Cutting stalks and placing in sugar water...


Active Member
So a buddy and I were talking about cutting plants and putting the stalks in water to keep them from wilting. Then I got to thinking what if you did that but with sugar water?? Since people give plants molasses to plump up buds perhaps the sugar would give them one final push??



Well-Known Member
the molasses that people give their plant is to feed to micro organisms in your soil, they eat the sugar and carbs and produce nutrients that your plants can utilize.

the molasses doesnt "sweeten" your buds or make them swell


Active Member
To clarify better: I was talking about putting them in water for a few hours to keep from wilting prior to trimming, not an extended amount of time. Though I think a nice bouquet of trimmed buds around the house would be a lovely site.


Well-Known Member
You can keep them from wilting for a few hours like that but as stated before it won't make any difference in your bud. As for the naysayers on molasses, I believe they are in need of a refresher course in their information. Molasses is used to help keep soil healthy along with all the microbes living there, but to say that the plant itself doesn't use it is just not true. Plants are able to absorb the carbs through their roots, they also use the carbs and other goodies in molasses when used as a foliar spray.
Not to be argumentative but this subject, just wish people would do a bit more reading and running side by sides before disclaiming all the info available on a subject. Here are a couple of links for you to look at, make up your own mind and maybe try a few things outs for yourself and then deciding.

Good Luck to you and your grow