Daft question but how long left 2 go

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
You should use a jewelers loupe to look at the trichomes I never go by how the pistols look. I always harvest when trichomes are around 20%-30% amber. But only because that's the stone I like, I like the heavy hitting cant get off the sofa gonna piss in my pants kind of stone.
Hi yeah jewellers loop is already ordered and most trichomes appeared milky and resemble plastic but like you sed I'm just waiting on Amber trichomes now also do you think I should start flushing


Well-Known Member
I like to read pistils and calyxes.

When the calyxes are swollen and pistils recede it's what I'm looking for. I read the trichs too but I use a Carson pocket microscope very detailed.

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
Hi yeah jewellers loop is already ordered and most trichomes appeared milky and resemble plastic but like you sed I'm just waiting on Amber trichomes now also do you think I should start flushing
Yes by looking at your pistols its ready to flush :weed: good luck with it my friend