So my wife let the ac guy into the room with my box...
I had all kinds of people coming to my house for whatever reason with stuff laying around or things that happened (including strong smell...) that really made it obvious that I was growing pot (party cups kicking around the yard with the word Kush is a good one too...) I have the woman at the post office that has seen many box delivered to my address saying things like Hydroponic ... indoor gardening, ... led lighting ... haha name it! Not that I am proud of this at all by the way it's a good remainder for people to be more careful but really as long as it's not the wrong person you don't really have to worry. Most people I know around here even if they dont enjoy smoking the ganja they really dont seem to mind it ...( I am in BC, canada...)
Just to tell you wherever you are, I would hate having to worry about a 4x4 space and I think you are good ... a lot of guys doing trade job are potheads too.
I hate to hear your grow went to shit. I am currently using my 3x3 tent to try to make some seeds of my own and I will use the seeded buds to make tinctures ... (after removing the seeds) Nothing wrong with seeded weed for your personal stash, make it last and sell everything you will harvest on your next grow.
Anyway Dabumps I enjoy reading your thread/posts, the shit you write is fkin funny sometimes.
Cheers better luck on your next grow.