damn, just damn..


bud bootlegger
Are you afraid of bikers?
I mean really these guys aren't even the stereotypical biker. ;)
lol, right?? it seemed like a lot of them in the beginning where on dirt bikes ffs.. the rest where on what looked to be street bikes, so yeah, definitely not your typical biker biker imo..


Well-Known Member
i'm surprised i wasn't killed by a similarly endless procession of wannabe badasses one time outside of el paso when i wanted to pass a truck but a neverending line of idiot bikers thought that they owned the road.

i taught them the "california" meaning of a blinker, which is not the same as what it means elsewhere in the states. in california, a blinker means "get out of my way, i'm moving over now".

a couple of poor idiots about halfway back in the pack got to learn that the scary way when i almost put them off the road.

packs of bikers like in the video who show no regard for others on the road really piss me off.


Well-Known Member
lol, right?? it seemed like a lot of them in the beginning where on dirt bikes ffs.. the rest where on what looked to be street bikes, so yeah, definitely not your typical biker biker imo..
The typical biker has changed alot in the last 20 years. Rough Ryder's is a good example. That's just some stupid shit too. Go to any tuner/low rider show and see groups of 100's of these inner city biker gangs. Te 4 wheelers with 20's. the street legal dirt bikes. It's all a bad 80's movie being brought to life.


Well-Known Member
Sure they did. But why? All im saying is that my best guess is that 100 guys didnt pick some random car to fuck with.
I completely agree with this. But you and I both know that bikers generally don't call the cops, maybe they should have in this instance if the guys' actions were that threatening. Seems like that would have avoided the whole situation.


Well-Known Member
Are you afraid of bikers?
I mean really these guys aren't even the stereotypical biker. ;)
more like annoyed, same as i would be annoyed if a guy in a moving truck hogged the left lane and refused to move over.

and the little pricks in the video weren't *the stereotypical biker pack. bunch of dirtbikes and rice rockets in there from what i saw.


Well-Known Member
i'm surprised i wasn't killed by a similarly endless procession of wannabe badasses one time outside of el paso when i wanted to pass a truck but a neverending line of idiot bikers thought that they owned the road.

i taught them the "california" meaning of a blinker, which is not the same as what it means elsewhere in the states. in california, a blinker means "get out of my way, i'm moving over now".

a couple of poor idiots about halfway back in the pack got to learn that the scary way when i almost put them off the road.

packs of bikers like in the video who show no regard for others on the road really piss me off.

more like annoyed, same as i would be annoyed if a guy in a moving truck hogged the left lane and refused to move over.

and the little pricks in the video weren't *the stereotypical biker pack. bunch of dirtbikes and rice rockets in there from what i saw.
Ahhh I get it, you think you own the road and can force people off of it if you please.
Like I said, those guys are not the stereotypical bikers, far more harmless than those who
would have you shitting your pants.... Not to say these guys in particular should be underestimated
either, hold that smoke tight and wait your turn or you could meet a few guys that are allot meaner
than you think.

I ride, and its people like you who are the dangerous ones.

Don't be scared, most guys just want to ride and not screw with anyone until their lives
are put in danger by someone elses ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Motorcycle riders have chosen to take a bike to a car fight, ever time they pull out onto a road. Cars will win every time. They should make all motorcycle riders, automatic organ donors.........

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
It didn't appear that the bikers were "showing respect" at the beginning of the vid - but we don't really know what transpired before that.
As far as honor, in this country at least your typical 1%'er patched Hells angel, Vagos, Bandito, Sons of silence, . . . (the list goes on and on) are simply organized crime on two wheels.

Like I said, we still don't know what precipitated the bikers taunting the rover, and indeed he may have been in fear for his life being stopped by a gang of angry men.

I'd wait for the full story to roll out before I decide what I'd have done.
Of frigging course THEY didn't show respect. Organized crime huh.. The kind of people that invent an honour code and stick to it? Bro, like I said, certain cats you just show respect and get the fuck out of their way. In the USA you guys are big on freedom. In South Africa, we are big on SURVIVAL. You learn early on that there are people you simply avoid and if you can't do that, you show them respect. Unless you don't mind having your head ir other essential bits removed. Violent cats, or even potentially violent with a reputation for it, fall right into aforementioned category.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh I get it, you think you own the road and can force people off of it if you please.
no, you're quite mistaken. i believe in sharing the road.

but when a neverending procession of bikes keep speeding up to cut me off when i want to make a simple lane change and pass a slow moving truck, then my patience gets depleted rather rapidly.

Like I said, those guys are not the stereotypical bikers, far more harmless than those who
would*have you shitting your pants.... Not to say these guys in particular*should be underestimated*
either,*hold that smoke tight*and*wait your turn*or you could*meet a few guys that are allot meaner*
than you think.

I ride, and its people like you who are the dangerous ones.

Don't be scared, most guys just want to ride and not screw with anyone until their lives
are put in danger by someone elses ignorance.
ooooh, veiled threats on the internet.

just for that, i am going to light up TWO cigarettes next time i encounter a ruder than fuck doucheknuckle on a bike who believes he deserves special treatment on the road for his own unwise choice in transportation.

i can only imagine the look on his face now: "what did i do?" :shock:



Well-Known Member
I guess the video came from one of the bikers...I would like to know if it was posted on line by the bikers or if
the cops somehow got hold of it anyway it has been reported that there was some sort of rally where thousands of
Bikers have used their numbers to stop traffic on major highways during this rally before I was a bike rider for a
long while granted I never rode with more than 5 or 6 at any given time it looks to me that the bikers felt they
Owned the rode and it was here we come get the fuck outta our way I kind of thought they were riding with a mob
mentality. I will not say they got what they deserved and the rage rover was not some way responsible for the
Ass kicking that ensued all I can say I hope someone called this lawyer I've been hearing about recently he must be very good
he has a catchy slogan... Better call Saul!


Well-Known Member
no, you're quite mistaken. i believe in sharing the road.

but when a neverending procession of bikes keep speeding up to cut me off when i want to make a simple lane change and pass a slow moving truck, then my patience gets depleted rather rapidly.

ooooh, veiled threats on the internet.

just for that, i am going to light up TWO cigarettes next time i encounter a ruder than fuck doucheknuckle on a bike who believes he deserves special treatment on the road for his own unwise choice in transportation.

i can only imagine the look on his face now: "what did i do?" :shock:

Im not threatening you, I gave you friendly advice. :)
Oh Im sorry, I don't know where you learned to drive, perhaps where you are there is no such thing called
right of way, in which you do not have if you are trying to change lanes into traffic.

What you are admitting to doing is called wreckless endangerment and potentially vehicular manslaughter or worse.

Dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
I can agree that the biker who brake checked in front of the rover was a complete fucking idiot and the same with the asshats who where boxing him, in they should have let the RR pass ,it was inconsiderate on their part,,no doubt the driver of the RR started the snow balling of this mess when he slammed through all of those poeple,the driver of the rover still shouldnt not have responded by running through the group of riders as he did.
the driver of the land rover should have just pulled over when there is a pack of bikers like that they are in that pack for a reason show some respect your in a rush who gives a fuck theirs at least 50 dudes riding let them ride you now dude in the RR was in a hurry for what dude ended up in the hospital any damn way at least if RR dude had showed them boys some respect and let them pass everyone would have made it home in one piece.


Well-Known Member
just for that, i am going to light up TWO cigarettes next time i encounter a ruder than fuck doucheknuckle on a bike who believes he deserves special treatment on the road for his own unwise choice in transportation.

i can only imagine the look on his face now: "what did i do?" :shock:

what is so unwise about a motor cycle? about the best fuel efficient vehicle I've ever road. and its just more fun then a pussy ass car you can ride so fast so quick you can out run the popo like they was driven a hooptey.


bud bootlegger
what is so unwise about a motor cycle? about the best fuel efficient vehicle I've ever road. and its just more fun then a pussy ass car you can ride so fast so quick you can out run the popo like they was driven a hooptey.
imo, that's exactly why bikes aren't wise, the last part.. being so fast, i'm sure i'd be dead in under an hour if i owned one..

i love to go fast, and man o'man, bikes can surly go fast.. i'd love to have one, but as i enjoy living, i simply opt to not get one..


Well-Known Member
Im not threatening you, I gave you friendly advice. :)
Oh Im sorry, I don't know where you learned to drive, perhaps where you are there is no such thing called
right of way, in which you do not have if you are trying to change lanes into traffic.

What you are admitting to doing is called wreckless endangerment and potentially vehicular manslaughter or worse.

Dumb ass.
Can you explain what is happening from 0:20-0:30 of the video?? Because I think we must be seeing 2 different videos. I'm seeing a RR driver that got stuck in a pack of bikers, was break checked, and then forced to stop in the middle of the road while they trapped him in and fucked his car up. I would not call that "right of way"...