Damit another ticket


Well-Known Member
I hate when the pO-lice pull you over( expecially when they bring their freinds) and search you for shit an can't find anything, and write you a ticket anyways. Speaking of which this just happen to me down the road a couple of blocks form where I live. Like 15 mins ago....bas-Turds.:evil::spew:Police:hump: Then they act like there your freind and their doing you a favor.


Well-Known Member
Hell no, I didn't let them search me...He said he had probable cause cuz he smelled weed in the car...I didn't smell it. So he brought the dog out to sniff, and the dog scratched so him and his budies searched the vehicle did find anything. So since he couldn't get me for pos. he wrote me a ticket for no turn signals, but Im pretty sure I used them.


Well-Known Member
whoa, i didn't know that. how'd you prove it?
We went to a baseball game , On the way in they had dogs sniffing cars .. because we were all a little loud and 1/2 drunk(not the driver) the cops started messing with us and claimed that the "dog gave a signal " and they searched us and the car and found some weed and a little coke in the car, I had nothing but was charged cause no one owned up to it .. .. But after my lawyer got hold of the survalace tapes the dogs were giving hits to almost every car ,, the judge dismissed the charges ....so the cops use that "fault" and it sometimes holds up.. Its called a false positive hit....