Cutting down moisture in Green House?


Well-Known Member
True, but a dehumidifier will cost a LOT less to run. Go for the dehumidifier you have been offered, SchwagBag, I would suggest.
my duhum is 1500 watts. so are most heaters. The heater would cost way less to run because it would have to be on for a few minutes at a time. Get one that doesnt give out light and pushes hott air out. A duhum gives off heat and takes moister away. Now the duhum has to be running for x amount of hours for it to do its job.
You have to get a heating thermostat to go with the heater. If your running a duhum outside your going to be duhuming for ever unless your tent is sealed.
I dont have much experiance with greenhouses but i have had a cold grow room before.
I know this is ghetto but it worked for me
the fan oscillates hitting the top of the green house and keeps the tips from staying in one place for to long, I found with the fan 4 feet up like the stand they come on tended to dry my plants out
nice improvising.. ducktape+stoner=sucsses.


Well-Known Member
my duhum is 1500 watts.
You sure about that ? My dehumidifier is 220W, I have just been and looked - so uses way less energy than any useful heater. It is certainly powerful enough to dehumidify a greenhouse.

And that is not constantly running, it continuously monitors the moisture content of the air and cuts in and out accordingly.

I think therefore that my earlier statement that a dehumidifier costs less to run is indeed correct.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought. If you have vents open and fans running, A dehumidifier is a waste of electricity. They're only effective in tightly sealed spaces. Any ventilation defeats the purpose. If you insist on using one get a good window air conditioner. They act as a dehumidifier and cool the air, as well, assuming it vents to the outside( which you need, to maintain normal CO2 levels).

Schwag Bag

Active Member
Ya I don't think I am going to purchase the dehum now. There is no condensation since I leave the fans running, and the soil is seeming to dry out faster now. I had to water a day earlier with the fans running 24/7


New Member
large tent but similar issue.

I recently bought a portable aircon unit. great brings the temps down, not great puts the humidity up... however it has a dehumidify setting on it which also actually does the aircon too. So guess there is actually two ways of it working.

but yes, the dehumidify aspect works a treat even without any settings it seems