damn my piece is missing


Active Member
and i got some bud and i need a piece to smoke it but i think my dad took it or something so my question is does anybody know how to make a piece a quick and easy one or is my best bet just rolling one up?


Well-Known Member
cover over the top of a bottle, put a few holes in it with a pin.

Burn a rush hole and another hole on the other side of the bottle, insert tube..

Put weed in top, light and pull the smoke through with the tube.

Old school street method ;)


Active Member
Make a bong with a bottle drill a hole use pens and foil or anything you can think of, heh thats how I made my bong when I couldn't roll. If you just want to get to smoking it fast then you should probably just roll one up


Well-Known Member
Just make a bowl on the cap with tin foil poke a single hole in the bottom of the bottle fill the bottle with water while covering the hole with your finger screw the bowl back on light it up and remove your finger (make sure the water has somewhere to drain) that is the quickest and easiest bong to make....plus its cool to watch its called a waterfall bong.


Active Member
hah i would but i cant find him hah and all those ideas are good and i thought of one to i had an old stem less bowl from a broken bong burned a hole in a plastic snapple bottle for the bowl and then burned another hole for a carb/rush hole and it hits nice and i am faded hah


Well-Known Member
Why the hell does your dad have your piece? i've never heard of such madness. My mom took my piece and was about to use it the next day and I got it back from her and she tried to get it back from me, and I locked my door. lol I gotta leave that house and live with boyfriend. But really get your shit back.


apple pipes!!!

best things ever

then you eat them, good for munchies and cottonmouth!!!

i think theres a faq on how to make them in the growfaq...


Well-Known Member
roll a pencil with tin foil. slide the pencil out. gently bend one end up for a bowl. load and smoke.

caution: tin foil is bad!!!


Well-Known Member
Tin foil is pretty shitty for your health. Tin foil inhalation is a cause of Alzheimer's, and no one wants that.

Here is what I would suggest:

1. Find a socket wrench.
2. Take out a small socket.
3. Go to your bathroom, and take a filter off of your sink faucet (its on the bottom, you unscrew the small cap on the tip and take off the filter, remember to screw the cap back on!).
4. Place the filter into the socket.
Now you have a bowl!

Make the same pipe the other guys were telling you about:

1. Take a coca-cola bottle, and cut a thumb-sized hole 3/4 of the way to the top. This is your carb. (When I say thumb-sized, i mean the pad of your) thumb, the part that you would use to press a button or give a finger print. You can skip this step if you don't want a carb.
2. Cut a second hole close to the bottom. Make it the size that you feel comfortable taking a hit from. Thumb sized works nicely.
3. Put the bowl on top.
4. Pack your weed into the bowl

TADA! Now you have a brand new pipe (with a carb!) in eight steps!


Well-Known Member
The apple pipes are the best solution. No suspicious looking trash left over afterwards. Just grab an apple, carve a bowl into one side towards the top where the stem is. Then take a skewer and stab it through the stem, all the way through to the base. You can use the hole on top as a carb. Dont forget to poke a hole through the bowl part you cut out down to the carb hole you made. Crappy explaination I know, but its easy if you just think about it. Tastes great afterwards too!


Active Member
i made my own yestarday when i needed one hah it works good so far only needs a bigger rush hole and its good



Active Member
i made one yestarday when i needed badly so far it works good just needs a bigger rush hole and its good

click on picture for bigger picture

case included yeahh hah


Active Member
I've got a great idea for piece if you don't have one and it costs about 89 cents. All you need is a knife and an apple. Cut the core out through the top of the apple and you'll have a nice little bowl, then on the side of the apple cut another hole that intersects with the center and thats obviously where you're going to inhale. It isn't the highest class way to smoke but it gets the job done. It might take you a little while to get the hang of it, for instance how big you want the bowl to be or if you want to add a carb or not. Its safer than tin foil and you can walk around with it in your hand with out looking suspicious.


Active Member
The apple pipes are the best solution. No suspicious looking trash left over afterwards. Just grab an apple, carve a bowl into one side towards the top where the stem is. Then take a skewer and stab it through the stem, all the way through to the base. You can use the hole on top as a carb. Dont forget to poke a hole through the bowl part you cut out down to the carb hole you made. Crappy explaination I know, but its easy if you just think about it. Tastes great afterwards too!
Sorry Drizzle, I missed your post and pretty much said what you did exactly. What can I say :joint: ;-)