customs issue -package arrival


my pal ordered some tomato seeds online.
he got the seeds but something was a bit suspicious- the package was opened and retaped, aslo the cd case didnt had a nylon seal on it, and the outside package had a customs- "checked in date: XX/XX/XX" stamp on it, and yet the seeds were there hiding.
is it possible that they missed the seeds? (it was hidden in the case)
is my pal in trouble and should be looking behing his shoulder the next days?:cuss:


Well-Known Member
he would have had an issue by now... They just missed em. :)

I had an order of steroids confiscated years ago....I got a letter with empty box's asking me to call them if I wanted to discuss the missing items. No I did not call.


Well-Known Member
No, the only time we let contraband pass through is when they want to give more guns to mexico so the drug dealers don't lose so the cops can keep getting paid.

If they found the seeds, they would of taken them.