cut down in a hurry and dint flush , help please !!


Active Member
Hi there guys,
i had to cut down in a hurry and did'nt flush , moved house sooner than expected :-( and all my bongsmiliesmoke has a soil after tast? ( chems i think ).
i used soil and rocks chems and boost.
Is there a way of cleaning the buds up a bit so they smoke better?


Well-Known Member
uncured buds always taste earthy to me, whether they are flushed or not, cure them and things will improve.


cure super good for atleast 2 months and it will be a soild smoke i hope.

my cure method.

1. trim all fan leaves and leave small pointy leaves to wrap around bud.
2. hang for 5 days or so till nice and dry.
3. put in brown paper bag for another 3 days. It may take longer or shorter depending on how quick they dry
4 put them in mason jars small or big ones depending on amount of bud you got. ( i taped the mason jars in black electrical tape to prevent light and then stored them in cool dark spot.
5. check them daily for the first week and rotate them and check for mold. after the first week you should be good and let them sit for a good 2 months for a solid smoke.