Damaged plants...help...pics


Well-Known Member
Im doing my first aero grow. Had vegged out some healthy looking plants. Set my 12/12 cycle and left for a week. Came home to a completely dry res. and tons of plant damage.I threw the light back on 24/7 for 3 days now. They're looking better, but I lost 1/2 the folage and had to amputate a lot of branches.I dont have room to veg anymore. Will the plants grow more folage during 12/12. Any advice appreciated. Pics below are of first day back.



Well-Known Member
oh man, I dunno. I would've left the light schedule on 12/12. BUT, since you have decided to revert them you can see if they recover and take some cuttings and start over.

This whole thing turned into a cluster fuck really fast. Chop'em up, root the clones, flower the clones and you might have a chance. But in all reality I would probably just start all over again. You're going to waste WEEKS trying to get this right.


Well-Known Member
man what a shame!! i was going to put them back in 12/12 tonight, they have really improved over 3 days so i was just going to see what happins but i dont want to waste time if there not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Well it really depends on how much they've improved. Do you have any new pictures?

You definitely don't want to put them back to 12/12 for a couple of weeks at least. Let them get healthy and don't risk hermie's with that. Going back and forth from veg to flower takes a little time for the plant, give it a minute to recover.


Well-Known Member
ill post pics in 2 hrs as soon as i get home, im completly out of room to veg or that would be no problem, ill post pics in 2 hrs, thanks for your help bro.


Well-Known Member
poor babies=( they looked so healthy,
not having water wasnt the problem here..
its going to take a lot to come back from this
best of luck.


Well-Known Member
what else could it be? i was gone for 8 days and the res ran bone dry, im sure the tds level became sky high as it got lower, i set the12/12 before i left and they stretched a foot at least, the roots are brown, im using 1/4 nute and hygrozyme,


Well-Known Member
what else could it be? i was gone for 8 days and the res ran bone dry, im sure the tds level became sky high as it got lower, i set the12/12 before i left and they stretched a foot at least, the roots are brown, im using 1/4 nute and hygrozyme,
I have to ask so for my own amusement. Why would you leave your plants alone for longer than the res can handle? You've been growing them all along, you know how much they drink.

Why would you set them to 12/12 right before you leave? This means you changed their nutrients. You should be wathcing VERY closely during the first week of 12/12.
How could you have possibly set your lights properly. The lights need to start going up inches every day.

Why take all that time vegging those plants, then set the timer to 12/12 and leave? You were much better off to leave them in veg the week you were gone. Same old nutrients they've been happy with and no crazy stretching. If the power went out or the pump died you would have the same results. There were a million ways for this to end this way, it's not "bad luck".

But you live, you learn and sometimes you don't have a choice in the matter, but there were ways to at least try to mitigate this.

It definitely looks like they died from growing into the lights and having no water. Said no water had no nutrients so the plant is hopelessly stressed out. I really think it's going to take longer to try to fix these stressed out, probably hermied plants. They are potentially crippled in the yield department as well IF they ever really recovered and were viable.

I would call it and start over as a matter of eficiency. You aren't SAVING any time at this point. You could waste 4 weeks trying to get them back up to snuff. In the meantime you could've done better things.


Well-Known Member
for your own amusement i will answer you, it was inexperience and poor judgment. this is my first grow besides an attempt15 yrs ago. i put an extra 5 gallons in my res with 1/2 strength nutes, and probably had a dripping lid, ive done alot of work on my grow cab while in veg trying to get it to work properly and really over grew my space, it seemed to happen overnight!! ive installed/modified duct,co2,water chiller,etc and a im building a better res now, the one i had was thin and flimsy. i didnt feel comfortable asking someone to watch my garden,id rather lose the 30 days it took me to get there. and where i left for a week to is more important than my garden. im the fist to admit i was a bad father to these girls. i appreciate your advice and i dont want to waste time on a lost cause.


Well-Known Member
It happens. But yeah, I would clean it out and start all over. It's an exciting thing to watch anyway.


Well-Known Member
i guess ill start vegging something new under cfls, i already have some feminized seeds, but im going to watch these girls for a little while just to see what happens. they are starting to grow pretty fast, my brown roots are getting much better with the hygromyze, i dont want to pull cuttings off these plants due to all the stress so im going to start fresh. how long into flowering does it take for it to have enuff thc to make butter with the leaves? they were getting sticky when i cleaned em up. this is such a kick in the ball sack, i was so close to smokin my own!


Well-Known Member
It blows...been there. I've lost crops at the end due to bud rot. That's a swift kick in the balls. 8-9 weeks of flowering after a month of vegging, 12 plants under a 1000w light and shit tons of bud rot. I couldn't do a fucking thing about it either, happened so damn fast as this was an operation really close to the beach. I knew it was a disaster waiting to happen, but my buddy insisted on not buying a dehumidifier.

Never tell someone that you will teach them how to grow and split the equipment if they provide a place to grow and split the proceeds. Comes up all the time, terrible plan. I got fucking nothing outta that grow. Waste of time.


Well-Known Member
man i made alot of mistakes on this grow but with a better res im confident the next one will go smother,at my age 30 days goes pretty fast, a bro on this site worked with me with installing a chiller,ac,co2,i just got a co2 moniter/controller and my system works sweet now, i can get my cab up to 90 while my res stays 68, this site is a real resource for doing it right. the poor guy that has helped me is probably shaking his head.


Well-Known Member
It happens...that's all I can really say. We can't control EVERY aspect of our lives and sometimes things come up. But now you know for all of time that vegging plants are lower maintenance than flowering plants.


Well-Known Member
dude they will recover give em water and 12/12 everything will be ok sometimes ppl forget how resilant of a plant mary is


Well-Known Member
there recovering so fast i cant help but to try, it wont cost me time to try to save em ,im vegging in another area. thanks for your optimism bro


Well-Known Member
If you aren't wasting the space then by all means try to nurse them back to health, but I would go ahead and veg some replacments just in case.

Do not switch the lights back to 12/12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bad advice.

Leave them on 18/6 or 24/0 or whatever you are using for veg. Let them get healthy and strong before putting them back to 12/12. The will revert back to veg and may even recover. Might lose some leaves, but perhaps in two weeks they will be ready and back at it.

It's just a personal preference that I would start over. Too high a likelyhood of hermies and stunted plants don't usually do as well in flower. But it might be worth flowering them out like I said, as long as it isn't using any space that could be used otherwise.