Cutting off branches in flowering..


Well-Known Member
Ok .. so as a lot of people may know already, my dog pissed all over one of my plants.

There are about 5 of the biggest branches at the bottom that got pissed on.
I was wondering if I could cut off 3 of them that got pissed on. The leaves are brown, the bud sites are brown, i'd rather just cut it all off and let the plant focus on flowering in other places. It looks hideous and brown and I want to remove them.


it may or may not shock i remove all the small bottom branches up to the good branches at about 3 weeks of flower and it does'nt hurt anything that i've seen


Well-Known Member
OK so this may sound weird, but it will work for you.
I have three big labs that were ruining a particular part of my yard. they were killing the grass like roundup. A neighbor suggested tomato juice for the dogs. I rolled my eyes and didnt give it much hope. But he said to get them to drink a cup of tomato juice a week. V8 or straight tomato juice dont matter.
Well holy shit, my yard grew back. That was 4 yaers ago, and i have not any yellow spots in the yard since. Even though all 3 dogs still have the same diet and still piss in the same spot.
I dont have any idea why it works it just does.


Well-Known Member
hahah...I had a little morning wake n bake of some of my finest LA Confidential ive ever owned. Literally 1 hitter quitter.


Well-Known Member
dont dump tomato juice on the plants, get your dog to drink it so his pee will not be so toxic
IDK what the juice will do to the plant, prob kill it


Well-Known Member
dont put tomato juice on the plants unless you dilute it like 20 to 1.
you feed the juice to the dog once a week
Its pupose is to nuetralize the dogs pee
my dogs actually like it


Active Member
cut off the dead stuff, but funny story... my dog likes to pee in this one corner of my corn field. i always immediately hose the plants off so the pee won't burn but interesting, the corn in that vicinity (and beans, and squash) are doing AMAZING. his pee has nitrogen and the corn is loving it.

i just keep the hose handy when i take my dog outside, i hose off his pee spot and whatever he peed on isn't burned if i do this immediately.