Cutting off Leaves


Should i cut off the leaves that splits apart 3 ways or do they produce bud just like the main leaves which has 5 sections per leaf. Note that these leaves are from my second node the stem


Active Member
i wouldnt remove ANY leaves unless they are dead or 75% dead. leaves are the plants solar panels, they absorb sunlight which is then turned into energy the plant uses to grow healthy.:weed:


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt remove ANY leaves unless they are dead or 75% dead. leaves are the plants solar panels, they absorb sunlight which is then turned into energy the plant uses to grow healthy.:weed:

Agreed, let the plants decides which leaves to loose once it starts flowering. It would know which ones are getting enough light and which ones aren't.


Active Member
? if leaves r yellow are they dead? this sounds ;
like a stupid ? sorry. lol. but i just noticed that the bottom 2 leaves on my 3wk old plant r yellow i know pics r necasary to diagnos but jus wondering what could be the reason for yellow leaves. overwatereing perhaps? thx

drew k.420

Active Member
the two very bottom leaves are called cotyledons and they always yellow and fall off prematurely.dont ever cut leaves.


Well-Known Member
Just one more voice chiming in here. Leaves will die and fall of when they want to. Just pick them up and stuff them in a bag for later use. I use all my trimmings and stuff for something.