Cutting Roots While in Flower?? Shock??? Please advise...


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I just put a plant in to my flower room 2 days ago...

It's in a 5 gallon container, I want to move in to an 18 gallon container. The problem is, the root ball is MASSIVE, and impossible to move like this.

In order for me to transfer it, I'd need cut off at least half of it's root system.

I am running a DWC reservoir. Even if I cut the roots off, the remaining roots will be submerged in water.

How badly do you think this will shock my plant? I know that cutting the roots won't kill it, but I don't want to shock the shit outta her. She's already in small shock due to the switch form 24/0 to 12/12.

Please advise me guys.


Illegal Smile

If it has to be moved I think it would probably be ok. But couldn't the lid of the res but cut into sections and removed to avoid cutting the roots?


Well-Known Member
If it has to be moved I think it would probably be ok. But couldn't the lid of the res but cut into sections and removed to avoid cutting the roots?
That would definitely work for getting the plant out of the container that it's in. But, I can't cut the hole of the container I want to transfer too, or else the mesh basket will just fall through... (and I don't think it will be possible to force the roots through the hole either, but maybe.. I'll take a look but I kind of doubt it)

So that won't work, unfortunately.
