Day One of legal weed in Canada: doomed to fail?

Well that is a pretty damned eloquent way of putting it.

your shit looks good wheels.. i admit, i was in a bad mood when i came into this thread, the gf had me hot under the collar, but i still stand behind my entire point of this thread.. it just seems to me that we could all be little more grateful for things in life instead of finding things to constantly bitch about.. idk, but to me, all the negativity is a downer, i try to not be around that or promote it myself when i can.. of course, i'm not perfect, but i try
i apologize if i stepped on anyone's toes
your shit looks good wheels.. i admit, i was in a bad mood when i came into this thread, the gf had me hot under the collar, my i still stand behind my entire point of this thread.. it just seems to me that we could all be little more grateful for things in life instead of finding things to constantly bitch about.. idk, but to me, all the negativity is a downer, i try to not be around that or promote it myself when i can.. of course, i'm not perfect, but i try
i apologize if i stepped on anyone's toes
I have been there amigo. Recently in fact. I think the hippy is on the same page as me. We are pretty damned happy about it. And your original point was pretty much that. Quit your bitchin we have it good in Canada. Here you can smoke somewhere (or vape wherever you want really) and there is no court charge. The people in prison will be remanded out or pardoned.

I am happy to be Canadian for more reasons than this but this makes me pretty fucking happy. :D

BTW that white rhino was way better than the cheese KERPOW EXPANDED MINE AND THOUGHT!!!

I love weed.
“They know that they will have more secondary inspection because if the dogs that they use at the border are very good … if people smoke cannabis and they keep the same clothes … they will smell the cannabis and so automatically they will put the people at the secondary inspection,” Carignan told VICE. “It will delay the travelers from not only for those who have inspections, but for the regular travelers. If they spend more time on secondary, they will have less border agents to take care of the regular travelers.”

During last month’s committee hearing focused on Canada’s proposed cannabis legislation, Canadian Senators heard testimony from immigration and drug policy experts that warned of such complications. However, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has repeated that Canadians shouldn’t worry. In addition, he’s stated the lack of concern for U.S. border guards to beef up screening Canadian citizens.

“Our message [to Americans] is this should not be an issue,” Goodale said during another Senate Committee last month. “It becomes an issue if you make it one, but there’s no need to make it one because the border rules have not changed.”

See meduser if ya look closely Theryre Quotes ;)

this is one of their next moves to stop it.
It is really not a magic pill. I realized what I did wrong. 18 months of growing and i feel like a total newb sometimes but in other times I know what you did wrong and I can advise. like get a bluelab PH pen get a waterproof TDS meter (Trust me) use RO water. Where i live the water is so hard you can almost skate on it in summer.

And a books worth of knowlege after that. Good growers offering advice helped me figure it out. Searching through 100s of stupid forum posts to find the good ones helped a lot. But I was in a different forum and the searching wasnt so hard. They were/are mostly about growing and less about being pissy about it. Industrial growers are a bit upset because we grow and claim this or that but the truth be told is the future is everyone growing what they need.

Wow that cheese really got STRONG.One of the frostiest buds i ever grew. I had to include a pic.

The point of it is 4 plant limit is very workable. When you get good at it you could pull a pound in a 4 x 4 with 550 watts or so and isnt that the goal The best 4 plant production under the least amount of resources? Because where i live hydro costs suck giant monkey balls. And 1 oz a month is all i can use. 3 oz a month is awesome and I can do that. 4 oz a month is the goal and i will get there. You can too. All of this with 4 plants in a 4 x 4 tent with a single light btw.

Doing pretty good for a newer grower!

If you have a scrip you can grow more than 4. Just a gram a day gets you 5 plants. I got one for 8g/day but haven't filed to grow. Why be on a hit list when what I've been doing for decades has been working fine. :)

As far as I know rec growers will still have to register to grow their 4 but that might be different now. At least they dropped the height limit BS but who knows what they'll come up with by the time it gets through the senate if it ever does.

My water comes out of a dugout on my property so we buy RO water for drinking and for my plants. A lot more growers should use it to prevent problems caused by their crappy tap water too.

your shit looks good wheels.. i admit, i was in a bad mood when i came into this thread, the gf had me hot under the collar, but i still stand behind my entire point of this thread.. it just seems to me that we could all be little more grateful for things in life instead of finding things to constantly bitch about.. idk, but to me, all the negativity is a downer, i try to not be around that or promote it myself when i can.. of course, i'm not perfect, but i try
i apologize if i stepped on anyone's toes

The thing of it is is that they are just trying to take the place of the corner pot dealer. Charging more than street prices and then adding tax on top. Not just for rec users but they want to add the same tax to us medical users. How is that ever going to stop the black market which is one of the main points they spout to justify re-legalizing it in the first place.

They have increased penalties greatly too. A legal aged 18 yo gets some pot for his 17 yo pal and he's facing a maximum 14 years in jail for that. If he gets him some booze it a slap on the wrist with a max 1 year. 2 years+ is federal time too.

They will be allowing what is now illegal search and seizure if pulled over in your car. Fines for smoking pot in any public place even if you're way out at the far end of a park where there is nobody. Cash grabs like photo radar.

Even tho I have a medical exemption I can still be criminally prosecuted unless the pot I have on me is in a clearly marked container from a legal producer with my name on it. That will never happen.

If you don't like the kind of posts someone starts their threads about then just don't click on them. My old man gave me some good advice when I was younger. If you have anything constructive to say, then don't say anything at all. ;)

I stay out of the politics section for that reason. :D

your shit looks good wheels.. i admit, i was in a bad mood when i came into this thread, the gf had me hot under the collar, but i still stand behind my entire point of this thread.. it just seems to me that we could all be little more grateful for things in life instead of finding things to constantly bitch about.. idk, but to me, all the negativity is a downer, i try to not be around that or promote it myself when i can.. of course, i'm not perfect, but i try
i apologize if i stepped on anyone's toes
Takes a Man to apologize...respect for that. :clap:
You see, I or we, do go on about LP's but it because it's a huge injustice. So we bitch on and on. That's what folks do with a cause like the one I feel.
They are stepping on our culture and making a grab for folks money with no apology in any way. Still willing to jail people who won't essentially pay them not to and by their weed. I personally find that repulsive and it make me angry beyond words. Don't you Racer? You not the first one to tell me to shut up and fuck off. One guy wanted to do unspeakable things to my bum. But this Hippy doesn't capitulate to anyone. Unless I'm handcuffed.
I'm not about to stop bitching on them. They are my enemy. The are the enemy of freedom cannabis soldiers now and from the past.
Why stop ?
My message stands and this little site has done lots to educate other and help them find decently sourced meds.
Seems a winner to me. Join us in our quest for TRUE cannabis freedom. This country has a long tradition of cannabis users standing up and telling our government to fuck off.
This is just another form of that.
again, way to assume you know what country i live in.. all you know is i don't live in canada..
how am i uniformed? please go on and tell me how i'm uniformed?
Theres a lot to unpack so lets start with the simplest of them, how exactly does a random post on the internet(pick whatever subject you like) DIRECTLY effect your life on a day to day basis? Then we can move on to the pile of uninformed info you've spewed your last few comments.