DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

nice update!!

keeping you busy i bet, plants are looking great. Then to top it off beautiful huge nugs in the middle :clap:

Clones are look healthy as can be i bet you get around 99% success on them.

Did you ever think about cutting some screen to put over the top of the screen wraping around the plant, like a cage. COG :lol:

:!::!::!:EDIT: Hate when that happens, UPDATE LAST PAGE !!!!!!!!!!:!::!::!:bongsmilie
sweet update . love the clone/perlite lids. very individually inventive. i see wut u mean why u object to my light height, youve got ur slammed right over the canopy, and even a verticle bulb. i know ur yields have to edge mine out with the lumens much closer, but i see how u'd have to duck ur head around venting , 6in inline fans, and the hoods. that one plant under the verticle looked like all budd with no trim.
yes all very true statements about the government and fda. so many secrets and dont tells, it makes me sick. scare tactics of 1937 and a phoney tax stamp MJ law emerged. and prohibition since. how many cultivators have done hard time next to violent offenders/sex offenders over the last 60years? on the taxpayers dime. Yet George Washington was one of the first recorded men to cultivate hemp, while journaling the fact he had started to cull the males from the females, (the first sinsimilla being found out).....

right now just after i branched out city zoning and regulation is headed right my way. do residential uses apply to home agricultural uses. can u bag and weight meds and sell them out of a residence? Does ur scale have to be certified? will they nail u for lableing MJ as organic when ur not certfied? the war is still very much out there. man wen i think about it i beome really negitive. deep breath . sigh. moving right along...exhale...ohh much better now..

I thinik theres is more grey area in some instances then actual written substance. The war is definitly still on. It okay to be negative when you think about it, there brainwashed assholes that are sure they are right tring to fuck with our way of life. Im sad to say there will be a time of regulation in the future and im just enjoying things now.
Some 'mums' visible in pics - still trying to coax some trichomes from these delayed 5 plants from the last crop.


1 wk into 12/12 - still trimming plants to cage height, tucking branches back into the cage or wacking them off, till the end of the 2nd week into 12/12.


Cracked lids on the clone domes at 7 days in ... will look at removing the lids w/in the next 2-3 days.



Where'd you get the vertical bulb from? Not sure where one goes about purchasing just vert bulbs like that.......also, is that one "bare bulb rated" or WTF it's called so that it won't explode if some water hits it?

A link would be phenomenal kiss-ass
I hope i'm not mistaken, but i believe that almost all HPS bulbs can be used either horizontally or vertically... while MH bulbs are generally only to be used in a horizontal position ... :oops:

"Okay, most any hps bulb is considered a multi burn meaning it can be used horiz or vert. Metal Halide bulbs are almost always burn specific. You should always purchase a mh bulb designed for the position you will use it. Lamp life is reduced 60-90 percent when used out of position. Good luck!!! -FEDOR"

And the center bulb is unprotected. I guess i like to live dangerously :lol: .
^ lol

How's power usage? Seems like it would be a tad high? lol

it's not bad - i dont' use any heat or a.c. in the flower room. Other than the grow ... i only use electricity in one other room in the house ... and only turn on the water heater for an hour or so before taking a shower.

well ... 'not bad' might be a stretch - but it could worse. ;-) believe i average under 4000 kwH.
my house jsut shot me a comparison from last year be4 i moved here then now. an entire graph to google over . went from an average of .30c per day, to 15.50 . whoops.
Lookin good gambler!! Will you keep the plants inside the wire the entire time or do you weave them through the sides at all to seperate the buds? I do a scrog now, but have thought about making a individual screen for each pot so they can be moved. I may just give your way a shot.
Lookin good gambler!! Will you keep the plants inside the wire the entire time or do you weave them through the sides at all to seperate the buds? I do a scrog now, but have thought about making a individual screen for each pot so they can be moved. I may just give your way a shot.

One more week of wacking off branches that stray outside the cages ... or anything that creeps much higher than the cage top. After 14 days on 12/12 they'll stop vegging and start to focus on flower production - at which time i'll leave them alone. They've only got a 12" window of sway at the top ... other than that, they've got all the support that they'll need. I hope.

I'll try to keep each plant in its cage. I'd like to maintain a bit of a space between plants to allow for better light penetration. It may just be a fantasy ... but i'd like to pursue this 'cone of green' idea as much as i am able:



The "ideal" sog should contain plants that are predominantly of an indica
phenotype, such that they are apt to grow in the 'christmas tree' type conical
shape. The base of each plant is just touching its neighbor... and each plant
has a conical shape for better bud depth. These peaks and valleys multiply the
'square footage' mightily. This is to be much preferred over a single layer or
blanket of buds... for maximum yield."

- DaGambler
. :peace: . bongsmilie . :peace: .
I hope i'm not mistaken, but i believe that almost all HPS bulbs can be used either horizontally or vertically... while MH bulbs are generally only to be used in a horizontal position ... :oops:

"Okay, most any hps bulb is considered a multi burn meaning it can be used horiz or vert. Metal Halide bulbs are almost always burn specific. You should always purchase a mh bulb designed for the position you will use it. Lamp life is reduced 60-90 percent when used out of position. Good luck!!! -FEDOR"

And the center bulb is unprotected. I guess i like to live dangerously :lol: .

I'm sorry, I asked that question incorrectly - what I meant to ask was where you got the mogul/socket assembly.

Is it just removed from one of your horizontal reflectors, or was it purchased specifically to be hung vertically, which is kinda looks like - I don't believe that my sockets in my refletors look like that, but I'll be checking them shortly.
I'm sorry, I asked that question incorrectly - what I meant to ask was where you got the mogul/socket assembly.

Is it just removed from one of your horizontal reflectors, or was it purchased specifically to be hung vertically, which is kinda looks like - I don't believe that my sockets in my refletors look like that, but I'll be checking them shortly.

Bob, your socket is probable part of the reflector. I have some reflectors that aren't cooled that you can remove the socket that looks like DG's. or you can get them at the Hydro-stores. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Mogul+Base&cid=9018604858709132870&sa=title#p

this one is a bit pricey
Bob, your socket is probable part of the reflector. I have some reflectors that aren't cooled that you can remove the socket that looks like DG's. or you can get them at the Hydro-stores. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Mogul+Base&cid=9018604858709132870&sa=title#p

this one is a bit pricey

Lol..........our versions of "pricey" are clearly different - was waiting for the link to load and thinking it was gonna be $150 or something.

Thanks for that though, my friend :hug:

BTW, since no one needs to get into my garage for any upgrades, I'm starting up the upgrades/new system buildout pretty soon..........just an FYI, I'll be needing your assistance with the 240V wiring changeover (putting in a 24000BTU AC) :weed:

<end threadjack>
Lol..........our versions of "pricey" are clearly different - was waiting for the link to load and thinking it was gonna be $150 or something.

Thanks for that though, my friend :hug:

BTW, since no one needs to get into my garage for any upgrades, I'm starting up the upgrades/new system buildout pretty soon..........just an FYI, I'll be needing your assistance with the 240V wiring changeover (putting in a 24000BTU AC) :weed:
<end threadjack>

Anytime my friend.
One more week of wacking off branches that stray outside the cages ... or anything that creeps much higher than the cage top. After 14 days on 12/12 they'll stop vegging and start to focus on flower production - at which time i'll leave them alone. They've only got a 12" window of sway at the top ... other than that, they've got all the support that they'll need. I hope.

I'll try to keep each plant in its cage. I'd like to maintain a bit of a space between plants to allow for better light penetration. It may just be a fantasy ... but i'd like to pursue this 'cone of green' idea as much as i am able:

- DaGambler
. :peace: . bongsmilie . :peace: .

Very cool, I am looking forward to see how it works out. Looks great now man. I noticed on your other late flowering ladies that there are no large fans. Do you remove all the fans at the end for more light penetration to the buds?