damn cops have nothing better to do


Well-Known Member
nah... don't go blowing shit up man. It makes the entire Cannabis Culture look bad... including the "sane" people that are part of it.

best thing to do.. is just let it be.

You kinda have to remember man.. cannabis might be legal at the state level, but its still illegal on the Federal level. All Federal agents.. well (90%) of them are assholes. ;)

But yeah, nothing you can do really man. I know it sucks.. not being able to do anything about it. Look at it this way, even if they do shut that guy down.. while they're shutting him down.. there's 2 or 3 new cannabis shops being opened. ;)

They'll eventually understand that.. the pro's of legalizing cannabis for those people over the age of 18+, FAR outweigh the cons.

anyhow, wish the best for the guy!



Well-Known Member
from what that article says, it's probably in your best interest not to be around that stuff anyways. it kinda made dude go crazy. now he's out stealing cars.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Even an employee said the owner had become all fucked up...he looks fully meth'd out. Vomiting and ambulances from fake pot...im cool off that.


Well-Known Member
i wasnt being literal about blowing shit up...im just REAL sick of "the man" in my town. first they raid our dispensaries that are just trying to help, then they go after the guy that doesnt even sell weed!! when most of the fuckers in LVMPD and in city council pop pills like candy..its fucked up...LET THE PEOPLE GET HIGH!

i will have to admit...steve is a character..ive met him a couple times, and i was always like "i want what that guy is smoking!"..but he does other shit too, obviously!

That place was cool tho...you went in, got your king krypto or whatever..they would offer you a bong rip, get you fucked up, then send you on your way...

one incident with an ambulance!? big fuckin deal! you know how many people get G'd out at drais or too fucked up on "E" at other clubs every weekend and get taken in ambulances!? a whole shit ton!!

its not his fault some people are weak...now i just gotta get the shit online..