Sorry man, I wasn't trying to be an asshole the other day. I think I was drunk actually.. lol but anyways. TO MY EXPERIENCE, I have done dxm probably 300 TIMES. Okay? And I know that 8 ccc's and one 3 oz delsym was the perfect combination. Definitely some pot. I'm not at all saying that ccc's arent unhealthy or life risking. However, I know people who have eaten 48 of the damn things. 8 WILL NOT harm you in ANY WAY whatsoever. I totally get where you're coming from man, but just.. No. That is MY experience. You can try or not try, it's not my decision to make. I guess I can see what you're saying about the mental slowness though. I never felt dulled. Just more.. Spaced. Which to me is when the real epiphanies started to occur. People have died form ccc's, but not 8 of them. Not even 50 of them. That's of course totally risking yourself. But with eight I just saw them as little kick your ass beads.
I don't know dude, sorry about coming off on the wrong foot. Sometimes I just get worked up about the whole DXM thing because it seriously took a vast chunk of my life. I am just trying to help you(not kill you with ccc's lol).
Just experiment a little man, you'll get it. It takes a few times. But at one point you'll become an utter robot. And you'll know what it's about. It' kind of hard to have a perfect dxm trip. But I have figured out what works best for me. On the slight occasion that I do it. Nowadays god.. I don't even know what to say about dxm. I hardly use it except when I am drunk and my friends come up with the idea(or I do >

. but I might have said before I did it a month ago or so and had a pretty enlightening time. So. No complaints. Just yesterday I did a assload of MXE. And it still isn't comparable to dxm. there is just something about it. But for health sake, dxm is a sacred thing. Once every once in awhile we decide to reminisce.
MXE and K are just fine though. I use those more now whenever I am craving a.... Robotic trance.
peaberry: Go with natural substances. As you can see I am a dxm fan. However psychedelics have something different to offer. They are the greatest. Most healthy drugs out there for your mind and body. Absolutely astonishing experiences. Epiphanies of yourself and how life works, how the universe works(at least for me), or just a good time. Sparkly colors. No paranoia(unless you eat like crazy amounts. also depends on the person). Mushrooms, LSD, LSA, DMT.. Go for it. I'd recommend those a thousand times over. And again. As opposed to taking DXM. For a person other than myself that is. Why would you want to take a drug that makes you feel gross and that gives you comfort to not be 'bad' again? I don't get it. Drugs are your own business. Psychedelics are not bad, they are GOOD. You have been led to think badly of them. But no. Do some reading. these psychedelics are not addictive. In fact, once you try one, you will think.. 'Hmm, that was something. I think I should wait a bit before I do it again.'. You'll WANT to do them again. But what human being wouldn't? Unless they fritzed out. It's not a bad thing. They are wonderful, helpful, mind opening, good time havin, divinities in a piece of paper or some other form of sparkly goodness.
If you do LSA, it is not quite as intense as LSD but I recommend hbwr seeds. you only need like 9 seeds as opposed to 300. And besides LSD and mushrooms aren't THAT intense anyways. I like explaining it like, they make you just.. simply.. LIVE HARDER for a few hours. Life really shows itself to you for a brief few hours that lasts forever of smiling and giggling.
Dxm should not be used aside from psychedelics. that is a stupid idea.