Goal: A modest 5 lbs. per crop, 4 crops per year. (EDIT: 6lbs. per crop, 5 crops per year.)
Sensi's G13xHP (Mr. Nice), Serious's White Russian, and some freebie Durban Poison, White Widow, and Power Skunk (all three G13 Labs)
The -Initial- Setup:
(4) 1000w HPS in 15' by 13' flowering room, using a 10' by 10' footprint (Two 5' by 10' areas)
(12) Flourescent T12 four foot two-bulb fixtures in the clone/veg room
(2) 6" inline fans for the Cooltubes, with an emphasis on climate control
(4) oscillating fans in the flower room, each corner
(1) UvonAir3000 Ozone Generator on ceiling
(1) DIY carbon filter with thermostat control for venting hot air in flower room
(1) 65 qt. Dehumidifier in flower room, Humidfier in clone/veg room
(1) space heater, portable a.c. if needed come summer-time (hopefully it won't be needed)
(1) Reverse Osmosis 100 gallon a day filtration system to combat ridiculous tap water
(1) 44 gallon rubbermaid trash can for reservoir with 330 gph submersible pump on hose with wand
(99) 3 gallon buckets filled with perlite and a 1" hole two inches from the bottom that is screened over
(12) 4 cu. ft. bags of perlite, each fills ten 3 gal. pots
(8 ) members of fauna (indoor animals including myself), for a combined total of approx. 1200 lbs. of biological CO2 supplementing organisms.
Assorted timers, extension cords, rolls of mylar, bags of Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix, styrofoam and clear plastic cups for clones, Dip 'N Gro, General Hydroponics Bloom and Micro (Lucas Formula), M.G. for Tomatoes, Rooting Fertilizer, Neem Oil, Fruit Tree Spray (Pyrethrum), Safer Soap, Malathion, insect traps, micro beasties, H2O2, pH meter, buffer solution, pH Up, ppm meter, light meter, moisture meter, thermometer, humidity meter, couple rolls of romex wire, outlets, surge protectors, 100 amp two-pole breaker, insulated ducting, duct pieces, silver tarps, shelving, paint, caulking, rolls of foil tape, chains, balls of steel, low I.Q., wing and a prayer, etc.
Welcome To My Grow !!! I need some RIU Credibility / Rep ... so don't be stingy ye 'ol bastards !!!
Okay, so Picture 1 is just a shot of the seed/clone/veg setup in a 10' by 10'ish room. Primarily two shelves for plants with a total of (12) 4' two bulb flourescent fixtures. In pic you see a humidifier and a sample of how i clone: the blue cup with a clear cup on top for a humidity dome (though i actually use styrofoam on bottom and have to trim the top lip off the clear cup so that it nests inside the styrofoam one. I use M.G. Seed Starting Mix and Dip 'N Grow. Not pictured, but also in this room is, a 44 gal. reservoir up on a third shelf and a 100 gal. per day Reverse Osmosis system. A 330 h.p. submersible pump fills a water hose that goes into the next room.
Picture 2: (Flower Room) Be scared, be very scared. The scariest thing is that all 6 of these Romex strands (indoor romex) travel underground (w/o conduit) and up into the electric box where they are all connected to a dual pole 100 amp breaker (3 per pole). Aside from the power strip attached to each one, there is no smaller breaker between the 100 amp breaker and the equipment. This takes care of all my electric except for a cord that i ran in for the de-humidifier.
Picture 3: (The Money Shot) Four CoolTubes (two 6" and two 8") on 6" insulated ducting, 2 inline GrowBright fans (52 dB), a oscillating fan in 3 of 4 corners. The clones and mothers are on makeshift plywood still in 16 oz. cups over the awaiting Hempy Buckets (3 gal.) The ballasts are located under the house.
Picture 4: Close-up of watering wand on garden hose, takes about 10 minutes to water the 99 buckets.
Picture 5: DIY carbon filter (Top Down: 6" to 8" reducer, 8" inline fan with thermostat attached to side, a 90 degree 'elbow' that is straight and some aluminum screen which holds about a 2" layer of carbon.)
Picture 6: 65 qt. dehumidifier. May also have to get a portable a.c. unit come summertime.
Picture 7: Ozone Generator for primary odor control. Lamp timer allows for up to 20 on/off settings per day, by the minute. Currently running 10 minutes each hour 20 out of 24 hours.
Picture 8: Just a closer up picture of about 50 clones. There are just beginning to recover from a serious pH problem. I quickly accidified the soil trying to use straight 5.6 pH'd nutes (G.H.) in the 16 oz. cups (without raising the pH of the water to around 6.3). They are doing much better now that i have pulled my head out of my ass.
Thanks for looking !!! I'll try to get an update shortly after putting them each in their own bucket. Which they are due for right now. I let the clones go too long without topping, so right now they are all a bunch of sticks... and I like to grow bushes!
