Damn h2o


Active Member
ok I overwatered the holy hell out of my girls and when I came back the next day they were droopy leaved. Shit, and the grow has been going amazing so far and just one little slip up. Will they rejuvenate and come back to proper form if I leave them alone or am I completely screwed


Well-Known Member
You should be fine, just don't water them again until the pots feel light.

What size pots are you using ? What kind of lights, etc. :weed:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i let my soil plants talk to me
this take time to learn - i let the soil completely dry untell the plant shows that it is thursty then i can drinch it i also feed every other watering if that

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I vote no big deal too. At least you know what you did. It can be easy to do when they are young or your soil is not airy enough.
yeah weve all been there also be carefull when you start giving ferts like i sad before every other watering should do
overwatering and nute burn (overnuteing) are the 2 most common causes of death for any skill level grower
make sure you have dranage holes in the bottom of the pot
and keep the lights as close a the can be