Cyco Nutrients? answers and questions, how much how often and what? ph? coco grow


Active Member
lol all good, keep me posted i am curios about the yield on that set up.
Yeah, I mean realistically even out of 4 seeds (3 bubblicious auto 60 day, 1 northern lights x blue auto 60 day); I shouldn't have much of a problem getting my moneys worth in nugs to smoke out of the investment (200$). We will see how the first grow goes, at the moment I have perlite, rockwool, cfl 100w grow light w/ portable outlet n extension cord; ufo grow light 135w; grow bloom boost nuets, Only thing in mail still is PH meter, and my soil wasn't shipped yet although its been 5 business days, the seller does have over 99% feedback positive on ratings so I'm giving him the benefit, the seeds will be here before the soil as it is now seeing as how they've already hit usa. Its about as crude of a setup as you could get really, but for one plant I should be ok and not in red as long as nothing un-expected comes up with feeding ect. If I had a screen and some activated charcoal I could actually use the tutorial in DIY section, also wanted reflector blanket to place around the closet walls.... :'/ I guess I will work with what I got though its cool! Who knows, even if I did pull 20g off those 4 with some horrible grow catastrophe lol, it would be staying outta the red so its all good, I don't plan on selling at all but in a theoretical situation I could flip 2 more ufo lights with 20g, but I am waiting to see exactly how decent or much of a waste of the seed the 1 ufo with cfl will be. Its going to be fun regardless so, I've not grown anything since horticulture in highschool (feeling old lol).

Everything is looking good for thanksgiving day start, only need this soil guy to get up n move, or purchase more from someone else n just keep the extra can't hurt, will do in 24-48 hours if he don't move on it, was only like 12 quarts anyway; pretty cheap. I can purchase an actual 30$ portion once I'm confident with the medium for sale though. Ebay is ebay =p.

edit: soil was shipped, errthing looking good for thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah is it possible to get 220v to the closet? The ballast run at 9amps on 110v and 4.5 amps on 220v, (less power) you can even plug them into a dryer socket if you change the end.
It's not less power. You still use the same wattage. It's more convenient to run larger loads on 220v circuits because you can run more things with the same amp breaker vs. an equivalently rated 110v circuit. For example, a 10A breaker on a 110v circuit would run one 1,000w lamp, a 10A breaker on a 220v circuit can run two.


Well-Known Member
I use about %25 less power when my lights are on 220v
Impossible. Wattage is your billable unit, a 1000w light run for one hour is 1KwH at any voltage. The only thing that changes is the number of watts you can pull without using more amps. If you are using less power, it's because you changed something else somewhere that lowered your power consumption.


Regardless I said it required less power, not cheaper to run. and the amount of watts is less during start up when they are on 220v. I also saved money when I uped my service to 200amp from 100. I understand what you are saying and I have heard tit all before. It comes down me having to pay an enormous power bill. A bill big enough that even a few % makes a difference. When I switched from 100 to 220 and increase my amps my kilowatt hours went from 4700 to 3900. You pay my bill and I will wire it however you want.


Well-Known Member
Regardless I said it required less power, not cheaper to run. and the amount of watts is less during start up when they are on 220v. I also saved money when I uped my service to 200amp from 100. I understand what you are saying and I have heard tit all before. It comes down me having to pay an enormous power bill. A bill big enough that even a few % makes a difference. When I switched from 100 to 220 and increase my amps my kilowatt hours went from 4700 to 3900. You pay my bill and I will wire it however you want.
Startup is a short period, that's a marginal change at best. You probably saved money because you changed something else. It's simple math really volts*amps= watts, it's a simple fact. There is a certain degree of increased efficiency with 110 vs. 220; if you're saving that much though, your wiring was done horribly before you converted. The majority of the advantage is in material costs. You sure it's not just because it's cooling off so you aren't paying for as much cooling? Honestly, you had to change something. Unless you can demonstrate how such a massive shift is mathematically possible?

As a side note, there's a large gap between ~17% and ~25% that you claimed before.


New Member
ok here we go. This is my first post, sometimes I read these post and just laugh at what I read, I hope that does not happen to me. I will tell you how it do and any input would be great. I am not trying to sound cocky but I often go against what i read and get way better results especially in the cloning and rooting department. I get roots using rockwool in 6 days every time. It would be coo lfor someone else to copy my model if there are any newbies.

Ok first I take a healthy rooted clone in rockwool and plant it into a 1 quart pot using cyco coco. I do not water for about 2 days until the coco is DRY! but before wilt. When it is dry I use sensi grow or ionic grow at about half what it calls for with about 6ml per gallon of cal mag. I use city water and keep my ph at about 6.5ish. The cyco coco has a great ph buffer. I feed almost everytime I water in veg, and i quickly go to full power with the nutes following directions but making sure the ppm does not exceed 3000. and the ph stays at 6.5. it is important to let the coco dry out between watering, the roots will explode with growth looking for water if you do this. After about 14 days the plant is transfered to a 3 gal and then in another 14 days to a 20 gallon pot and yes i said 20 gallon where it will remain for its life. I veg under cfls and LED by the 60 day mark the plants are healthy, huge and ready for bloom. I flush the coco by running about 60 gallons of water thru and then hit them with Cyco A and B, Boost, Intake and then at week 3 i start adding Swell. I nute 5 out of 6 waterings at least, and i let them get pretty dry until later in bloom about week 6 when I stop feeding at that point i keep them a little more moist . I also start adding northern lights at week 3. Cyco is expensive so I dont use the entire line I dont think I need to. I have never used C02 and probably wont. I keep it simple and clean. I bloom under 10, 1000 watt hps and I bloom about 24 plants at once. I yield about 8 ounces per plant with 15 ounces being the best and 4.9 being the least. I have great ventalation and my on temp is about 80 degrees and off time about 60 to 65 degrees. I also flush 2 times during bloom to remove salt build up. Well here is my basic system tell me what you think? and one more thing! I keep a very very close eye on my ph and do a run off test everytime i water looking for build ups and ph problems. I think keeping your ph perfect is far more important than the brand of nutes. please hit me back with any comments i will be glad to post some pics of some HUGE plants that will push the 1 pound mark if anyone wants to see them.

Thats not a bad return, sounds like 1.2lb per light.
I know its possible to push upward of 4lbs a light with the right conditions, genetix, and nutes. Looking good though in the n pics.