by real buyers.

If you've interacted with Nirvana's staff, I'd like to hear what you think of them.

DAY TWO: (coming soon, like tomorrow.)


Well-Known Member
one time i ordered i accidently paid for the same seeds twice and picked a wrong strain i emailed them n told them about double paying and changing one of the strains the next day they emailed me n told me the money had been refunded and they already corrected my order. ive ordered all of there indoor seeds and spent over 2k in a month time span ive never had problems with not getting my seeds i dont even bother emailing them n e more i just wait and my seeds always show up. so far nirvana and attitude are my two favorite seed companies.


Active Member
I also ordered from nirvana, just a few days ago. They havent sent me an email back letting me now they shipped...but my order status says theyre payed for. This is my first time ordering from them. I hope this shit works!


Active Member
they seem like a good company i recieved my order n 7 day counting weekends and a holiday no mail ran yesterday thats fast i live n texas . super skunk fem


when you say nirvana do you mean gypsy-nirvana's they're fast and reputable, I have ordered from them quite a bit.
or do you mean

I wanted to know 'cause I don't know anything about them other than I saw them on a straight evening news and world report type thing on marijuana proliferation. if it was you ordered from please let us know. thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah for reals. hell, listen to this.

About a month and a half ago.. I started looking at different seed banks because I had thought about ordering some really dank good seeds so that I could grow some bomb ass buds right?

Well, I came across Nirvana too... only I came up with the idea.. to send them an email. Well, I sent them an email.. stating something like 'Hey everyone, I have never ordered seeds before.. and I am really hesitant about ordering anything over the internet.. let alone marijuana seeds. Would it be possible for you guys to maybe send me something.. just to show me that you are a legit company?

If not I understand. But, if you were to do this for me.. I promise you'll get my future business.

Well, about 2 weeks later (roughly 12 days) I receive a white paper package in my mailbox. All it said was that it was from the Netherlands. By this time.. I had forgotten I had even sent them the email about sending me something for free.. to show that they were legit (lol).

Inside the package.. was a black wallet (velcro type) with the company name 'Nirvana' sown onto the front face of the wallet with a lime green thread color.

And inside the wallet.. once I got to looking at it.. I found inside the wallet, I found a bag which contained a mix of seeds in it. They wrote on the bag with a perm black marker the words "Free mix".

Soooo.... I can't really say anything bad about them... although out of the 5 free seeds I got... not one of them lived. Plus they were a bitch to germinate too.


Now, if you really want a good seed bank.. I can say that 'Attitude Seed bank' is a really good one.. and they ship to the USA. Plus!! they give the customer all kinds of custom shipping options that you can choose from.

It took a little bit to get here.. but it got here. I ordered the 5-pack of femanized 'White Berry' and got one of their free UFO offers.. which contained 2 femanized 'Lemon Skunk' beans in it. And it all got here in one piece. I was impressed.

So... if you haven't tried Attitude.. I would suggest giving them a try. They're a good 90% better than Nirvana.

Not to mention.. that I got my package from Attitude this last Friday.. I started germinating one of my 'Lemon Skunk' seeds that I got from Attitude that same night. By the next day.. Saturday afternoon.. she had already cracked open and had a good 1/2inch of tap-root showing.

As of today.. right now.. she's doing great and growing like wildfire.

So all in all... I'd say go with Attitude bro.

I'm a very picky person.. and I don't have too much to complain about when it comes to the Attitude seed bank.

Hope this helped ya out some.

peace. :bigjoint:


I have been successful with BOTH and, in terms of receiving my order.

Ive grown out nirvana aurora indica, very nice strain. 20/20 germinated. I had a 8/10 male ratio with my first pack and emailed them about it (didnt ask for a replacement just wanted to see what they would say), and they sent out a second pack free of charge! 6/10 were females from the second pack. Very stealth+quick shipping. Id order from them again.

I just received my order from gypsynirvana seedboutique today, Bubba Kush from GHS and the package looks untouched, also they sent 5 free PPP seeds. Very quick shipping not as stealth as nirvanashop but still stealth enough for me. Id order from these guys again too.

Oh ya and shipping time was 7 days from ordering from both of these banks, which is very quick.


Active Member
when you say nirvana do you mean gypsy-nirvana's they're fast and reputable, I have ordered from them quite a bit.
or do you mean

I wanted to know 'cause I don't know anything about them other than I saw them on a straight evening news and world report type thing on marijuana proliferation. if it was you ordered from please let us know. thanks
I ordered from seeds in 7 days with no problem at all.


Active Member
yeah for reals. hell, listen to this.

About a month and a half ago.. I started looking at different seed banks because I had thought about ordering some really dank good seeds so that I could grow some bomb ass buds right?

Well, I came across Nirvana too... only I came up with the idea.. to send them an email. Well, I sent them an email.. stating something like 'Hey everyone, I have never ordered seeds before.. and I am really hesitant about ordering anything over the internet.. let alone marijuana seeds. Would it be possible for you guys to maybe send me something.. just to show me that you are a legit company?

If not I understand. But, if you were to do this for me.. I promise you'll get my future business.

Well, about 2 weeks later (roughly 12 days) I receive a white paper package in my mailbox. All it said was that it was from the Netherlands. By this time.. I had forgotten I had even sent them the email about sending me something for free.. to show that they were legit (lol).

Inside the package.. was a black wallet (velcro type) with the company name 'Nirvana' sown onto the front face of the wallet with a lime green thread color.

And inside the wallet.. once I got to looking at it.. I found inside the wallet, I found a bag which contained a mix of seeds in it. They wrote on the bag with a perm black marker the words "Free mix".

Soooo.... I can't really say anything bad about them... although out of the 5 free seeds I got... not one of them lived. Plus they were a bitch to germinate too.
. :bigjoint:
Just Curious, how did they have your shipping info if you were testing if the site was legit or not? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ganjaluvr, thanks for sharing that story, and thanks to the rest of you who left feedback. I still haven't received any seeds, but I'm a lot more optimistic now. I also decided to take the advice about buying from Attitude seed bank. I ordered a pack of the Lowlife Automatic Lemon Skunk (feminized). :-P


Well-Known Member
So I ordered on 11/10/2009 right? Hmm. It's the 24th already. Geez. I know I know, have patience. But fuck damn. shit. blah!!knlj23f.


Well-Known Member
Today the seeds arrived. W00t. They came with a little free pocket gift and the seeds were inside a plastic nickel bag (tiny zip lock) with a sticker that reads, "Bubblelicious."

I'm going to hold of germinating. The Sana Anna winds are really nasty right now. My current harvest is being raped by mother nature. I really hope I don't lose this crop. I've seen trees get de-rooted. ... [tear] hang on plants! You only got a 2 more weeks!!!