Customs Notice


Active Member
Apparently, there was a shipment from a Button company in the UK(For legal purposes) that was shipped to me and was confiscated/seized by Customs in Chicago. From what it says, I don't think I will be fined or investigated.
Has anyone else got this letter with the green sticker saying 'Examined'? I've read about it on here a few times. I've heard of colored pencil's being sent to them.


Well-Known Member
i live in calif and customs snatched my chrystal seeds and sent me a letter saying the seeds have been confiscated and that no further action will be taken!! keep growin!!!


Well-Known Member
The only thing you should remember is what happened to Marc Emery and his customers. Prior to his indictment they (the powers that be) managed to get a few names of recipients. I think they monitored his outgoing mail. Anyway, they (customs or the DEA or whomever) sent out a second letter with some bullshit excuse that "due to shipping problems we need a few more bucks". IF you fell for it and sent out additional money you confirmed that YOU ordered the seeds and they came down on you. Remember....just cause something is coming to your address doesn't mean YOU ordered it.

Mark Emery was nice enough to put a few copies of that bogus letter on his website and tell his customers to look out for this bogus bullshit. His company did NOT send it and you shouldn't answer it. Sneaky fucks.

chosuichi inu

Active Member
Apparently, there was a shipment from a Button company in the UK(For legal purposes) that was shipped to me and was confiscated/seized by Customs in Chicago. From what it says, I don't think I will be fined or investigated.
Has anyone else got this letter with the green sticker saying 'Examined'? I've read about it on here a few times. I've heard of colored pencil's being sent to them.
got the same thing......they take your buttons...thats all, order some more, thats what i did and got them in the next shipment


Well-Known Member
I'm with Pimpnitjc, I was just about to order some off nirvana today, and changed my mind at the last minute. I always listen to those subtle intuitions. Maybe next time I'll get the courage to follow thru. I am a MM patient, and still afraid to order beans to produce my medication. One of these days.


Well-Known Member
If you are a MMJ patient then just look out for clones instead, easier and already a little farther along and sexed!


Well-Known Member
Ordered from 420 a couple of times w my own cc & home addy. Just order them forget about & they will come. If u do get a letter wtf they do have bigger fish to fry.:blsmoke:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I have a friend who has gotten 10 different letters. They haven't done anything over the past 4 years. It isn't illegal to order seeds. It is illegal to posses them and grow them only. Don't worry about ordering them. The worst that happens is your out how ever much you had to pay for them.

Customs is more worried about the kilos of coke and heroin entering the country. Not 10 beans. Lawl. You have the courage now I hope guys. Legally speaking they can't do anything. Unless they catch you with them in your hand or on you or in your house you're fine. Just order em and get your medicine dude. Your a patent. It's legal for you to have seeds...under "state" law that is...fucking federal dicks.


Well-Known Member
If ur scared than say ur scared & try something else. Nobodys kicking down the door for beans. If u talk the talk walk the walk its life. Be quiet & nobody knows!!! Some people are followers & some are leaders how bout u.


Active Member
well hopefully it doesn't happen on my first order im getting white widow and Hollands hope for 40 bucks 50 with shipping from the dr


Active Member
I also live in calif and have heard of others who got the letter from customs and to date no further action has been taken.


Well-Known Member
I ordered beans from Dr. Chronic and I was supposed to get two envelopes and I have got one yesterday and I still have not gotton the other one today. Do they sometimes come on different days? Thanks for the help guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
they send you these bullshit letters and then you end up recieving half of your order. A month later youget a email saying to send more money and they will send you the rest of your order. DR. CHRONIC has been scamming new customers like this for a while now and only because it just happened to me I have alot of proof to back this up FUCK DR. chronic. I have been dealing with AMS and Nirvana for two years now and never had a problem. The one time that my seeds did not germinate they resent then in a week (ams). I know that alot of people have used the doc in the past but this happens way to often for what they say is happening plus they would lose a ton of money if everyone that claimed they lost seeds ended up with half there order eventually....