Dabump's Love Chamber (600w Perpetual)


Well-Known Member
O hey chief. I was checking my new clothes and I saw that one was developing the brown / black death like the other one. So I hit them all with neem and the one with the red/brown spots the spots turned rust red and dried up and stopped getting worse.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
O hey chief. I was checking my new clothes and I saw that one was developing the brown / black death like the other one. So I hit them all with neem and the one with the red/brown spots the spots turned rust red and dried up and stopped getting worse.
Its a good idea to wash your clothes once and a while.

Congrats on the clone. =)


Well-Known Member
That was the original clone. I'm not sure what is going on with the new ones. The OG ones I was able to get roots in 7 days of 3/4 clones and the other strait up died. Now I'm not sure if it's too cold or what is wrong but were on day 7 and I don't have any lightening of leaves that precedes rooting and I don't have any wilt like they are trying to do anything. I don't know about the temps. I have a thromometer in there and it says about 80 at all time and I have a heating mat and seeds germ well enough but the clones won't root. I let them get just shy of being literally dry. Seriously they are just enough to keep the RR soft. I'm gonna wait 14 days but them I'm pulling them and I'm reworking my approach. I'm running out of options though.


Well-Known Member
It's picture time!! This is my flowering girl. She is doing great! I hope I'm able to continue the genetics but my house is cold(No heat) and I don't know how I'm gonna get clones. I did it once in my veg box on 24 with no fan running and they turned out well but now they just sit there with no roots!

This is the girl that is in veg.

The seedlings in the veg room. Don't judge my stretchiness. I left them in the germ box for too long.

The clones. Disgruntled voice.

My garden seeds!!



Well-Known Member
Well I've got Marigold (Natural Pest control) Onion, Celery, Bell pepper, and Tomato started now. But when I sew those I'm going to sew: Carrots, Okra, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Green beans, Chadwick Cherry tomatoes(on a trellis), Spinach Matador(Baby Spinach), Cantaloupe, and Squash.


Well-Known Member
Just so you know last night was my first night in a long time without weed. I woke up every hour or so and I was in a cold sweat all night. To say there isn't a withdraw I think is wrong. I'm just glad that it isn't a physical withdraw... I get grump for about 2 days too.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you call self medicating. I've been formally diagnosed with adult ADHD and PTSD from the war!! So yes?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ahh i see. So you use weed to help you sleep?

Sucks to hear your having trouble. Maybe buy a little and use a reduced dose at night time?