Cut back on ferts. & watering - Sweet...


Well-Known Member
Hello.. Fellow Outdoorsmen & Outdoorsladies... I just wanted to share some info on a good soil amendment - called Super Plant Tonic, it's made by a company called Blue Mtn. Organics. Their like a commune of Hippies living in the Ozark Moutains. They don't have a store or website. They have a guy who sells it on Ebay. The stuff is absolutely the shit ! I'm on my third bottle, it only cost like $ 12. It's worth every penny.
It has worm castings, humic acid, coral calcium, unsulphured molasses & mychorizzal fungi in it. I also believe it might have fairy dust & troll turds..but I'm not sure about that.
What I am sure of - is those myco fungi make sweet love to your root system. You end up with hundreds of threads per square inch feeding your roots, vice dozens of just roots per square inch. Plus the myco fungi break down NPK (from stuff already in the soil) making it very soluble (available) & excrete a substance that kills nematodes & some bad fungi / bacteria.
That's what makes it sweet for outdoor growing. Since the rootball gets much bigger (thanks to the friendly micro-beaties) - your plants can take in nutrients & water easier - making them more draught resistant. The roots get so efficent, after they get a dose of this stuff - you can actually cut back on your ferts. & watering.
Just thought I'd share, cause it's cheap, works great & makes your plants tough as nails... Nails with fat, frosty buds.. S-w-e-e-t.......
Keep it Real - Organic......
Just say No to Part A, Part B, Part C & Micro Accessory Plant Nutes - they are a rip off. Overpriced & not necessary - to grow good bud.
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Well-Known Member
I would look for it in a heartbeat if it DIDN'T have coral calcium in it. Is there any other way to get those mycorrhizzal fungi?

(I have a thing about these people who are proponents of "coral" calcium, i.e. calcium gleaned from coral, given the state of coral reefs around the world it's just another stress and reason for poor people to collect live coral. It's right up there for me with shark cartilage.)


Well-Known Member
Geez, I should Google before I ask stupid questions. I've found all SORTS of places to buy these things, as well as other fungi and other... stuff! One place even sells samples of the fungi. I may try that first.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden.. I had my concerns about the source too. I am a Ohsogreen dude. I emailed the dude selling it. He assured me BMO is earth friendly all the way. He told me, one of the Hippies has a son in the Marine Corps - stationed in Okinawa, Japan. He sends them the coral calcium, which is mined from old (dead) reefs, located throughout the island. Seems, most of the island is made up of the stuff, and huge ridges of it, stick up out of the topsoil in allot of places there. Kind of like, in Florida. Have you every heard of the Coral Castle - it's a interesting story - Google it..
He told me everything in SPT is mother-earth-friendly. Made by nice people, who work hard, want for nothing, don't drive fancy cars or chase a dollar. He sells it for them becuase his wife, Traci, asked him too. She grew up in the Blue Mtn. Community & is herself - very Organic.. Nice.. Huh..
Organics.. Family... & Sharing... it sold me. I love Hippies - they are good people.
Where would the Peace Corps or Red Cross be without them ?
The SPT is very good, the whole story makes it great - in my book.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind them making a profit, not one bit. It's the American way. Got a link? :)
Yes in the good ole USA " money talks ." Cause.. Love is good, but it don't pay the bills. Not even for the most peace loving people.
When I bought my first bottle, a younger friend ( an agri-student ) attending ASU, told me about it. He bought some at a farmers market near Mtn. View, Ark. & they tested it for a class project. His professor said it was very well made ( a mycho count of 200 k per ounce) & would be beneficial for growing just about anything - except root crops - like beets, carrot or potatoes. They sell it on , you put Super Plant Tonic or Organic Fertilizer in the search box & hit enter. If any is available it will show up. They don't have a store or website.
And your absolutely correct about the different components of this tonic being available elsewhere. Most are made by your bigger Fert Companies.
For good fungi there is a product called "Sub-Culture", another called "Myco-Magic" and most hydro stores carry them & Humic Acid. I don't know of a source for the coral calcium. I've really never went looking for it. Worm Casting are available at most Nurseries or Home Depot. Unsulphured Molasses, can be bought at Wally World or any Grocery Store. I guess the artesian water can even be bought in the form of bottled water - but I'm not a big fan of bottled water. It wastes allot of resources, that could be better used.
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Well-Known Member
Coral calcium is touted as a health aid. Its proponents claim that you can change your body's pH levels with it. The quackery involved in such claims boggles my mind, but what's worse is that they are none too discriminating about where they get the coral from. I used to work the ornamental fish (aquarium) import/export trade, and I've seen things that would make normal people vomit. I also know how much of the coral calcium is "collected" for these health food pills, which is why I asked. :)

I have done a bit of searching, and I've found all the components you mention SEPARATELY, but to bring them together would require a small investment, not to mention much research. I think that a tonic such as this makes it far easier, and when I can put some funds into my PayPal I want to try it. In the meantime I'm going to hit our local nursery tomorrow (I just discovered they carry many of the same brands folks recommend here for good organics) to see if they carry anything with mycorrhizal fungi, because that group of bugs... err.. plants, err.. fun guys, really pack a whollop that plants LOVE. I did read some stuff also about not using either the humic acid or the fungi on root crops AND cruciferous vegetables.

I have a batch of babies in cups that are soon in need of transplanting, and I've decided I really want to try this with them at that time. :D


Well-Known Member
how much are we supposed to mix into a gallon of water? is it safe to use every watering? or every week or two
You mix one ounce of SPT to one gallon of chlorine free water. Water it into the soil, directly around your plant(s). Wait - keep reading don't do it yet.
Now, if you are growing in a container - use one quart per gallon of soil. Let me clearify. That's one quart from the gallon you mixed up - using one ounce of SPT to one gallon of water.
I don't mean to insult you, but I told a friend that a couple of months ago, and he poured the whole bottle of SPT into a one gallon pot. Luckily, I stopped by about two hours later to visit & rendered emergency flushing of that pot. We mixed the run off into four five gallon bucks - so all was not lost. Recovered & Recycled...
Believe it or not, the plant survived. It was rootbound in about 4 days, when it got repotted - it even grew real bushy & made some pretty tastie buds.
As far as using it every week. I would use it full strength the first week, skip a week, then half strength the next week, skip a week, then quarter strength from their on out. I think using it full strength every week might be a bit wasteful.
I have used it full strength every week before, without any damage to my plants - Just be advised - Your plants will get super effiecent at taking up water & nutrients. You end up with hundreds of threads (fungi roots) attached to your roots, vice dozens of just plant roots per square inch in the soil. Go easy on the watering & the feeding. It's easy to overfeed, once this stuff kicks in. I only feed every other week, after applying SPT & my plants are doing great....
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.. I thought I was subscribed to this thread. In any event, I got some SPT, and now that I've read their information I understand why they chose CORAL calcium and not some other source. As long as it's not from coral that's come through 104th St. in L.A., I'm fine with it (yeah, even though I know the owner of Tideline, and yeah, he's a good guy and all that, but to go to his warehouse breaks the heart). :)

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. i need to have an early harvest this year ~mid sept. they are starting to flower, so is adding this going to add time to the flowering? i read that somewhere on another thread.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. i need to have an early harvest this year ~mid sept. they are starting to flower, so is adding this going to add time to the flowering? i read that somewhere on another thread.
No, using it at a regular strength or half strength will not affect the finishing time frame. If you double dose it, for a couple of weeks in a row, then it slows down flowering. By a couple of weeks. People sometimes do that when they set out clones & they start making the switch to flowering too early - this allows them to bulk up before converting over to full on flowering.
SPT is great from seed up until the last two weeks of flowering. I feel using it during those last two weeks is kind of a waste. Since, you alreay have a thriving community of mychorizzal fungi present, mining the shit out of the soil, & feeding your roots. No need to waste it.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic....


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've been curious about the life span and whether or not the soil needs to be inoculated with the microbes over and over again since I also plan on using it for our baby trees. We've planted at least a dozen incense cedars (native here, we've got a friend with more cedar nurseries than anyone can count and he let us dig up a few), and one's not doing so well lately.


Well-Known Member
OK, this thread has slowed down. Lets kick it back up to the top & Recycle it.
Super Plant Tonic, Mychorizzal Fungi.....good stuff. Google or Yahoo search Mychorizzal Fungi.... Get some, add them to your grow & you will be amazed at the results.
Increased draught resistance, greatly improved ability of your roots to absorb nutrients and water. Plant Vigor increases, Pest resistance increases, yields increase.
Brandnames : GH - Subculture, Plant Sucess, Myco Magic (all availalbe at hydro stores & garden centers) Super Plant Tonic (available on Ebay).
Hope this helps...