DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

thanks for trying. i think its got to be the ph up im adding thats making the buds taste bad. i have to add 6tsp of G.H. ph up to 18 gals of water after i add the nutes to bring the ph to 5.9

5 mL (teaspoon) per 3 gallons of nuted water doesn't seem that bad. You could always switch to a different pH up brand, many use a different chemical to do the job. You might try flushing longer with plain water or even using Klearex or something toward the end.
i found out what it was my well pump does not come on until 20 psi. i got a new pressure switch that has a adjustment for the low side psi. the old one only had a high psi adjustment. i was having to buy new di resin for my ro machine every 2 weeks. the place i bought my ro machine from told me that my water was just real bad thats why i was going through the di resin so fast. well they were just milking me for $40.00 worth of resin every 2 wks them suns of bitches. so i guess i will find out if thats it the next round. thanks for the help. your plants are looking damn good
Not sure how truthful it is, judge for yourselves.

If you are looking for sheer mass, or yield then I find it hard to beat the cola's I saw last night on this site! you GOTTA see this stuff!!!

BTW DaGambler, setup looking real sharp! Keep up the great work! :)
There always has to be one person who doubts every one and its usally the person who thinks they know every thingBut dont now nothing, Doubled has sold his system to a large hydro retailer for $450,000 and 11 percent from all net profits it will be released in early 2010..DeGambler you would not need to run that many lights just that type of a system the UNDER CURRENT HYDRO system is looking like a real big producer , And the 3 to 4 lbs per light was documented on THC farmer it was Casey Jones Joe Schmoes cut. I really think that vertical lighting will be the futer of growing with large plants.:weed: I under stand your seed issue's The seed you are looking for are out there its just going to take a shit load of seeds to find that killer pheno I just popped 80 seeds in hopes to find 24 and out of those the best 24 will go into my new system, Your plants look real good!! As far as genetics I see thats the only thing holding you back,There are a few seed company's on THCFARMER looking for testers they pop up a couple times a month if you post your grows over there also they will show you some love...There was some Double Under Dawg for sale a couple days ago that will easily pull 2 plus per light all day and it is very high quality..OK I will stop typing now hope I helped you a little if you have any questions feel free to pm me..JACK :joint:
Thanks for the info. i will try it

You need to calibrate your pH meter (or your TDS meter), cuzzo - water with a PPM of 0 will have a pH of 7.0 (something scientific having to do with the lack of ions, but just take my word for it - ain't no way your 0 PPM water has a pH of anything outside of 6.8-7.2).

Gambler, very nice looking grow :weed:
You need to calibrate your pH meter (or your TDS meter), cuzzo - water with a PPM of 0 will have a pH of 7.0 (something scientific having to do with the lack of ions, but just take my word for it - ain't no way your 0 PPM water has a pH of anything outside of 6.8-7.2).

Gambler, very nice looking grow :weed:
Thats what the last person i talked to said so i bought another ph meter and cal. both of them they read the same thing within .1 or .2
Thats what the last person i talked to said so i bought another ph meter and cal. both of them they read the same thing within .1 or .2

Then I've got some bad news for you; either:

1) Both your RO filter and TDS meter are not working correctly


2) You're in a parallel universe.

While "2" would be pretty damn cool, my guess would be for "1".

Firstly, have you calibrated your TDS meter lately (often overlooked next to pH, but very important in its own right).

Secondly, when's the last time you replaced the filters on your RO system?

Perhaps a new thread would be a better place to discuss this in order not to fill Gambler's grow journal up?

Send me (us) a link and we can diagnose it better there..........
Then I've got some bad news for you; either:

1) Both your RO filter and TDS meter are not working correctly


2) You're in a parallel universe.

While "2" would be pretty damn cool, my guess would be for "1".

Firstly, have you calibrated your TDS meter lately (often overlooked next to pH, but very important in its own right).

Secondly, when's the last time you replaced the filters on your RO system?

Perhaps a new thread would be a better place to discuss this in order not to fill Gambler's grow journal up?

Send me (us) a link and we can diagnose it better there..........
I have to say you are not correct unless you have tried ever nute brand out there how can you say there is no way his PH can drop this happens to my nute mix mine does the exact same thing using ADVANCE as my base and The yellow bottle line (advance floriculture)as my boosters,When I mix my rez 115 gallons, and my second rez 100 gallons my ph will be in the low 4.3 range I let it sit for 24 hrs and it will raise to 5.5 then I add a little PH up and it stabalizes. From there on it will slowly rise ,Thats when I start adding PH down at half strength mixed with RO water, I have never had in Issue with PH or Nute lock... As far as thread Jacking De Gamblers thread im sur he dosent mind we are all hear to learn and if where not then we should not be here...JACK :weed:
I have to say you are not correct unless you have tried ever nute brand out there how can you say there is no way his PH can drop this happens to my nute mix mine does the exact same thing using ADVANCE as my base and The yellow bottle line (advance floriculture)as my boosters,When I mix my rez 115 gallons, and my second rez 100 gallons my ph will be in the low 4.3 range I let it sit for 24 hrs and it will raise to 5.5 then I add a little PH up and it stabalizes. From there on it will slowly rise ,Thats when I start adding PH down at half strength mixed with RO water, I have never had in Issue with PH or Nute lock... As far as thread Jacking De Gamblers thread im sur he dosent mind we are all hear to learn and if where not then we should not be here...JACK :weed:
Jack, wasn't making any assumptions or inferences regarding the pH drop (adding any nutes will cause your pH to drop, I know that mine do), I was simply telling him that there's no way that water with a TDS reading of "0" can have a pH of 4.3 when it comes out of his RO filter.

That's scientifically impossible.

That being said, either his TDS meter AND RO filter are broken, or his pH meter is broken.

Or, he's from another dimension where our known sciences don't apply :weed:

EDIT: just thought of another possibility - perhaps his pH meter doesn't adjust for temperature, but even if that's the case, the temp of the water would have to be ~500F, which would be a (very hot) steam at that point.
Wow...Kudos an a nice set-up and grow!

One of the first articles on indoor growing I read was fortunately this thread. I started a small [3.5'x3.5'] garden with a 400 HPS more less to get a feel and I'm sure, much trial and error experience. I basically threw some bag seed in virtually any container I could find around the house and filled it with a variety of mediums just to see what works and what doesn't.

Reading your thread [and countless hours of indoor growing as a whole.] I'm convinced that next round will be all Hempy buckets in a 4.5'x3.5' area with almost invariable a 1000 watt HPS. I'm going with S.O.G. and want to utilize every possible square inch that I can so I'm debating over container size. I'm wanting plant's no taller than about 4.5' so am thinking of going with 2 gallon buckets rather than the 3 gal. in hopes of sliding in a few extra plants.

Any thoughts/advice on container size?
I'm convinced that next round will be all Hempy buckets in a 4.5'x3.5' area with almost invariable a 1000 watt HPS. I'm going with S.O.G. and want to utilize every possible square inch that I can so I'm debating over container size. I'm wanting plant's no taller than about 4.5' so am thinking of going with 2 gallon buckets rather than the 3 gal. in hopes of sliding in a few extra plants.

Any thoughts/advice on container size?

2 to 3 gal. would be fine. Make sure you water ur plants from the top down every couple days through the first couple weeks in a hempy setup to get roots going down. If ur doing a manual hydroponic setup you'll continue watering from the top down anyway.

Just as a general rule, in a sea of green, you don't really want to shoot for plants being any taller than 3 feet at finish - 'cuz you won't get much better penetration than that with a 1000w HPS lamp. That means you'll want to flip them to flower when they are about 12-16" tall ... and consider lollipopping and topping them at about 1 weeks into flower. By the second week into flower you'll never be able to tell that you did it, but your sea of green will be much more productive and uniform.

4.5' feet tall would be fine in a vertical setup, but with just one lamp ... i think i'd stick to a flat sea of green garden. good luck, drop a link if you get'r up and running.

2 to 3 gal. would be fine. Make sure you water ur plants from the top down every couple days through the first couple weeks in a hempy setup to get roots going down. If ur doing a manual hydroponic setup you'll continue watering from the top down anyway.

Just as a general rule, in a sea of green, you don't really want to shoot for plants being any taller than 3 feet at finish - 'cuz you won't get much better penetration than that with a 1000w HPS lamp. That means you'll want to flip them to flower when they are about 12-16" tall ... and consider lollipopping and topping them at about 1 weeks into flower. By the second week into flower you'll never be able to tell that you did it, but your sea of green will be much more productive and uniform.

4.5' feet tall would be fine in a vertical setup, but with just one lamp ... i think i'd stick to a flat sea of green garden. good luck, drop a link if you get'r up and running.


Thanks for your advice. I should've mentioned I meant 4.5' including the pots.

Like I said, this is the first time around [indoors] and I just kinda threw everything together the best I could with virtually no funds... Next time around I'll have a game plan in action and should do good.

Here are some pics. of my current set-up. It's kind of embarrassing posting these pics on the same thread as your room but I'm hoping you will see improvements I can make for the next run. As I said, I'm going next round with a full room and 2 gallon buckets and a 1000 watt HPS. I'll probably get mylar for the walls.

Any constructive criticism is much welcomed and appreciated.

Yes, that is aquarium gravel as a medium in the hempy pots, lol!


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just general stuff:

lower the light a bit if the heat isn't damaging the plants. bring all the lower plants up to the top (tallest) plants canopy height by using milk crates, chairs, boxes, etc. Flat white paint on the walls works fine. If you are going to hang something - i'd recommend Panda Film / Plastic rather than the mylar ... mylar is a pain to work with, cannot be cleaned, and cannot be re-used.

DaGambler, After I got the pressure up on my well pump the ph of my water after the ro system is 5.7 way better then 4.3 like it was when i asked you for help. Just thought i would let you know.
DaGambler, After I got the pressure up on my well pump the ph of my water after the ro system is 5.7 way better then 4.3 like it was when i asked you for help. Just thought i would let you know.

Good to hear. And to toot my own horn, though i still have a lot to learn, i -did- guess that it was a problem with your RO unit. :-P

May your buds be tasty. :leaf: