damaged roots please help


New Member
i transplented my 1 week old plants into a larger pot, while doing it, i damaged a very little and young root, but otherwise it all went smooth. i want to know if this can affect my plant growth or plant health.. and if so, what can i do to prevent it? and also i dont have any money or access to superthrive and stuff, please help!


Well-Known Member
A seedling should not be transplanted at one week. How big is the pot you put it in? What kind of soil is it in?
Do have some air movement? It should recover just don't mess with it/baby it to death. Don't over water.


Well-Known Member
I transplant my seedlings pretty early, but I use the no-stress transplant technique so it doesnt affect the plant.

You should be fine, if it was just a small piece of root and not the entire root system.


New Member
A seedling should not be transplanted at one week. How big is the pot you put it in? What kind of soil is it in?
Do have some air movement? It should recover just don't mess with it/baby it to death. Don't over water.
2014-01-13 20.10.02.jpg2014-01-13 20.10.05.jpg2014-01-13 20.10.10.jpg2014-01-13 20.10.15.jpg2014-01-13 20.10.23.jpg
this is my setup, the soil is of unknown origin, all i know its soil for planting.. can you please take a little bit of your time and look at the pictures and tell me if im doing something wrong, or what should i do to make it better, also can you take a look at the plant its about 3-4h after the transplanting and tell me if its ok? i'm new at this so any help would be GREAT!! thank you


Well-Known Member
I won't mention the cardboard again (I did in your other thread). The seedlings look fine to me at this point. Your biggest challenge in my opinion is going to be resisting the temptation to water them. That soil looks like it will retain a lot of water, you do not want the roots sopping wet, you want the roots to have to search for water. More oxygen to the roots means faster growth. Only water when the pot feels light. If you do transplant again pick up a cheap bag of perlite and mix that in with any new soil. I know you are on a budget so a cheap granular fert is probably best (jacks 20-20-20 or similar). In a few weeks it may be a good idea to add epsom salt as a foliar/spray to the leaves to give more magnesium, it is about $2 at the grocery store (1tsp/gallon dissolve in hot water first)...do this if you see yellow veins on the leaves developing.

Try to keep your lights close 1-1.5" away in about a week. For now because they have some transplant shock and are young keep the lights at a slightly greater distance. If you can add a fan inside the box as well it will help the stems get stronger.

I will subscribe to this thread for the next couple weeks (I will see if you post a question here in the future). I am happy to help anyone that wants to grow cannabis.

Do some searching on the site, try searching the titles only in advanced search. There is an amazing amount of info here and others more knowledgeable than me.

Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot, don't fertilize for at least 3 weeks. There are enough nutrients in the soil. When you do start using nutes start at 1/4 strength and move up, and only every other watering.


New Member
I know the cardboard is a risky business, but i did every thing possible to prevent the heat affecting the box, so that wont be a problem i hope, thank you for warning me! So for the watering is best to water them what, once a day? or would that be too much?

as for the fert i found a cheap and accessible one, that from the looks and info of it would be great for my needs..

http://www.head-nature.com/article/04285/Hesi-Super-Vit-10ml.xhtml - this is it, please let me know what you think about it!

thank you for your effort, your help is greatly appreciated!
Peace be with you :)


New Member
oh and one more thing, epsom salt.. if understand correctly, that's magnesium sulfate right aka bath salt? Just wanted to make sure before i do anything(not from US, so having a little bit of a hard time understanding every thing in english)


Well-Known Member
Once a day would be too often IMO. It is best to wait until they are slightly starved for water, then give them a solid watering just until there is some water coming out the bottom. Probably about every 2-3 days, but try not to water by days, it is best to wait until the pot feels lighter than normal.

The nutrient/fertilizer you linked would be good as an "additive" but will not provide the basic/macro nutrients your plant will need. You should look for something labeled as a fertilizer, with a N-P-K ratio listed. Something like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 should be on the label.

I looked at the site you linked and they do not have an "all-in-one" fertilizer, if you order from that site you will need to buy either both the bio-gro and bio-bloom or the canna terra flores and canna terra vega. Either combo would be about 18 Euros. If you have a nursery or plant shop near you I would suggest going there and getting a balanced fertilizer with roughly equal values of N-P-K if you are on a very tight budget.

Yes, epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. Don't worry about buying it unless you see the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (yellowing between the veins in the leaves).


Well-Known Member
Magnesium Sulphate is Epsom Salts, and I'd be very surprised that your young babe will require any, Plants are very tough at this age and your plant should recover with ease, just avoid transplanting so young perhaps week 2 or 3 but not week 1 ...lol


Well-Known Member
I agree with Vostok that you will not likely see magnesium deficiency in the near future. MJ is a magnesium hungry plant though, and if you see signs in several weeks, it is a cheap and easy fix with magnesium sulfate.


New Member
So that means i could use the fertilizer i liked as an additive, combined with fertilizer that is not necessarily for marihuana plant, just as long as it have the values you mentioned in it?

Also i have come across some little black spots(1 or 2, very tiny) on my plant leave, it looks like a burn or something but i have steady temp at 23c, its this a thing to worry about or will it go away?


Well-Known Member
Yes exactly, you can use the additive with the fertilizer no problem.

A picture would really help with identifying the black spot problem.
Do your black spots look like either of these pics?

If it looks like pic 1 you probably have a pest problem, worst case Spider Mites.

If it looks like the second pic it could be the roots are staying too wet and it has caused a systemic rot to develop. Let it dry out, it will slowly get better on new growth but the damage is permanent on the effected leaves.

There are other possibilities but not as common like black spot disease, hemp canker, and black mildew.


Well-Known Member
little black spots on top of the leaf or on the bottom? is there little white dots on the tops of your leafs?
i just chopped my plant down lastnight cause she was ready to be chopped and while i was cutting all the leafs off i noticed some of my leafs were really spotty and brittle and yellow so i looked at the bottom of the leaf and my fkn plant had spider mites, again. little bastards are sneaky!!
if it is spider mites look up habeneroe peppers and garlic as a treatment. make a spray with it and soak the plants everyday till they are gone.


New Member
2014-01-14 13.27.56.jpg
those are the black spots i was talking about.. they are kinda small but they look strange. I dont know if Im being paranoid or is this a real problem.. better to check with you guys! :) thank you again for all your help!
Other than that the plant looks healthy. I just got two of mine germinated with long tails and in organic soil mix. Sensi Kush and White Widow...


Well-Known Member
It looks ok to me, I understand being a little paranoid on a first grow so no worries.

Also, looks like you are doing a good job not over watering it. Looks like it could go a day or two before the next light watering. Once it gets a little bigger in about a week or two it will not be quite as sensitive to the precise amount of water you give it. Good job so far...


Well-Known Member
i would get like jacks classic 20-20-20 for a all in one but you will also need cal/mag through dolomite lime or additive. im using the jacks duo now i really love this stuff. i use it every watering once i start feeding.