Dad's love letter to gay teenage son.

Gays killing our kind? :lol: Funny stuff, I rarely see/read homophobes anymore, probably because everyone is gay over here already :lol:

Your Location "in a little place with a nice plant" does that happen to be a closet? ;)

Think about it, the more gays, the more single females...
I don't think I could be this kind of dad but who know's. If every one was gay then you and I wouldn't be here right now. To me its just plain wrong and selfish for people to be this way. JMO

You are a sad person.

What do gay people actually accomplish besides being gay in a relationship? We are meant to reproduce not kill our kind? Okay you can help it. We are not over populated but soon to be underpopulated with all the gays

Show me some white trash gay couples living in trailers having 6 kids living off welfare...oh wait. Confirmation I really don't like you.

So what you're saying is that its a choice. That it can be helped.
So let me ask you this, when did you decide NOT to be gay? You must have decided right? I mean you clearly believe someone makes a conscious decision to be a homosexual. So at some point you must have chose not to. When was it?

Boom. Owned.
Gays killing our kind? :lol: Funny stuff, I rarely see/read homophobes anymore, probably because everyone is gay over here already :lol:

Your Location "in a little place with a nice plant" does that happen to be a closet? ;)

Think about it, the more gays, the more single females...
more women than men though, statistically making more lesbians as well...
May as well since every one is gay here. Look I am not here to be a troll. I just dont like gays ok and this thread seemed like its trying to parade the subject

I'm guessing you probably know some gay people that you like. You just don't know they are gay.

They are behind every tree :P
take it from someone whos much wiser than you will ever muster , stop being a cunt , listen and hear are not that same thing , engage your brain and you will find fortitude from this action


no need for the space before the commas, either. oh wise one.
So anyways....I liked what the dad said.

And just as a side I love how people get uppity....truer colours have never been unfurled
So this is what this site boils down too. Is trolling and flamming people for their opinions!!!! I am going to cancel my member ship and get the hell out.

To all the cool people here. Thanks for all your help and I hope you have many marijuana plants in the future. PEACE! I am out, done, unsubscribed all that shit.

how exactly do you "cancel your membership"?


don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
Why are you so adamant about making MORE babies in this world-- a world that can barely support the current population? Where even the most developed "Rich" Countries (USA/UK etc...) STILL have abandoned children, homeless kids, orphanages full to the rafters and children literally STARVING to death because their parents (if lucky enough to HAVE them) can't support them?

Where is your outrage for them? why not scream and thump your chest about how we should spend more of our time and attention on helping and raising the EXISTING Children in our world instead of making more/banning abortion/telling women what to do with their bodies/telling people being gay is wrong because it produces no offspring?

Does that ALSO mean that Barren women should not be accepted in society either? Or Men who have no sperm count? THEY can't pro-create either- but they don't have to wear a sign saying "I don't make babies"... which is what you seem to think is THE main reason being Gay is wrong.

PLEASE-- grow a few neurons , then maybe get away from the PC and meet a few real people out there.. because a LOT of people you know MIGHT be gay and you do not know it because THEY know what kind of person YOU are!
Every so often an RIU member is shocked and disgusted by the fact that the majority on RIU don't approve of their bigotry. Like, they totally didn't see the disapproval coming. They were ready for a stream of "amen brother" "ADAM AND EVE!"... but they get something completely different.
Jesus, my 87 year old grandmother is not even homophobic... where do you people come from?
more women than men though, statistically making more lesbians as well...
Really? So you are saying when they have relatively less choice in men they choose to be with a woman instead which then makes them lesbian? Sounds more like women who aren't getting any than lesbians. You cannot "make" lesbians or gays. They either are, or aren't. It's not contagious, it does not spread. It won't kill our kind - there's always the Danish (exporting sperm like it's mj).

Sarcasm in my previous post not obvious enough? Personally I don't care who f... who where as long as both (or more) parties enjoy it
Really? So you are saying when they have relatively less choice in men they choose to be with a woman instead which then makes them lesbian? Sounds more like women who aren't getting any than lesbians. You cannot "make" lesbians or gays. They either are, or aren't. It's not contagious, it does not spread. It won't kill our kind - there's always the Danish (exporting sperm like it's mj).

Sarcasm in my previous post not obvious enough? Personally I don't care who f... who where as long as both (or more) parties enjoy it
women are slightly more populous than men, its like 51% to 49%, women also have about 9% of their gender who are homosexual, assuming this i would say it evens out, so just because there are gay men, there are also gay women who would not have sex with straight men, gay men alone don't improve our odds lol.

pro-tip: get some gay friends and ask them about their girlfriends so that you can get with their girlfriends, we all benefit! lol, its true gay people will tell you the dirtiest shit about their friends because women can confide and admit things to them they might not ever admit to straight guys or even their own female friends(for fear of being judged). i'd like to thank my friend paul for giving me the hookups in times past.
I am sorry you feel this way... you must be gay huh?
This is the usual responce from a sexually repressed Man who is unsure of his own sexuality-- or who has had it questioned in the past and resents anyone who reminds him of it...

look at how many G.O.P Members are so hateful about Homosexuals- yet the ones that are the most vocal and hateful either get caught with in an affair with another man, or they claim to be able to "pray away the gay" then have to come out later and admit it was a fraud....

Just an excuse to be a hater-- usually only one reason among many... sad that you can't be a happier person.