damn gnats!


Well-Known Member
Hey! Maybe do an experiment. The person that mentioned leaving coffee in the tent reminded me of something...
I have built flea traps to kill fleas when my dog brought them in the house. All you do is put some dish soap in a bowl with water. When the fleas go for the water they get stuck and drown..


Active Member
neem & karnaja meal in the soil mixed with mosquito dunks kills them for me..if u dont want to go the route i use then use these SF Nematodes and it will eat ever bad larve that even thinks about laying a egg in the soil..the adults are nothing more then a annoyance but the larvae will kill young plants..i have had them ever year on my guerilla grows and they would kill 2 or 3 plants bc i didnt know what pest i was dealing with..they would tunnel into the bottom of the stalk and turn it into mush,but once i figured out what pest it was i used neem&karnaja meal and would do a few soil drenches with neem and never had a fungas gant larave since..the SF nematodes will also reproduce in the soil so they its a longer lasting control issue..the larave eat the root hairs of our plants and it will kill the plant if its in its younger part of life..if it dont kill the plant it will make it weak and then open the plant up to all sorts of disease,stunt the plant and reduce yeild,but in my experience it killed 2-3 my guerilla plants ever year..some think they are harmless but dont be fooled they will fkk your plants up bad
Beneficial Nematodes - Sf,Steinernema feltiae
So this SF stuff, it's like little worn or something? Or a liquid?


Well-Known Member

trust me dude dont fkk with all that coffee and bullshit..u get these and i guranttee u that u will never see another fungas gant or anything else that dwells in the soil that is soft bodied..do some research on it as well to get a better understanding of them..they are microscopic and u just water then in the soil and they will fkk fungas gnat larvae up and any larave for that matter..they will kill over 250 pest larve..just google it and u can read all about it..i like fighting moter nature pests with mother nature..
Steinernema feltiae nematodes are effective against pests like fungus gnats, ticks, thrips, leafminers and more, especially in clay to silty loam, disturbed soils, cultivated soils. Apply nematodes when night-time temperatures are no lower than 42° F, and the soil temperature is between 42° F and no higher than 90° F. Before applying, make sure the soil is moist. Then mix nematodes with water and apply using a watering can, hose end sprayer, backpack or pump sprayer or through irrigation or misting systems. Lightly water again after application.
Target pests include:
Fungus Gnat, Mushroom Flies, Fruit Flies, Flea Beetles, Saw Flies, Tachina Flies, Crane Flies, Shore Flies and fruit flies.

They are effective against some plant parasitic nematodes, particularly root-knot nematodes.

Nematode Application: For 50 Mil. and larger quantity. Nematodes packaged in an inert powder carrying material that dissolves in water. Applied one teaspoon of the beneficial nematodes per gallon of water. Application in using a watering can, backpack sprayers, pump sprayers, irrigation systems, hose-end sprayer, or motorized sprayer. After mixing the nematodes with water, use the spray solution immediately. Evenly spray the solution over the ground areas to be treated. Continuous mixing should take place in order to prevent the nematodes from sinking to the bottom of the container. Keep the soil slightly moist during the first 7 days after application to help establish the nematodes in the soil. Sprinkle the turf or soil again with water after the application of the nematodes. Apply nematodes as soon as possible for best product performance. You may keep the package of nematodes in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks upon receiving the product.
Beneficial Nematodes
In a moist dark environment predatory nematodes kill almost all pest insects. Therefore, these microscopic, worm-like organisms are ideally suited to combat pests that attack plants in areas such as root zones, tree galleries, thatch of lawns, bark cracks, crown of plants and corn tassels. They will also work on insects that bore into wood, trees, and shrubs.

When applied in the vicinity of a susceptible insect, this biological insecticide hunts, penetrates, and kills them. Larvae, caterpillars, lawn grubs, and maggots, are most susceptible, but some adults may also be killed. University research shows the effectiveness of these organisms controlling a wide range of insect pests. Scientific evidence indicates that they are safe to people, pets, earthworms, plants and the environment; they are exempt from EPA registration as pesticides.

Commercial biological controls have been developed by producing these organisms in living hosts and selecting for the final product only highly active nematodes. In most cases, they are mobile, and if applied in adequate numbers in proximity of many pests, they reach and kill them (see Using Nematodes to Control Insects). More than 230 insect pests are susceptible, including; black vine weevils, cabbage root maggots, codling moth larvae, corn earworm, cucumber beetles, cutworms, flea beetles, flea larvae, fungus gnat larvae, Japanese beetle larvae, root maggots, sod webworms and wireworms.

Note: Some parasitic nematodes, called cruisers, are very active in the soil and search a relatively large area for a host, whereas others, called ambushers, are relatively sedentary and tend to sit and wait for a host to pass by in close proximity.

Beneficial nematodes are easily applied using no specialized equipment. Simply scatter over the infested area, then water. To control boring insects, prepare a water suspension, then inject or spray the solution into the burrows. Killing action begins 24 hours after application. The relative humidity in the habitat where the nematodes are applied should be high and this can be achieved by judicious use of irrigation. Optimally, nematodes should be applied at sunset to protect them against sunlight. Given adequate conditions of high relative humidity and protection from sunlight, beneficial nematodes persist in soil and concealed habitats for extended periods of time (approximately 18 months).

Choose from a large selection of organic gardening supplies, as well asbeneficial nematodes, at Planet Natural. Shipping is FREE and they guarantee live, timely delivery.

Scanmask®, a product based on a selected strain of Steinernema feltiae will provide insect control in an area from 200 to 400 square feet. This refers to the area actually at risk or already infested by insects. Since infestations are rarely uniform, nematodes should be used as a “directed control measure” on areas already or at risk of being infested; a package of 7 million nematodes will be enough to control insects in total cultivated areas larger than 400 square feet.
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