dabz all day. what do you dab and dab with?


Well-Known Member
Ok I might have to try the big square screen method. Can it really get through a good amount quickly?

Ooh hell yes, I was about to correct myself I could do 1 pound of trim in an hr easy. The bigger the screen the better, just need a vibrating source and crunch/shuffle the trim.

I think I do like 2oz at a time with my typical vivosun trim tray I think 10x20” if I guessed. 150 micron. 5-10 mins sifting each time. Larger screen, much much faster.

I just keep pulling 2oz from the freezer and collect sift, 20gs is the most Ive done from 8oz trim. Progressive harvest since clones didnt finish all at once otherwise it would be more.

Then I press it to rosin and store. I gather all trim and repeat and get like up to 50% yield as the first run sifting it again. Its not as high in hash and more contaminents.

Thats why I just toss the rest, the cream of crop is gone and then some. Of course strains will vary. I could do a 3rd pass but itll be like idk 5% the initial pass of yield? And way too dirty/low in hash.

A hash tumbler sounds nice but yea I dont mind how I do it. Hands only started hurting a bit towards the end of the pound over the couple weeks progressive harvest.


Well-Known Member
Ok that’s great, that’s almost the same as what I am doing. But I have a round tumbler. Of course it has its pros and cons. I’m planning to really use it for the outdoor monsters I harvest (if they work).

i heard about putting a sanding vibratory mashing on the screens to vibrate the screens, but it’s sounding like the good ordained way is fine also. I’m going to look for screens now. Prime deal


Well-Known Member
Yea Im set in my ways if anything Id upgrade my method to make it less hard on me, use both hands. For real, it hurts using one hand but thats what makes it work faster. Vibrating just gets it through the screen.

Then maybe clean up the hash with more screens or use static tech but honestly.. My best stuff of this hits home. 2 point one dabs of it end of day is just good enough. My fav part of day. About that time right now! Past 6pm.

