Cuttings growing but no roots!!


I took cuttings from my cheese plant about 2 months ago, i used rooting powder and tried two methods one lot in just water the other in soil and perlite. The Ones in soil have rooted been re-potted and are now in flower and doing really well, the ones in water are flowering but have still not produced a root!! ive kept them growing in the water as i was unsure as what to do with them, as you can see from the pics they're flowering but not much else has happened, should i put them in soil now or shall i just leave them as they are? any comments or advice would be helpful im a real newbie.
cuttings in water pic1 a.jpgcuttings in water pic2.jpgcuttings in water pic3 anow.jpgcuttings in water pic3 flowering now.jpgcuttings in water pic10 bobbly bits2.jpgcuttings in water pic6 n roots.jpg


Active Member
if the soil ones are doing well, put the other ones in soil too, water them then let them dry out (for a day or so) and the roots should grow and seek the water in the soil. cloning is tricky no matter how you do it. Soil is good for clones , it works damn near everytime for me- with regular watering


Well-Known Member
Some things...

Water cloning normally takes longer than methods.
Flowering clones take even longer in water.
Water cloning likes less vegetation above the water. That's a pretty large cutting you're trying to root.

So that thing could sit in the water for a month and not grow roots. Usually mine take 7-10 days.


Cool thanks ill do that, would it still be ok to pot now? even though theyre flowering? Here are my ones in the soil, they're much better and flowering lovely.

cuttings in soil pic 1.jpgcuttings in soil pic 2.jpgcuttings in soil pic 3.jpgcuttings in soil pic3 flowering.jpgcuttings in soil pic4.jpg


thanks for the info smokinrav, i never intended to do the cuttings my plant got big real quick so i cut it back and took some cuttings from it, but she just kept bigger she grew out my greenhouse, so now its outsie, the hairs are much darker and gets pretty battered in the english weather, not sure if it will come to much, what do you think ? also it has no smell, it used to at the start. here are some pics of the beast

big cheese 2nd stage.jpgbig cheese 5.jpgbig cheese 7.jpgbig cheese 9 outside.jpgbig cheese 999 outside.jpgbig cheese outside 2.jpg big cheese outside.jpgbig cheese outside 4 flower.jpgbig cheese outside 3 flower.jpg

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep the soil lightly moist,drying out would be too stressfull for those nubs.
Long story short the soil clone had oxygen to the roots,while water had little oxygen or DO (dissolved oxygen) to the roots.
*For optimum results.Root a cutting under veg photoperiod (18/6),taken from a veg photoperiod mother.