Damaged Seed, still any chance to germ it?


Active Member
Hey all,

As I am in week 2 of flowering my first crop, I still have to buy my smoke. Its top quality, I pay 425 an oz, grown by a fellow with 9 years experience growing. I have been buying his smoke for a few months now, and tonite when I was cutting up a bud for some bong hits, I hit a seed with my scissors. In the 6+ ozs ive gotten, ive never ever found a seed. So I was hoping this could be germed. But when I hit it with the scissors, I nicked a piece out of the seed shell. Is it toast?

Sorry to make the story so long, but I wanted to explain why I wanted to germ the seed if possible :) The smoke is really good.


Active Member
never hurts to try!!!!!
Right you are sir!. I just got that oz today, so I dumped it all out on a tray and after carefully going thru it I found one more seed. both are now in a dixie cup of room temp water and i'll plant them if they sink ;)

time for another journal maybe. lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i would still give it a try , but DO NOT let it sit in water for a few hours like u would with a regular seed because it doesnt have to soak thru , just put it straight into moist towels.. i had a seed that didnt germ after 14 days so i picked apart the shell with my fingers and wollay ! its growing now , its was just to weak to push thru the shell


Active Member
I am pleased to say that this morning I have a seedling above the soil from the damaged seed :) Looks good!