DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

I'm trying to beat him over the head with hydroton - for how shitty his medium is right now (perlite in an E&F that's only getting watered once or twice a week), flooding hydroton in E&F 6 or 7 times a day will increase his yield substantially.

Hey Bob.

You're mostly convinced that multiple waterings/feeding a day drastically increases yield, eh? I'm doing Hempy Pots now and plan to experiment extensively. I had intended to go with two small aeroponic Rubbermaids [Same principal design as shown in the See More Buds videos.] but am becoming increasingly more interested in a flood and drain set-up.

Thing is I've never really looked at an E&F system. I could build one I'm sure but don't understand how they return the water/nutrients back to the reservoir. The flow coming from the tank has to be pushed via a pump. Is there a second pump at the end of the pots that returns it to the reservoir?

If multiple feedings does incease yield significantly I'll build a simple 4'x4' table where the water would return to the reservoir via gravity to a reservoir under the table.

You seem to be knowledgeable enough for me to begin construction within the next 5 minutes...
Hey Bob.

You're mostly convinced that multiple waterings/feeding a day drastically increases yield, eh? I'm doing Hempy Pots now and plan to experiment extensively. I had intended to go with two small aeroponic Rubbermaids [Same principal design as shown in the See More Buds videos.] but am becoming increasingly more interested in a flood and drain set-up.

Thing is I've never really looked at an E&F system. I could build one I'm sure but don't understand how they return the water/nutrients back to the reservoir. The flow coming from the tank has to be pushed via a pump. Is there a second pump at the end of the pots that returns it to the reservoir?

If multiple feedings does incease yield significantly I'll build a simple 4'x4' table where the water would return to the reservoir via gravity to a reservoir under the table.

You seem to be knowledgeable enough for me to begin construction within the next 5 minutes...

No, feeding more times a day will not necessarily increase yield, but going from (basically) a soil system that he has now (two feedings a week) to an active hydro system ( multiple feedings per day) will certainly increase his yield substantially.

See post #815 in this thread for more details, but the more you can flood, the better.

And as far as the second pump, yes we do need it, but it's the best pump ever - we call it "gravity" ;-)

Never overheats, clogs, or trips a breaker :lol:
I must be missing something in regards to a gravity fed return line. [For Myself] I'm picturing a homemade system with say 6, 5 gallon growing pots attached to a reservoir [a plastic 55 gallon drum.] If it were I, I'd have the pots at ground level as well as the reservoir. A 1/2''-3/4'' line would attach everything.

Now, your pump [in or around the reservoir] would initiate the flooding. With that one pump you'd be fine until you got to the end of the line. If both the pots and reservoir are at ground level I see it as impossible for gravity to pull water back into the reservoir. Do you elevate the grow pots?

This is definitely something I'll try in the future, thanks for taking the time to answer up to this point.
... and am ready to set up a 10'x10' room and now use the 400 HPS as a night light! .

HAHAHA, that's some funny stuff. :bigjoint:

(EDIT: but, seriously, throw that lil bastard into the mix. all things considered, more lumens hardly ever hurt matters.)
ladies lookin very hairy with pistils DG. u thinkin of adding c02 ur next round as well as a medium change? u mentioned ud be happy with this big of a yield and not even using c02. jw

I like to make just one change at a time... i like to know why things are happening, if possible. So if i add co2 it won't be until i run a lava ebb 'n flow once without it.
I must be missing something in regards to a gravity fed return line. [For Myself] I'm picturing a homemade system with say 6, 5 gallon growing pots attached to a reservoir [a plastic 55 gallon drum.] If it were I, I'd have the pots at ground level as well as the reservoir. A 1/2''-3/4'' line would attach everything.

Now, your pump [in or around the reservoir] would initiate the flooding. With that one pump you'd be fine until you got to the end of the line. If both the pots and reservoir are at ground level I see it as impossible for gravity to pull water back into the reservoir. Do you elevate the grow pots?

This is definitely something I'll try in the future, thanks for taking the time to answer up to this point.

I think he's talking about e&f tables. the pump floods the whole table and it has gravity return to rez.
Have you thought of Coco?

Yah, i've heard alright things about coco. I seem to hear more good things about Hydroton... and read a thread recently where some persons seem to actually prefer to use Lava Rocks rather than Hydroton. Lava is deffinitely cheaper ... and i have a strange compulsion to do things as 'DIY' as possible - and to visit hydro shops as little as possible. Though i do mail order nutes and such.
Yah, i've heard alright things about coco. I seem to hear more good things about Hydroton... and read a thread recently where some persons seem to actually prefer to use Lava Rocks rather than Hydroton. Lava is deffinitely cheaper ... and i have a strange compulsion to do things as 'DIY' as possible - and to visit hydro shops as little as possible. Though i do mail order nutes and such.

I'm guessing lava rocks have to weigh quite a bit more than hydroton. What's the word on them for reuse? Tempting as coco is, I'm not wild about having to have coco-specific nutes, and it could potentially clog the ebb and grow system I just got, so I'm going with hydroton next round.

Your strange compulsion is what makes your thread worth following:lol::lol:

Speaking of mail order, I got my ebb and grow from Fedex yesterday. The fedex guy struggled across the road with a 55 gallon barrel just as the nosiest woman in the neighborhood walked by. I THOUGHT it would come in a discreet cardboard box, but NOOOOOO!!!!! The barrel is embossed 'ebb and grow and has a techniflora sticker on the lid. Sheesh. I've decided to ostentatiously install a rain barrel this spring so I can explain that away if it becomes necessary:lol::lol:.
you can clean and re-use lava as you do hydroton.

that FedEx stuff sucks !! :D i got a friggin box in the mail (no brown paper wrapping) on a "Stealth RO Unit... Great for Your Indoor Plants..." with lush foliage all over the box :wall: Talk about giving people ideas.... sheeesh.
whats up gambler....Thats bullshit with the stealth. My first grow in high school I used lava rock....it worked really excelent. Plus back then before there was any medical it was easy to come by. I don't know if they had hydroton yet and aquiring and hiding dirt in the middle of winter in montana isn't reasonable without too much attention.
u jsut gotta buy it by the pallet ...then dicreetly locate the pallet of said soil in ur backyard, and then ur golden. sprinkle the root balls around the back yard at night and break them down. thats my trade secret....TM ...hey DG
... I used lava rock ... it worked really excelent ...

Good to hear. I know what you mean on coming by the dirt in the wintertime ... round here the selection is quite limited during the cooler months. I like Hyponex potting soil - and the stuff is 'dirt cheap'. But i only see it being available in the spring and early summer.

u jsut gotta buy it by the pallet ...then dicreetly locate the pallet of said soil in ur backyard, and then ur golden. sprinkle the root balls around the back yard at night and break them down. thats my trade secret....TM ...hey DG

ya, if i can find a way to 'get rid' of all the perlite i go through ... i'm sure i could get rid of some soil just as well. i'd feel funny about leaving it in plain site though if i were buying in bulk on a pallet. Hopefully the lava will seem to clean up nicely and i can re-use it.

Lava rocks huhh...thats going to be interesting to see one of these days Im going to make the switch to hydro seems like hydroton is the way to go but Im just like you I stay away from the hydro shop as much as I can...I dont ever order stuff off the net....I only have one place to send it and its a bit shady but I seen this suff the other day its kinda like rockwool it looked really cool they have it in every size you can think of they say you just put it in the bucket or whatever you are useing and your done but you can only get it online if I can find the link ill post it

Ordered 500 mL of this stuff... hopefully it lives up
to its reputation after transplanting some greenery
very shortly. Between the crappy weather, being
overtimed at work, and never seeming to have
enough time in the world to get everything done...
trying to make headway on the 1st "Lava Round 1"

The light disruption is keeping one of the two
gulleys behind at least another 2-3 weeks or more..
but the second gulley has been empty for 2 weeks
now and i've just been too busy to transplant.

Hopefully i'll transplant (24) plants into Lava on
the 'morrow. Will toss up some pics when i
manage to do so.

:sleep: . :sad: . :x . :neutral: . :-? . ;) . :-) . :D . :lol:
But first i gotta drop some major props to some of the brothers
here at RIU ... say what you will, but for all it's problems, still the
best damn weed site on the internet and let me remind you of why....

Sure Shot's Youtube Channel:


and some of his videos:



And some world-class pics from BooMeR242's Journals:



I bow before you green bastards. And if we have seen further than other
men ... then it is because we have stood on the backs of giants that were
growing the good leaf. :weed:
That Roots Excelurator stuff seems to work great - used it on a batch of cuttings two runs ago, and they had vigorous roots within 6-8 days (Rapid Rooters with a heating mat); trying to remember why I'm not using it on this run and I don't know why I'm not (got 50mL as a free sample).

As far as your "hydroton vs. lava rocks", I was looking for some more info on lava rocks, and came across this link (pretty useful, IMO):

Very nice thread, bob... makes me think lava is not such a bad idea... here's another idea
that i've kicked around for a long time now... i'm sure i'm not the first to think of it... but
it helps to explain why vertical square footage and horizontal sqare footage aren't equivalent
(vert. vs. flat sog gardens). A quick picture mock up;



The "ideal" sog should contain plants that are predominantly of an indica
phenotype, such that they are apt to grow in the 'christmas tree' type conical
shape. The base of each plant is just touching its neighbor... and each plant
has a conical shape for better bud depth. These peaks and valleys multiply the
'square footage' mightily. This is to be much preferred over a single layer or
blanket of buds... for maximum yield.

(And another 'steal' from GypsyBush's Thread: A movie called, "Grow Op")

- DaGambler